this community is so soft it actually pains me. u must have 0 social life
Flag: | Canada |
Registered: | February 6, 2025 |
Last post: | March 8, 2025 at 5:46 AM |
Posts: | 75 |
this community is so soft it actually pains me. u must have 0 social life
Brawk is really underrated and FNC have a new coach and will actually start playing in the meta
i know 100T didnt place good but i still think they're a top 4 team in americas. and although losing to SEN and NRG they looked like the better team
The region is terrible and g2 cant win anything. just quit
The region as a whole looks terrible. and G2 play bad in grand finals. this region might never win again
so they make most grandfinals last year and win 2/3 trophies the previous year. look at the bigger picture here china and pacific have only 1 trophy and americas besides g2 look absoulotly terrible
I know they havent won any trophys for a while but they still have the most grandfinal apperances and quadrouple chinas and pacifics trophies put together. And look overall the best with all the other regions haveing only 1 team that knows how to play
americas have the worst valorant ever. with how bad their second seed is. APAC arent winning anything again lets be fr. china only have EDG the rest are shit
I mean if we look at how bad sen are. then it shows how bad the rest of americas are
duelist texture
senti meteor
smoke/igl mako
initiator free1ng
second caller/flex munchkin
only way ur region wins
why did americas gas this guy so much. worst mechanics in every series just so confident thats why he frags
Are u new to val or insta lock reyna every game?
he doesnt talk so language barrier wont be a problem
Its not even deep lol u have to have no friends to cancel him
baiter or not i think we can all agree they're the strongest region in this event
why does he have the worst mechanics in tier 1 not being an IGL
yes they are bad but atleast they have a good team unlike americas
good list id say vit and edg are like 50 50 and chichoo is playing better then kang kang
only because engh knew how to use him kaplan is putting him on somer random ah role
how u can become the worst region in a year
imagine how good he would be if he wasnt on 0.000000000001 sens
The way he chews that gum. the way that he cant aim but ego swings everything.
All first seeds would destroy trace but G2 look good still
benched for underperformance
Do we even know how good they are with the rest of americas looking so behind
Nah liquid should of won split and bind could of been anyones. TBH G2 is americas last hope seeing how bad SEN is
could be the worst region if SEN are getting second in the league looking like immos
honestly dont know how they made it they look so bad
I know they are the worst region rn. But i think they have the most potential out of all regions
the reason VITs one worked is because the players are actually good. The optic core is mid plus a washed demon1 and ethan who couldn't IGL
dont do a list if ur gonna be full bias
Are these the only teams getting stomped in round one?
Didn't really watch APAC. who are the favourites?