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Registered: June 3, 2021
Last post: February 15, 2025 at 6:12 AM
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They released the total prize pool including skin sales/battlepass sales.
The year spirit won, the total prizepool was 40mil.

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 1 month ago

His narrative for being a baiter came from his numerous 1vX situations.
As a duelist he was the last alive on his team as a crazy high rate compared to his counterpart on other teams.

He also slowed down on hard entrying on Lev, compared to what he used to do on Loud.

Bro isn't even a baiter though. his playstyle just isn't the hard entry anymore. he's not like miniboo who'd run it down to make space, or like Texture who'd just sprint it down as Jett and somehow make it work. Aspas has always been a balanced duelist. He could go aggressive at times, but would also play a bit passive. People just overreacted to him, despite him being the main reasons Lev achieved anything last year.

posted 1 month ago

He didn't get to fame in valorant only because of his brother though.
He came to valorant with fame already behind him, and a name already behind him. Sure being forsakens brother helped bring attention to him when he swapped.

Also he wasn't overhyped because of his CS mechanics. he was overhyped because he was the most successful Susanto brother out of them. He had the most reputation and prestige behind his career than forsaken. that's what overhyped him when he swapped. Nobody overhyped him because of his cs skills, because the past 2 years in cs for him looked awful.
It's why most people who knew him from cs, knew he wouldn't be some godsend player. He was going to be average and slightly above average than most people. Never a top5 player.

Plus his team with t1 was disfunctional af. Going from being a main awper in CS, to being a flex who rifles, while having saya on main op. It didn't make any sense.
Also he was the most consistent player on his t1 behind rossy until they relegated him to rifling on smokers only.

tldr; His brother isn't the reason he's known. His career is why he's known. Forsaken brought new gens to overhype him, because of the status be brought with him from cs.

posted 1 month ago

He got fame because he's one of the most decorated and successful CS asian players in the history of the game, wym.

He had hype moving over because there were only a handful of asian players in CS who were regarded better mechanically than him.
Him being forsakens brother was only attributed by new gens who know nothing about his time in CS

posted 1 month ago

wym going +18 across 4 maps is goat level performance. Bro is up there with Aspas and Leo.

posted 2 months ago

She was never in the dumpster when it came to professional play though.
She had her place, i.e. fracture and pearl which were by far her best maps, and she ended up becoming meta on them during 2023.
the removal of those two maps from the map pool, is what dumpstered her. That as she wasn't more useful to the game than a Jett, or pre nerf raze.
Now after her buff, you see her on everymap but split, bind, and abyss. Two of those maps being the only maps being Raze meta maps. The last being a Jett map.

Look at it this way Pearl and Fracture were a perfect example in 2023 on how Neon was a good agent
Instead of making her slide making haven a pretty much perma pick for her, given the astuns clearing pretty much all of garage, and the slides clearing any side tight corners with full accuracy.
Pearl she was always a secondary duelist pick, given she worked well in cohesion with an oping Jett.
Sunset the fast rotates, sharp corners into sites, and narrow corridors makes her stuns, sprint and slide all too oppressive.

posted 3 months ago

Never thought I'd see a day where Ethan was a downgrade to Boostio.
Unlucky that demon1 got all the blame from the team underperforming, instead of the system NRG made where no there was no real igl.

posted 4 months ago

So you're saying, by them fixing their role issues, utalising the current meta. EDG overall, improved as a team in performances?

posted 4 months ago

Friends saying it to friends is a different story.
Saying it in general, is pretty much frowned upon in most countries.

posted 4 months ago

tf you mean lol

You say that around any black guy and you'd get your shit rocked.

Only people who say it are either edgy, or trying to be part of black culture where they clearly dont belong.

posted 4 months ago

idek why people hyped zeek up so much.

He was insanely hyped up when he left noplenki to join g2, then g2 just fumbled game after game. His only good showcase was his champs 21 run, which he returned to being another average pro player again.
People just treated him as a superstar player because he was insane on noplenki, playing against the likes of Wave, Forze, BIG. His performances he ever had against tier1 EU at the time, was always inconsistent.

posted 5 months ago

Kuronami and champs 21 below cryo and magepunk is a crazy take.

posted 5 months ago

I mean, it's probably just agree to disagree, but attending all lans is a better achievement than missing one. It shows one team is consistent, and the other just has highs and lows. Plus out of 3 lans they made finals twice, only underperforming once. Sen attended 2/3, and performed well in the two.

