i dont understand the point in comparing their stats when aspas would have better stats regardless of how good they are on the agent
its completely tone deaf and just ignores what i said in my post
aspas has a higher fkpr yes, aspas also has a better team and is more likely to get into FK situations and win them because of it, aspas is also still the better player so he will likely convert duels more, aspas having higher stats in those agents does not translate into better utility usage either lol. ill explain below why getting kills isnt the most important part of being the better duelist for the team
also the whole FK being the end all be all for duelists is kinda weird, aspas is far more likely to ego peek mid, he can win that but its not an "entry"
to add to that, getting a first kill also doesnt mean you arent traded, and lets just say jawgemo creates more space than aspas, gets his team in a better position, doesnt get a kill but DOES get traded. Is that worse than aspas who will generally not create as much space, get the first kill because of superior mechanics but then get traded afterwards?
all this to say the stats are misleading and dont tell the whole story, you have to understand a players role on a team and how they're being used, the utility that doesnt show up in rating or fkpr