Venting Session (Come Clown me)

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I've been playing Valorant for nearly 4 Years at this point. About enough to give you clinical depression which i am lucky to have not gotten yet. For maybe the past 3 years of me playing I've dedicated myself to try and become a professional and be the best player that is within the realm of possibility. For a Year and a Half it worked which got me a decent results. Sometimes i would see fast results, sometimes they would be slower, but either way I would always be able to see the improvement at least every 2-3 Weeks. Now it has been 3 Years and I'm unarguably putting more work into trying to get better than I have ever before. Not saying my practices are perfect nor I never skip out on doing my practices every now and then, but I am putting much more effort into trying to be the best I could possibly be. This is where the Venting comes in. Roughly 2 Years ago i had just made it to Gold 2 and roughly Half a year after that I hit Plat 3. Now Two years later I am still Gold 3 - Plat 2, unable to pass into and beyond my Peak. I Feel like i am not just capped, but getting worse. I Have good Moments where i shine every 5-7 games but the others are either mediocre or shameful. This has been slowly degrading my mental health, i really want to become a professional but despite my effort i get only diminishing returns. I definitely know VLR is not the place to post about this knowing all the trolls, but i don't know where else. This is my Dream and its starting to seem less possible the more i try and put effort in. Take care


I really think you should consider coaching if you're that serious about getting better


it worked which got me a decent results

Now Two years later I am still Gold 3 - Plat 2

I would recommend coaching if you are really that passionate about going pro


Is it really your dream or you just got influenced by some fame and easy money the pros get by playing games ?

VALuLrant_Addict619 [#4]

Is it really your dream or you just got influenced by some fame and easy money the pros get by playing games ?

I was going to say "I'd be a liar if i said i would undoubtably compete even if there was no money Involved", which you can still consider true because i did have to think about it for roughly 20 seconds, since those 20 seconds passed id confidently say i would still compete even if there was no money involved. The money sounds nice to anyone's ears but the driving factor of me wanting to become a professional is the thought of being on a stage full of people who are fans of me, who use there money and time just to see me play, to then try my best to perform and get there moneys worth, to meet them either before or after the game, to genuinely get to know them and understand there personalities and background, to hopefully make them laugh, that along with putting in these hours of work to finally lift the trophy that showcases to me that all my effort isn't for nothing, that I can accomplish everything as long as i attach my heart and soul to it. Those things is what makes me want to play. Money is not the influence behind me wanting to compete at the highest level. Its the idea of all of this work finally paying off, and to hopefully make peoples days just that little bit better either from Winning, or just helping them laugh.

cloudberry [#2]

I really think you should consider coaching if you're that serious about getting better

I've heard coaching many times in my time playing but never truly understood its Value. I have watches hundreds of videos talking about Improvement just from YouTube. I have 2 Notebooks full of notes on each Video and how i can apply the strategies presented into to my gameplay and which ones i should prioritize knowing what I have been slacking in the most recently "Even though id argue I'm slacking in nearly everything". Besides I'm a young man at the age of 17 who sees the price tag on these coaching sites and immediately discard it because of the hundreds of free videos I've found online. I am always going to be real and I know i should try something different since nothing I've been doing has worked, even if taking that many notes over deep dived improvement videos should be overkill. id just like to know how beneficial it actually is.

TyIer [#6]

I've heard coaching many times in my time playing but never truly understood its Value. I have watches hundreds of videos talking about Improvement just from YouTube. I have 2 Notebooks full of notes on each Video and how i can apply the strategies presented into to my gameplay and which ones i should prioritize knowing what I have been slacking in the most recently "Even though id argue I'm slacking in nearly everything". Besides I'm a young man at the age of 17 who sees the price tag on these coaching sites and immediately discard it because of the hundreds of free videos I've found online. I am always going to be real and I know i should try something different since nothing I've been doing has worked, even if taking that many notes over deep dived improvement videos should be overkill. id just like to know how beneficial it actually is.

I get where you're coming from but I really feel you should be looking for a 1-on-1 with a good coach. The stuff you see posted online is typically very general tips, and while it does help a ton, if nothing is working then you need a personal analysis. Go talk to a few coaches, see what you can afford, and they'll be more than happy to help you solve whatever you're personally struggling with

TyIer [#6]

I've heard coaching many times in my time playing but never truly understood its Value. I have watches hundreds of videos talking about Improvement just from YouTube. I have 2 Notebooks full of notes on each Video and how i can apply the strategies presented into to my gameplay and which ones i should prioritize knowing what I have been slacking in the most recently "Even though id argue I'm slacking in nearly everything". Besides I'm a young man at the age of 17 who sees the price tag on these coaching sites and immediately discard it because of the hundreds of free videos I've found online. I am always going to be real and I know i should try something different since nothing I've been doing has worked, even if taking that many notes over deep dived improvement videos should be overkill. id just like to know how beneficial it actually is.

coaches can see your specific areas which need improvement, that you dont realize. plus, if you have holes in your training routine, they will let you know. and there are a few good free coaches, try woohoojin or something.

Vegaaa [#8]

coaches can see your specific areas which need improvement, that you dont realize. plus, if you have holes in your training routine, they will let you know. and there are a few good free coaches, try woohoojin or something.