Also you say 0 issues getting out of pacific, but neglect to remember that prx was 9-1 in pacific, and Geng went into playoffs being 4th in the league. PRX were ass at internationals, but regionals they were the best team in pacific, and only lost to drx and geng in playoffs.

Making 2 back to back finals, winning one. I'd say trumps making one podium and missing an event. Sen are just too inconsistent to be a better team imo. This is overall, not just Sen vs Geng. in matchups its a cointoss. Overall this year, GenG has been a better team.

posted 6 months ago

isn't even that win. Bro had one good event after being mediocre on g2, then being meh on acend until 2021champs, then returned to being mediocre after that.

posted 6 months ago

GenG were by far the better team overall in the VCT circuit.

Less losses, attended every Lan, with only one lan being an underperformance.

Sen attended all but one lan, and coming 6th in champs.

Even with geng being grouped, their consistency across the year was far superior to Sen.
Hell, without Lev beating Kru, Sen wouldn't be at champs. They were close to losing the spot.

It's a close comparison as both had similar peaks, but geng going back to back finals, consistent across regional. I'd say their year was better.

posted 6 months ago

Tips to remove fat.

Stop eating awful food.

Losing fat is mainly done in the kitchen. Exercising helps utilise the nutrients you consume. However if you eat like shit, and workout. You'll still look like shit. you'll just be stronger, or have better cardio than you do now.

Just find a decent diet, or just cut out overly processed foods. If you want to utilise the diet even more, go to a gym or workout at home. Calisthenics can be done literally everywhere.

posted 6 months ago

it's 5'9
If you're using a converter from cm to ft, then it's saying it's 5.7ft which isn't 5'7"
It's 5'9"

To get the height, convert 175cm to inches, which is roughly 69.
Then see how many ft go into 69inches. 1ft is 12inches, so 12 goes into 69 5 times, with 9 being the remainder.

so 5ft 9"

posted 6 months ago

Not really. Every roster Tenz has been on post c9, has had at least one star player.

Going by year, 21,22,23,etc
first sen team - Sick, Dapr - dapr is a bit iffy out of the two, but bro would hold it down on in 2021

second roster - Zellsis at this time was the star player of v1, and was on a heater. He just fell off hard compared to what he was in 2022.

third roster - Zekken, Sacy, Pancada This roster was great on paper, but just ended up being so ass.

The past 3 years, he's had at least one player other than himself, that had that factor about him

when we go by each year of rosters with Leo, Sayf is the only constant star player he had until Trexx. Yacine was a demon in 2021, but pro fell off harder than anyone i've seen. Dude went one week from dropping insane numbers, to being the worst player I've seen entry on Raze.

posted 6 months ago

I mean, if you include old guild, then nah. The last roster, sure they had Trexx. that's where Leo started to shine as a star player.
Sayf and Trexx were the only player who could shoot on that team after yacines drop in performance.
However if you go back and rewatch their games, yacine would play worse than ange1, and ange1 was a walking ult orb for a solid few months.
Like bro would entry, get 0 entries and then Leo would have to entry after him because sayf was a chamber merchant.

Shao atleast had a consistent duelist who'd perform well. He had a awful smoker/igl who'd die in the first 30seconds. However atleast the other 3 would all play well, and support pushes.

posted 6 months ago

Leo didn't have Suygetsu, or peak Ardis to support him either.
Bro had Bonkar and yacine.

posted 6 months ago

bro started hitting his stride in 2016, then around 2018 he was just different.

but yeah, him starting to be in form right at the start of the astralis era was unfortunate.

posted 6 months ago

I'm pretty sure s1mple was the start of it, as he was the best rated player in hltv for years before getting his first major. Well, top3 player for years before getting it.

posted 6 months ago

It's the lack of close series. Only 9 out of 28 matches have gone to third map. the most intersting and proabbly only intersting matches to watch, were the underdogs, as group stages they were insane.

