does anyone have any tips of strategies for raze and jett im tryna become a crazy duelist
Taruuu1 [#3]i mean utility wise obviously u need good aim to be a duelist
You don't need good utility 90% of the time. Your ini needs to be good and you need to have good aim. That's literally it.
Learning entry pathing is very very important. You can't just randomly dash/satchel in or you're gonna die before anyone gets the chance to follow. Learn where on site you need to go to, and where to go from there. Once you've got that down, learn some variation so that you're unpredictable, as the best duelists are.
nooomy [#7]dont be afraid to make "bad" plays. youd be surprised how many kills youll get with a stupid level of confidence
pathing is key
I realised a few days ago that it wasn't my aim which was holding me back, but my pathing, I started watching Jinggg VODs for raze and whoever for Jett
learning how to effectively peek is super key and goes hand in hand with pathing, I found I was overexposing myself to multiple angles instead of clearing them one by one, which often caused me to die
consistent aim so you can know what gunfights you want to take and don't like taking and revolve your pathing and entire playstyle around it main reason why for example jett players make such good lurkers and in pro play end up flexing on agents who can bait/lurk cause they are confident in there 50/50 win%
out of the two focus on raze she has a higher skill cap and floor and also anything you can learn to do better on raze easily translates to jett