LEV are morons

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Not gonna name names but there are a couple other players who definitely should've been benched instead of nataNk


Tbh every player is better than natank so idk what are you talking about, if u think natank is worse than c0m then idk

DetonationFocusMeiy [#2]

Tbh every player is better than natank so idk what are you talking about, if u think natank is worse than c0m then idk

What are you even saying

  1. Demon1
  2. C0m

its so funny cause like if they really wanted rossy he quite literally has the same agent pool as Another Certain Player who has been underperforming for a good while and they just go for another guy lol


u realize that just now?

foythvlr [#5]

its so funny cause like if they really wanted rossy he quite literally has the same agent pool as Another Certain Player who has been underperforming for a good while and they just go for another guy lol

Normally I wouldn't respond to C0M hate but I'll give my two cents here since I know you're the kinda guy to hear someone out

C0M hasn't been playing poorly this Kickoff. He didn't play super well against MIBR, but he had a very good series against FURIA, and on Fracture against G2 it felt like he was 1v5ing in a few of those rounds.

You could simply look at his VLR rating and his Kickoff K/D and point out that they're below 1, but if you discount the one Tejo map (he does NOT look comfortable on that agent AT ALL, plus it was against G2 who look insane regardless), then he's actually positive in both statistics.

Rossy also does play nataNk's roles, mind you. Yes, he played recon initiator and Viper for C9 in the offseason, and he had similar roles on T1 last year. But he also has played a ton of flash initiator (Breach, KAY/O, and Skye, plus a few maps of Gekko for T1 last year), and he also has dozens of officials on sentinel as well (Cypher and Killjoy).

Am I saying nataNk was right to be kicked from the team? No, of course not... in my opinion he has the potential to be the best player on this team, and from my perspective I don't see any valid reason as to why he needed to go. All I'm saying is if you really want to point fingers and say that someone else needed to go for the roles to work, that doesn't make sense as C0M is a great player and Rossy is quite flexible anyhow.

cloudberry [#7]

Normally I wouldn't respond to C0M hate but I'll give my two cents here since I know you're the kinda guy to hear someone out

C0M hasn't been playing poorly this Kickoff. He didn't play super well against MIBR, but he had a very good series against FURIA, and on Fracture against G2 it felt like he was 1v5ing in a few of those rounds.

You could simply look at his VLR rating and his Kickoff K/D and point out that they're below 1, but if you discount the one Tejo map (he does NOT look comfortable on that agent AT ALL, plus it was against G2 who look insane regardless), then he's actually positive in both statistics.

Rossy also does play nataNk's roles, mind you. Yes, he played recon initiator and Viper for C9 in the offseason, and he had similar roles on T1 last year. But he also has played a ton of flash initiator (Breach, KAY/O, and Skye, plus a few maps of Gekko for T1 last year), and he also has dozens of officials on sentinel as well (Cypher and Killjoy).

Am I saying nataNk was right to be kicked from the team? No, of course not... in my opinion he has the potential to be the best player on this team, and from my perspective I don't see any valid reason as to why he needed to go. All I'm saying is if you really want to point fingers and say that someone else needed to go for the roles to work, that doesn't make sense as C0M is a great player and Rossy is quite flexible anyhow.

being completely honest i was joking and, while i don't like him as a player, i wouldn't kick c0m (for now). i mean, it's been two games. it's kinda insane that they want to kick anyone when they lost two MAJOR players (not just aspas but mazino was having a huge impact back then) and might just need some time to adapt. i dont really understand why they would do that for rossy. might have some language barrier or something idk

Congo1 [#3]

What are you even saying

Every player on lev is better than natank, like you think tex kingg are worse? No they are not lmfao. And if u think c0m is worse than youre probably a gold player who doesnt have a basic knowledge about the game. You could make an argument for demon1 but i still dont think he is worse than natank.

DetonationFocusMeiy [#9]

Every player on lev is better than natank, like you think tex kingg are worse? No they are not lmfao. And if u think c0m is worse than youre probably a gold player who doesnt have a basic knowledge about the game. You could make an argument for demon1 but i still dont think he is worse than natank.

it doesnt matter. Role issues are still a thing. Demon1 is not an entry duelist, hes more of a meteor/yay build where they play secondary entry. nAtank couldve genuinely fit the jawgemo role for this team and now theyre fucked


They blamed personal issues and then signed Rossy…

DetonationFocusMeiy [#9]

Every player on lev is better than natank, like you think tex kingg are worse? No they are not lmfao. And if u think c0m is worse than youre probably a gold player who doesnt have a basic knowledge about the game. You could make an argument for demon1 but i still dont think he is worse than natank.

  1. King
  2. Natank
  3. Tex
  4. c0m
  5. Duelist demon1

I see all the idiots are exposing themselves in this thread 🤣🤣

you mfs would rather bench a guy for 2 unlucky series than the guy being a dickhead to his teammates and causing internal conflicts 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Congo1 [#12]
  1. King
  2. Natank
  3. Tex
  4. c0m
  5. Duelist demon1

its okay bro let natank come back home

if kicks shits the bed or m8s need him, he'll be there

Yistyy [#13]

I see all the idiots are exposing themselves in this thread 🤣🤣

you mfs would rather bench a guy for 2 unlucky series than the guy being a dickhead to his teammates and causing internal conflicts 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

"being a dickhead" shut your re**** mouth if you dont know nothing. stupide bâtard

Arguments doesnt mean dickhead

Congo1 [#15]

"being a dickhead" shut your re**** mouth if you dont know nothing. stupide bâtard

Arguments doesnt mean dickhead

brother if a player is arguing constantly with his teammates then he deserves to get dropped 😭😭


they are really fighting hard to make demon1 their perma raze

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