This champs is both the most intersting, and least at the same time. Most of the matches have been 2-0 with one team looking ass, the other looking good. Only a few have had both teams looked good, and having a close game.
However, any of the teams in top6 could win. there's no clear favourite, which I find intersting and good as a spectator. This event has been good, just everything from timezone, to seeing for playoffs being dog.
Plus the groups stage for me was better than playoffs. the upsets, teams being grouped when they looked so good at regionals. By far the best groupstage I've seen across all 4 events.

Like when you look at previous years champs, the main point of the events felt like this.

2021 - first champs, Cypher cam drama, cNed being an unstoppable force, Sentinels losing to KRU after zombs saying Br as a region is shit. top contender teams and top of their region teams being grouped, etc.

2022 - Rise of BR after being dog the previous year in every event. Loud being an insane team stomping everyone around. Yey being probably the best hardcarry player in the world, and arguable the best player. DRX nearly reverse sweeping Optic in lower finals.

2023 - pretty much the eg storyline. Without the Eg storyline and redemption of the roster + potter. I think this event would be similar to this one.

posted 6 months ago

jinggg fans wernt the reason monyet was dropped from prx. Jinggg is the poster child of the team. Ofc if he doesn't go millitary, he's going to rejoin.
Just the hate monyet got made the whole situation ironic, because how people reacted to his poor performances and underwhelming results. Jinggg has continued that.

Just an overall shit situation.

I do see the comparisons with yay, as a player who's ws pretty much crippled by a couple nerfs and never hit his strider again. Jinggg wont hit the levels of current yay, given jinggg can actually rifle and and started delving into other agents that aren't raze.

posted 6 months ago

What I noticed with him getting all his hate, isn't due to personality, or him not being the best.

I see it as the whole mess of him leaving and rejoining. The hate moneyet had after shanghai, and the jing rejoining and not performing that much better than moneyet, despite being far more inflexible in agent pool.

Just seems a lot of people blame jinggg for prx's performance.

posted 6 months ago

So you're telling me they both won 1 masters, and lost every other event they attended?

posted 7 months ago

Bro, when moneyet was on prx, there were daily hate threads because he replaced Jinggg.

We just dont see them recently because jinggg fans and prx fans have no reason to hate on him anymore.

Also most people on this site glazed jingg for the past 3 years. They're only realising that he's a destiment to prx at this point, given his inflexibility to play agents. It's only very recently I've seen hate go on jinggg, after 3 years of positive posts.

posted 7 months ago

I never understood the hate for Southgate. He's the only Manager England have had in decades to get them to a final, and even look like a contender in the top4. He's done what the golden generation could never do.

The only critique I have for him the past few matches, is leaving Watkins on the bench for so long. It was pretty obvious the past few matches, that kane struggles heavily as he's heavily marked, and bro barely moves. He struggles to facilitate and play off Foden and Saka at times.

Kane is a great striker, but against that spain, he ain't the pick.

Plus midfield let through so many spanish players. Southgate runs 3 defenders, and the amount of times they got overran in their half before Midfields marking was slopping.

posted 7 months ago

If fnatic lose chronicle, they wouldn't be as successful as they are. He's the best fill player in the world, by far. He's the reason everyone else on fnatic plays their comfort picks on their comfort maps.

Sen need Tenz because they have sacy and zellsis who are so inconsistent in their play,. that they need some form of consistency, and only Zekken and johnqt aren't enough.

I'd argue chronicle is the best overall player on the team behind Alfa.
Leo can only play initiator, and at that he's world class on two of them (sova fade), and top10 for the rest (gekko, breach) He also doesn't play kayo or skye, leaving chronicle to play them
Derke who has awful lows, but strong highs. Bro has had rough consistency issues the past year.
Alfa is the only player I'd 100% rate above chronicle. Flexes roles, and has great mechanical skill.

posted 7 months ago

TenZ was the best player in the world during two events in 2021.After that bro had dogshit consistency issues for two years, until the most recent iteration of Sentinels.

