Only based off champs not the entire year
- Demon1 23
- Pancada 22
- Less 22
- Chichoo 24
- Kk 24
- Sacy 22
- Smoggy 24
- Aspas 22
- Jawg 23
- Ethan 23
- Saadhak 22
- cNed 21
- Nobody 24
- S1mon 24
- c0m 23
- Boostio 23
17-20 Rest of Ace
darklord69 [#7]3 EDG players in top 10, good one
Only based off champs not the entire year
chichoo smoggy and kangkang were great in champs that is the reality
Heres them ranked based off of rating from their champs events! (level of play is different in each tourney so this shouldnt be used to decide whos better)
1 EG Demon1 1.26
2 LOUD Pancada 1.21
3 EDG Chichoo 1.18
4 LOUD Less 1.16
5 ACE cNed 1.15
6/7 EDG Smoggy 1.14
6/7 ACE Zeek 1.14
8 LOUD Sacy 1.13
9 EDG Zmjjkk 1.10
10 EG Jawgemo 1.08
11/12 EG Ethan 1.06
11/12 EG C0M 1.06
13 LOUD Saadhak 1.05
14 ACE Starxo 1.04
15/16 LOUD Aspas 0.99
15/16 EDG S1mon 0.99
17 ACE Bonecold 0.98
18 EDG Nobody 0.93
19 EG Boostio 0.88
20 ACE Kiles 0.85
Hades_Loves_Rb [#10]Heres them ranked based off of rating from their champs events! (level of play is different in each tourney so this shouldnt be used to decide whos better)
1 EG Demon1 1.26
2 LOUD Pancada 1.21
3 EDG Chichoo 1.18
4 LOUD Less 1.16
5 ACE cNed 1.15
6/7 EDG Smoggy 1.14
6/7 ACE Zeek 1.14
8 LOUD Sacy 1.13
9 EDG Zmjjkk 1.10
10 EG Jawgemo 1.08
11/12 EG Ethan 1.06
11/12 EG C0M 1.06
13 LOUD Saadhak 1.05
14 ACE Starxo 1.04
15/16 LOUD Aspas 0.99
15/16 EDG S1mon 0.99
17 ACE Bonecold 0.98
18 EDG Nobody 0.93
19 EG Boostio 0.88
20 ACE Kiles 0.85
aspas before statspas 🤣🤣🤣
Hades_Loves_Rb [#12]aspas when he actually entered for the team
But Aspas had an average rating of 1.20 that year, and was arguably LOUD's best player in 2022 🤔
alienista1 [#15]But Aspas had an average rating of 1.20 that year, and was arguably LOUD's best player in 2022 🤔
Aspas had the highest stats of LOUD in the 2022 season, but some people choose to look only at the Champions event to try to say that Aspas was LOUD 2022 worst player, even tho he had way more impactful and memorable moments than pANcada in that event for example, even tho pANcada had the highest numbers in that event.
For some people Aspas stats doesnt even matter anymore
If Aspas has Low Stats: He's bad and a fraud
If Aspas has High Stats: Hes baiting his teammates so hes a fraud
You can make up any narrative to hate on any player you want really.
glittering_yard [#19]Aspas had the highest stats of LOUD in the 2022 season, but some people choose to look only at the Champions event to try to say that Aspas was LOUD 2022 worst player, even tho he had way more impactful and memorable moments than pANcada in that event for example, even tho pANcada had the highest numbers in that event.
For some people Aspas stats doesnt even matter anymore
If Aspas has Low Stats: He's bad and a fraud
If Aspas has High Stats: Hes baiting his teammates so hes a fraud
You can make up any narrative to hate on any player you want really.
