who would he replace?
something? jinggg? mf?
most sensible removal will be jingg but offcourse its prx they will do some random shitt again . And they are getting an initiator player but no igl .
See T1 with 2 duelist with igl can win so why cant they get good igl initiator player . And also hire good asistant coach after split 1 if fail to qualify man
maybe I'm crazy I think the only players worth 100% keeping are f0rsaken and d4v41
I think something is bad on new roles, mindfreak has only been getting worse and jinggg is unreasonably bad at anything but raze which he hasn't even been good at
they can get a good dedicated initiator/controller IGL, new star duelist and build up from there either keeping mindfreak or something depending on whichever one doesn't clash with new IGL's roles