She is going to be meta lmao. She has way too much in her kit.
Her dive is the best dive in the game currently. It has it's drawbacks, but all the dives have their own drawbacks, and her dive allows you to do more than Jett's updraft + dash or Raze's double satchel for executes/retakes. Or even aggressively fighting for space. Have you watched her gameplay?
She then has a piece of util which on offence is basically a no-kill required phoenix ult, and on defence is a chamber tp. The only limitation on defence is the timer, but you can just use it on contact with your team's sentinel/initiator util.
Her stun/slow is very strong and can be comboed with other util.
She is the only duelist with a site-wide ultimate, which once again can be comboed with other util.
She is busted.