Chron was just regarded and still is as the best flex in the world, since his days on Gambit. But you know, the two events where TenZ did good trumps 3 full years of consistency by chronicle.

posted 7 months ago

They also had 3 players, a coach, an assistant coach, two analysts and still decided to not pick up a real igl until they failed to qual

posted 8 months ago


s0m on omen maps, and raze on others. demon1 has experience as astra, and brim. Just train him on a cypher or literally any initiator and they're good on maps where vic played sentinel instead of raze (Sunset)

Demon1 was by far not the reason nrg didn't succeed this past split. Having no real dedicated igl with experience was the issue.

I respect Ethan trying to igl, but taking Ethan as igl instead of a dedicated primary igl with experience, and expecting good results after only 9 official matches. Just kinda dumb imo.

posted 9 months ago

Fns only played breach because marved was their brim main.

Skye he played 4 times.

I'm saying you can't compare distinct roles from eachother. Igls can't be compared with non igls because of the nature of the role. Igls focus on 4 people's gameplay, where any other role focuses on their own. Initiators maybe focus on two.

Just like initiators can't be compared with duelists. They're playing two different games.

I'm not even saying c0m is to blame. The team lacks cohesion and is fully reliant on aspas hard carrying to insane levels. The team overall isn't great. Aspas is honestly the only world class player out of the 5. The others have their games, but lack the consistency.
I will say c0m has probably the best sova ults in the game. It just sucks that he's probably the worst mechanical initiator in NA T1. He's unreliable in his 1s, and I think that's the main issue, much like other players on other teams.

Right now he is a liability to their team just on his mechanical performances. Going double negative consistently is not great, and detrimental. Especially when your duelist is dropping insane k/d every series just to scrape by on wins.

I don't think c0m is the only reason they're losing games. There's fundamental issues on the team. It's just right now c0m is the easiest thing to change to get impact.

It sucks the guy is in a slump, and it's sad to see his consistency being like this.
Hopefully he picks it up in the coming games for Lev. Guys until is fantastic on sova, just wish his 1s were better.

posted 9 months ago

It is about roles. You can't compare igls with stats against non igls.

It's like comparing c0m to aspas. Theyre both playing two different games.

Fns can't be compared to aspas, or c0m. They both have two different focuses on their playstyle, and game.

You insult me but don't realise that roles have the largest impact on their game. Boaster and fns wernt ever expected to drop insane numbers. C0m can't even go positive as an initiator.

His counterparts in his role all put up better until, all while being far more reliable in holding their own in gunfights. That's what I'm trying to say.

Also fns was a sentinel and viper main through his whole optic time, and envy time. He may have played init during yr1, but his whole successful year, he was kj/viper.

posted 9 months ago

Like I feel bad for the hate he's getting, but he's honestly the most inconsistent vct winner in his role, in the last two years.

The only worse vct winners in his role I can think of is starxo.

Like c0m just looks like he's in a shit slump.
His sova ults seem to be the only thing that makes him stand out compared to other initiators mains

posted 9 months ago

You mentioned two igls when comparing to an initiator

Why not compare him with other initiators who aren't igls? How did shao win an event?
How did chronicle win an event with gambit?
How did Leo win an event, how did crashies win an event.
At least compare his role with others.

The hate against c0m is weird, but trying to talk down a out redgar and boaster whore on two different roles than him, is just weird.

posted 9 months ago

I think being aware of what you're doing, but then it's being aware of if it's the right thing that you're doing. Is the angle you're taking good, is your read on the other team on point, etc.

With aiming, it's literally just practice. It's primarily hand to eye co-ordination, so doing activities outside of gaming that train it, would help a lot. aim training would help with mouse control, but for that I'd honestly just say go in a workshop map on CS over aimlabs.

With tilting, you need to learn to not care about winning or losing in ranked. Just focus on your own individual performances, and honestly I'd suggest trying to find some team around your elo, and do scrims. The difference between scrims and ranked is night and day.
Before VCT was announced, I played scrims, in a few tiny tournaments like epiclan, etc. Was small events, but the difference in game environment was astronomical.
Plus wanting to go pro at any point and just spamming ranked. Unless you're a prodigy, just go through he gauntlet of t3/4 events.

also if you're not sure why you're whiffing, are you panicking in situations? to fix small movements or aim, you'll have an awful time. On siege, or early on in val to fix my bad habits, I just had the worst time in my life. To fix my pre-aiming, I just palyed unrated with a guardian only. Just play with guns that punish you if you make a mistake. You'll ease out your habits that was.
Spamming guardian is how I stopped crouching aswell, as it just feels ass with it.

posted 9 months ago

When you play val, do you play to just have fun and autopilot, or do you play while being hyper aware of your own gameplay.

