Clearly its aspas i mean he is the better player, bigger fanbase, fragger, more handsome, i mean this guys got it all people just say tenz is more popular because he has been playing for a long time in reality tenz is a fraud.
kfan4238173 [#4]who has more intl mvps
Aspas is just the better player i mean one had to switch off duelist role due to underperforming
Clearly benjyfishy is the face of Valorant because he has the most Twitter followers and more clout + entire Spanish fanbase + every time there's any kinda content around VCT Riot would pick TenZ, then pick benjyfishy as their second choice + the Fortnite goat + lovely hair + handsome young gentlemen + funny
H3ENnZ [#10]Clearly its aspas goes crazy
Fans that like NA > Fans that like SA in number respectfully
I mean bro flair ur clearly dick riding
malice043 [#6]Aspas is just the better player i mean one had to switch off duelist role due to underperforming
Being a better player =/ more well known
my-dad-ate-my-toes [#11]Clearly benjyfishy is the face of Valorant because he has the most Twitter followers and more clout + entire Spanish fanbase + every time there's any kinda content around VCT Riot would pick TenZ, then pick benjyfishy as their second choice + the Fortnite goat + lovely hair + handsome young gentlemen + funny
Yeah you're lost benjyfishy is a random whos only known in fortnite
bronzil_enjoyer [#17]flair
Flag: Kiribati
Registered: June 22, 2023
Last post: September 30, 2024 at 5:44 PM
Posts: 11733
Go get a job LMAO
malice043 [#6]Aspas is just the better player i mean one had to switch off duelist role due to underperforming
He wasn't even the best Player of Champions 2022 😂
All the casuals and pros know who the fuck TenZ is, that's what being the face of a sports/esports is.
Nef0r0 [#8]some people know Tenz without watching a single VCT game, that just shows who is well known, and that's what being ''a face of the game'' is
Some people even know tenz without even playing valorant. the relationship of Tenz and Kyedae alone is bigger than aspas and im not even kidding. Kyedae has more followers than aspas 💀
malice043 [#6]Aspas is just the better player i mean one had to switch off duelist role due to underperforming
why are we trying to be retarded? tenz wasnt even bad on duelist, he knew he was suited better to play something else as the game evolved.
malice043 [#19]Flag: Kiribati
Registered: June 22, 2023
Last post: September 30, 2024 at 5:44 PM
Posts: 11733Go get a job LMAO
obvious alt accounts bringing up people’s post numbers is so cowardly bro 😭
Shizzle [#26]why are we trying to be retarded? tenz wasnt even bad on duelist, he knew he was suited better to play something else as the game evolved.
tenz was garbage on duelist
washedradiant [#25]Some people even know tenz without even playing valorant. the relationship of Tenz and Kyedae alone is bigger than aspas and im not even kidding. Kyedae has more followers than aspas 💀
The same can be applied for Aspas in Brazil brother.
I said this previusly (people hated it) Tenz is NA and Emea face, and Aspas is SA face.
sideshowsbaldhead [#29]obvious alt accounts bringing up people’s post numbers is so cowardly bro 😭
This is not an alt idiot
Prasinos [#31]The same can be applied for Aspas in Brazil brother.
I said this previusly (people hated it) Tenz is NA and Emea face, and Aspas is SA face.
Ok??? Independent regions dont matter. The truth is kyedae has 3 times the follows of aspas on almost all platforms, Face of valorant = tenz Gg go next
washedradiant [#34]Ok??? Independent regions dont matter. The truth is kyedae has 3 times the follows of aspas on almost all platforms, Face of valorant = tenz Gg go next
Well, i can explain why Kyedae have more followers with four words.
English main language of the world
Regions does matter, culture, language, day by day, Portuguese doesnt have too many speakers beside Brazilians, so ofc Aspas will not be so famous out of Brazil, and Kyedae or Tenz have 0 influence here bc they arent portuguese speakers 👍
Prasinos [#35]Well, i can explain why Kyedae have more followers with four words.
English main language of the world
Regions does matter, culture, language, day by day, Portuguese doesnt have too many speakers beside Brazilians, so ofc Aspas will not be so famous out of Brazil, and Kyedae or Tenz have 0 influence here bc they arent portuguese speakers 👍
Well you realize aspas is bigger than tenz?
Shizzle [#26]why are we trying to be retarded? tenz wasnt even bad on duelist, he knew he was suited better to play something else as the game evolved.
please dont rewrite history