Woohoojin's coaching was really good but isn't he working a full time job now?


Like many said before, consider coaching
That long of a trial and error means you have experience
Maybe coaching is where you will reach your potential
There is nothing wrong with being a coach
Coaches determine where the team will end
Infact coaches have a bigger role on the team than player atleast in valorant

TyIer [#6]

I've heard coaching many times in my time playing but never truly understood its Value. I have watches hundreds of videos talking about Improvement just from YouTube. I have 2 Notebooks full of notes on each Video and how i can apply the strategies presented into to my gameplay and which ones i should prioritize knowing what I have been slacking in the most recently "Even though id argue I'm slacking in nearly everything". Besides I'm a young man at the age of 17 who sees the price tag on these coaching sites and immediately discard it because of the hundreds of free videos I've found online. I am always going to be real and I know i should try something different since nothing I've been doing has worked, even if taking that many notes over deep dived improvement videos should be overkill. id just like to know how beneficial it actually is.

Trust me you don't need coaching just improve your aim , movement and the way you take duels first if you only focus on these things initially you could easily climb up to Diamond/Ascendant .
If coaching is not possible then try reviewing your own vods it will really help you a lot.


Most people have suggested above that you can be a coach.

If you're really serious about it, you should take into consideration that you are responsible for a lot of things such as VOD reviews, scrims, tactics, and more difficult decisions you are going to inevitably make in the future.

I wish you all the best and a lot of success in the future!

cloudberry [#9]

Woohoojin's coaching was really good but isn't he working a full time job now?

havent watched his videos in a while, i think someone else is doing stuff for him or smth. but if he doesnt work, just save up $30 or so and get some radiant/pro coach for a 1on1 sesh. stellar from 100t and turtle troops used to do i think $30 an hour for 1on1's


Yeah I'd say pretty much the same as everyone.
Look in to some coaching. If you can't afford it there are many streamers who do it for free (although there are some requirements, and you might have to wait a while)


coaching is really good, another personal recommendation is to find a player who has the same agent pool as you, watch VODs of their matches and really keep track of them each round and see exactly how their spacing is, util lineups+setups, when they use it off what info, and how they move around the map. TAKE ACTUAL NOTES so it stays in your brain better and keep those in mind during your matches. besides that and coaching, you also seem to be way too focused on constantly I NEED TO BE BETTER rather than just enjoying the game, which will degrade your performance due to the mental stress and potentially you feeling like you are not improving at the pace you want to be when it should be more about just getting the hours and experience in, which is most important. to master something, you just do it and keep doing it. truly sometimes there are just no tricks. so try just playing the game, if you make a mistake sure you can look back and think about how to do better, but you really should be playing the game to ENJOY it or you most likely won't see the results you are looking for or you will get burnt out very quickly. a lot of people who became masters of their art didn't just look at it and go "yeah I guess I will be a professional at this" and put a ridiculous amount of pressure on themselves until they get depressed and upset about it, they just went "yeah this looks fun!" and kept going at it until they became the best or skillful because they actually enjoyed the process and were able to keep going at it.


I really do appreciate everyone being real and giving there own opinions on my issue. Y'all are amazing. I'll look around for a coach and hopefully i can break this Two Year streak of being hard stuck despite my best effort's. Keep commenting if y'all want too, I'll be sure to respond!

TyIer [#16]

I really do appreciate everyone being real and giving there own opinions on my issue. Y'all are amazing. I'll look around for a coach and hopefully i can break this Two Year streak of being hard stuck despite my best effort's. Keep commenting if y'all want too, I'll be sure to respond!

Start analysing matches
Random matches
Don't be too picky
Just take out the channel and scroll down and pick a match and analyse it
Write down your points

Vegaaa [#13]

havent watched his videos in a while, i think someone else is doing stuff for him or smth. but if he doesnt work, just save up $30 or so and get some radiant/pro coach for a 1on1 sesh. stellar from 100t and turtle troops used to do i think $30 an hour for 1on1's

Yeah he's not doing coaching or VOD reviews rn but those are good suggestions


I hate to break it to you but don’t try to go pro in this game unless your already imm3-rad or have tremendous talent just enjoy the game bro don’t think so much about “ranking up” as soon as you stop caring you’ll climb up the competitive ladder. Please don’t put your time and effort into becoming pro you should for immortal at least it’s genetic bro if your not born with the talent for this kind of shit it’s not going to happen even if you outwork everyone and that’s the sad truth about getting to a professional level in any sport/game


If you just wanna rank up, until ascendant (based on my own experience since i haven't reached immo), you just need a duo to queue with (having one or two premades helps a lot), don't be scared to take duels, in fact, take any duel you can while in gold/plat lobby and just try to enjoy them (doesn't matter if you win or lose, however, always keep in your head that your crosshair should be at head level or tell your duo to remind you of that if he's dead-backseating). Once you start ranking up, you'll notice that some duels aren't worth taking, and you staying alive is way more valuable in some scenarios than committing to a losable fight.
Btw, before starting your ranked game, always try to warm up irl (movement with your hands and arms for like 2 3 minutes) and ig (deathmatch or team deathmatch or a bit of in game range). For the aimlab thing, I think it's better to do it after your games, i don't do that tho.

If you wanna become pro, please read #19.

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