Few years back I was a t3 siege player, and knew quite a lot of people in t1/2. the main difference between us from their perspective, is they'd spam tf out of the game, but they'd be hyper aware of what they're doing, why they're doing that, and what the risks were.
I'd just play the game to play the game and have fun, and try to improve by playing.
They're also vod review their own gameplay, and when they make a mistake, they analyse it, when it happens.

Work ethics and environment are large influences in how a player progresses. In my experience at least.

posted 9 months ago

I'd say it's more the environment you grow up in, over genetics.

Growing up around an older sibling who's heavily invested in a certain hobby. You're bound to be a bit more interested or knowledgable regarding the hobby.

posted 9 months ago

That would only be if both teams got to semis or finals of an event.
group stage, drx dogs on g2. Any other stage, drx choke.

posted 9 months ago

Sen did fuck all with Zellsis the year before, whats your point?

posted 9 months ago

Sacy on gekko during madrid was not one of the main reasons they won.
Zekken having a life game every single game, was one of the main reasons.
Johnqt performing insanely well on sentinels and viper, is one of the main reasons.
Tenz being a good and consistent flex, was one of the main reasons.

Sacy being the 2nd lowest rated gekko the whole event, was not one of the main reasons. The guy is an insane sova and skye player, but his gekko during madrid looked awful. Wingman got the plants down, but the rest of his util just looked ass compared to other Gekko players at madrid.

posted 10 months ago

It isn't just because it's young.
It's because CS is so similar and shares the exact same fundamentals. Adjusting to abilities just takes getting used to.
People forget that aim and core mechanics can easily get people into high imm/rad, and then once you're fully used to the game flow, going into comp isn't hard. Especially if we're talking about people who've been competing for years, at a high level.

It's why xaccurate spent a few months just grinding ranked. Joined a t1 team.

posted 10 months ago

People forget KennyS played val for like 2 months and hit radiant. This is one of the most washed t1 players at the time. Xaccurate swapped, and is playing in tier1.
Valorant isn't some hyper complex game. It just takes some adjusting, and if you're playing 8hours a day. You'd adjust in a couple months. Especially if you're the top 0.001% in a similar title.

posted 10 months ago

He probably would.
People overestimate how easy it is to adjust to valorant from CS, if you've spent 20k+ hours in one game.
A couple months of spamming the game to adjust, and he's easily be at tier 1 level.

People genuinly overestimating the complexity of valorant. We're not talking about a random gold nova swapping. We're talking about probably the most naturally gifted CS player of all time.

posted 10 months ago

Saying they lost 13-4 to a team who didn't win a series at their previous event, insinuates that said team isn't good.

I'm not saying you meant that, I'm just saying that's how it comes off.

I agree with everything you said. Fnatic look stuck in last year, minus the co-ordination they had. they look a lot more sloppy, and chaotic with their pushes. Just small mistakes aswell, like planting for C long while no smokes on CT.
They just seem messy overall. Like they lost their foundation/structure ingame

posted 10 months ago

They might not be feeling it, that's true. It's why I said the coach shouldn't shoulder all the blame of the team losing.
However you can't deny that the fnatic we've seen at kick off quals, and today are completely different to fnatic last year. That's not regarding their comps, map bans, etc. Their general teamwork looks messy and hectic.

Boaster saying masters teams were not great, was a yikes. Was just weird because he's usually humble.

Saying heretics not winning a series considering how close the games were, is a bit eh. Same can be said when Fnatic lost 3-0 against sen. On paper of the overall score it seems they got slammed, but every map could have gone either way.
With heretics, especially against sen. It could have gone either way. They're hardly a bad team to lose against.

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

Coach shouldn't shoulder all responsibility, but Fnatic as a team look night and day compared to when Mini was headcoach.

Like, they just look far more lost and messy compared to last year.

posted 10 months ago
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