how does this happen twice :skull:
FrenchToast [#2]i swear my life span is shortened because i support this team
dude u support one of the most successful teams in val history quit whining ts cringe asf
thenutoriousPRO [#4]dude u support one of the most successful teams in val history quit whining ts cringe asf
excessive meat riding
thenutoriousPRO [#4]dude u support one of the most successful teams in val history quit whining ts cringe asf
they certainly don’t make it easy lmaoo
i have ptsd from 2022 and 2023
FrenchToast [#8]they certainly don’t make it easy lmaoo
i have ptsd from 2022 and 2023
bros acting like he supports c9 or something
FrenchToast [#10]true it could be worse
it could be worse and it literally couldnt be better in na
like no na fanbase has had it easier than sen lmaooo
FrenchToast [#2]i swear my life span is shortened because i support this team
Wait wtf happened to your flag and flair, I didn't recognize you at first
kaninv [#15]dude I swear to god 70% minimum of val pros are on the spectrum and all of them sling it, literally no pro cares and most players don't care either it's an extremely annoying vocal minority making it a big issue
ardiis alone contributes 30%
askrial [#19]thats. thats not how...
he’s big enough for that. also why are you stuttering in text are you retarded
king_bob [#20]he’s big enough for that. also why are you stuttering in text are you retarded
hopefully not but knowing me, yeah probably.
kuruk [#22]to be fair i dont think there is a single val player with over 5 hours who hasnt atleast thought their teammate was retarded
icl ive gotten at least 6 7 day bans for calling people retarded and other stuff
thenutoriousPRO [#4]dude u support one of the most successful teams in val history quit whining ts cringe asf
100T clears bro, it's about time 🙏
FrenchToast [#2]i swear my life span is shortened because i support this team
come to MIBR, our life span is 120-140 years (we expect nothing)
Conceit [#14]Wait wtf happened to your flag and flair, I didn't recognize you at first
just thought i’d switch it up a bit idk
SAMPV6 [#36]WHO GIVES A FUCK, y'all can't really be this fucking sensitive I swear
Saying r word is very wrong and unethical by the ten laws of ethics proposed by the NATO, and Russian union. This could result in jail time btw, do not r word
jawn [#18]this one got layers
double entendre in the vlr forum, just like my goat kendrick would have done
grisx23 [#34]Are you really surprised? Reliable sources such as Western Jett and Ahmed say that Zellshit says hard r on regular
who tf is ahmed 😭😭
Jedeco [#43]Put a SEN flair, it'll make it more exciting.
that might get me on their twts u might be cooking...
FrenchToast [#31]just thought i’d switch it up a bit idk
Oh I see I thought you got flag and flair banned for some reason
aimnobody1 [#49]if you choose not to support sen afterwards then that's your decision, but honestly its not that bad, but the twt fangirls will make it a huge deal as always
idgaf he said that im just in awe they didnt cut it out lmao
Firebug [#50]idgaf he said that im just in awe they didnt cut it out lmao
nah fr me too. like once i heard it i was like oh!
Jedeco [#32]He could've said that in a much nicer way such as: "Zack, you actually have an extra chromosome on your 21st pair."
thenutoriousPRO [#11]it could be worse and it literally couldnt be better in na
like no na fanbase has had it easier than sen lmaooo
he could be a 100t fan
gamergirl [#54]he could be a 100t fan
yeah 100t fans have lowkey has it the hardest in na maybe americas in general
sideshowsbaldhead [#57]everyone here is annoying twitter users getting mad are soft vlr users who think they’re tough because they say mean words that hurt the twitter users’ feelings are dumb asf and zellsis was one of the worst players at bangkok
all of you lock in
agree lowkey its not hard to not say that word
thenutoriousPRO [#58]agree lowkey its not hard to not say that word
i don’t even think it’s that bad but you have to use it sparingly or it loses all significance and you sound like a 15 year old redditor trying to be edgy
like when n4rrate ripped it in the offseason it had significance, there was hate behind it
if you just spam “shut up retard 😡” every time anyone moderately annoys you then you are the retard
trmnl [#16]only retards get offended at retard true or no
oh shit.. no wonder why I'm offended.. Thanks now I know what's wrong with me.