You said it all
Hades_Loves_Rb [#10]Heres them ranked based off of rating from their champs events! (level of play is different in each tourney so this shouldnt be used to decide whos better)
1 EG Demon1 1.26
2 LOUD Pancada 1.21
3 EDG Chichoo 1.18
4 LOUD Less 1.16
5 ACE cNed 1.15
6/7 EDG Smoggy 1.14
6/7 ACE Zeek 1.14
8 LOUD Sacy 1.13
9 EDG Zmjjkk 1.10
10 EG Jawgemo 1.08
11/12 EG Ethan 1.06
11/12 EG C0M 1.06
13 LOUD Saadhak 1.05
14 ACE Starxo 1.04
15/16 LOUD Aspas 0.99
15/16 EDG S1mon 0.99
17 ACE Bonecold 0.98
18 EDG Nobody 0.93
19 EG Boostio 0.88
20 ACE Kiles 0.85
L list (this is actually good because you used a decent metric consistent throughout the dataset, but as a result you moved my goat Saadhak lower and I hate this list for that)
cloudberry [#22]L list (this is actually good because you used a decent metric consistent throughout the dataset, but as a result you moved my goat Saadhak lower and I hate this list for that)
level of play is different in each tourney so this shouldnt be used to decide whos better
Hades_Loves_Rb [#23]level of play is different in each tourney so this shouldnt be used to decide whos better
You still moved him down regardless
cioccolat [#24]Insane how both EDG and LOUD have their entire on this list. Truly amazing teams
does he know... 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
Kirako [#18]kanyefan disagrees
ur right, this list is filthy garbage
how can an mvp be bottom 4? id put him 10th above ethan AT LEAST
idk how he can come to the conclusion that c0m and ethan were better in champs 23 than zeek in champs 21. i couldnt believe my eyes at first, i spent a minute looking for zeeks name in the list, because how can be ignored and disrespected listed at the bottom as 'rest of acend'
he put fucking s1mon above zeek 😭
kfan4238173 [#28]ur right, this list is filthy garbage
how can an mvp be bottom 4? id put him 10th above ethan AT LEASTidk how he can come to the conclusion that c0m and ethan were better in champs 23 than zeek in champs 21. i couldnt believe my eyes at first, i spent a minute looking for zeeks name in the list, because how can be ignored and disrespected listed at the bottom as 'rest of acend'
he put fucking s1mon above zeek 😭
should be around where cned is
catNmouse [#8]Only based off champs not the entire year
chichoo smoggy and kangkang were great in champs that is the reality
yeah but not to the extent that they all deserve top 10. jawg, ethan and cned all deserve to be above smoggy for example
kfan4238173 [#30]zeek > s1mon, nobody, Ethan, c0m, aspas, saadhak, arguably jawg, kangkang, and sacy, although i wouldn’t say the last two, but it’s close
Bonecold > boostio and nobody
Starxo > s1mon
Cned > aspas
Just change the flair to acend
glittering_yard [#19]Aspas had the highest stats of LOUD in the 2022 season, but some people choose to look only at the Champions event to try to say that Aspas was LOUD 2022 worst player, even tho he had way more impactful and memorable moments than pANcada in that event for example, even tho pANcada had the highest numbers in that event.
For some people Aspas stats doesnt even matter anymore
If Aspas has Low Stats: He's bad and a fraud
If Aspas has High Stats: Hes baiting his teammates so hes a fraud
You can make up any narrative to hate on any player you want really.
They just hate brasil, because LOUD win NA teams many times
cameran [#2]agreed
its a pretty weird list,
sacy was better at champs vs less, starxo and zeek were around the same level of cned in the champs run unless this list is only going by kills
glittering_yard [#19]Aspas had the highest stats of LOUD in the 2022 season, but some people choose to look only at the Champions event to try to say that Aspas was LOUD 2022 worst player, even tho he had way more impactful and memorable moments than pANcada in that event for example, even tho pANcada had the highest numbers in that event.
For some people Aspas stats doesnt even matter anymore
If Aspas has Low Stats: He's bad and a fraud
If Aspas has High Stats: Hes baiting his teammates so hes a fraud
You can make up any narrative to hate on any player you want really.
Ngl bad aspas is still incredible and there isn't a lot to look at with his stats imma be honest loud destroyed the rest of the region and a duelist player would definitely thrive in those conditions but I do agree with you on the fact that people can't accept he is an elite player
darklord69 [#31]yeah but not to the extent that they all deserve top 10. jawg, ethan and cned all deserve to be above smoggy for example
smoggy was literally better than jawgemo and ethan though