- pacific (have the best team. and DRX and GENG are good)
- EMEA (came last but as a whole has many strong teams KC,VIT,TL,heretics)
- americas G2 look amazing rest of the region dont know how to play
4.china, i dont need to explain
cxrsedval [#3]you guys act like china is by far the worst region lmao, they got top 3 plus trace lost to t1 and g2 who were literal grand finalists
if you were to take the top 3 teams of each region china is no doubt the furthest behind.
trace losing to t1 and g2 doesnt mean much they wouldve lost to anyone the way they were playing and how they were doing their map picks
cxrsedval [#3]you guys act like china is by far the worst region lmao, they got top 3 plus trace lost to t1 and g2 who were literal grand finalists
stfu with your DEI post.
Trace was playing like ass
trmnl [#8]
- Pacific
- Americas
- China
- Emea
pacific is the best overall for every team included, but Americas and Emea have a higher ceiling imo
really man.
china > emea ICANT
Yistyy [#7]I feel like you don't watch americas. Besides furia and 2g, all the other teams could beat each other on any given day. It's just g2 that's above the rest.
I watched Americas and it was SO painful for me, anyone besides top 4 in kickoff is a garbage team, mibr and kru were winning only by firepower and because their strats weren't bad enough compared to their opponents. Americas is a definition of one team region
Penguin4k [#15]I watched Americas and it was SO painful for me, anyone besides top 4 in kickoff is a garbage team, mibr and kru were winning only by firepower and because their strats weren't bad enough compared to their opponents. Americas is a definition of one team region
flag, flair. Shitmea bias