Pro with the longest tenure with a (tier 1) team

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Is it Asuna with 100T? October 2020 - present. Has anyone else stuck around with a tier 1 team longer than that?


Boaster should be close at least


In theory sinatraa since he signed in 2020 April, and he always mentioned in streams that SEN is the only org he would play for and given his skill he probably wouldve played up to today but yeah just another food for thought


Boaster? Mako?


Boaster, forsaken, mindfreak, davai, Asuna , keznit, king,

KClaw [#5]

Boaster, forsaken, mindfreak, davai, Asuna , keznit, king,

keznit left for lev

PessiPenaldo17 [#4]

Boaster? Mako?

mako joined drx in 2022

Yuniee44 [#2]

Boaster should be close at least

Boaster joined 2021 I think

TOFA [#8]

Boaster joined 2021 I think

true but boaster was on SUMN FC in aug 2020 which was then bought out by fnc so technically he would be the longest

kei11 [#7]

mako joined drx in 2022

*Vision Strikers 2021


Stax Vision Strikers/DRX June 2020

welikefortniteandvalorant [#3]

In theory sinatraa since he signed in 2020 April, and he always mentioned in streams that SEN is the only org he would play for and given his skill he probably wouldve played up to today but yeah just another food for thought

jesus you sinatraa fanboys really cant stop talking about him
he isnt going to fuck you dawg you're too down to consent to it

finnwithtwons [#12]

jesus you sinatraa fanboys really cant stop talking about him
he isnt going to fuck you dawg you're too down to consent to it

i dont even like that guy

he just signed very early and probably would still play for them

i dont know why you get offensive so easily

but given that vlr is full of degenerate losers theyd jump to conclusions when somebody mentions sinatraa


Wait asuna is Ukrainian, huh you learn new things everyday



finnwithtwons [#12]

jesus you sinatraa fanboys really cant stop talking about him
he isnt going to fuck you dawg you're too down to consent to it

how does a name get your panties in a twist lol
canadian mindset


Cned since 2020 june or may im not sure

Hynix [#16]

how does a name get your panties in a twist lol
canadian mindset

just mindnumbingly cringe how these kids fanboy
all fandom of that nature is objectively annoying and stupid and the only people that disagree are the teenagers that participate in it

welikefortniteandvalorant [#13]

i dont even like that guy

he just signed very early and probably would still play for them

i dont know why you get offensive so easily

but given that vlr is full of degenerate losers theyd jump to conclusions when somebody mentions sinatraa

just see too many braindead sinatraa fanboys on here, dude is so cringe and also just straight up raped someone which everyone has collectively turned a blind eye to

kei11 [#15]


He left nrg last year


I think by single org in tier 1 it's Asuna

Hynix [#16]

how does a name get your panties in a twist lol
canadian mindset

Canadian mindset is CRAZY


prx core is close tho


Khalil with Furia

finnwithtwons [#19]

just see too many braindead sinatraa fanboys on here, dude is so cringe and also just straight up raped someone which everyone has collectively turned a blind eye to

Did he? Why is he not in prison.

PGA1pha [#25]

Did he? Why is he not in prison.

do you unironically think every single rapist goes to prison

finnwithtwons [#26]

do you unironically think every single rapist goes to prison

Shouldnt call someone a rapist if he isnt proven to be one..................


Shouldnt call someone a rapist if he isnt proven to be one..................

snowflake lmao

Hynix [#16]

how does a name get your panties in a twist lol
canadian mindset

your country is currently doing awful things to women no wonder you like sinatraa

finnwithtwons [#28]

snowflake lmao

mb for being a normal human being

kirrans [#9]

true but boaster was on SUMN FC in aug 2020 which was then bought out by fnc so technically he would be the longest

yeah boaster was there for the first qualifier and the first masters idk who else is close


mb for being a normal human being

normal human beings listen to recordings and believe victims but ok man, whatever you say


Shouldnt call someone a rapist if he isnt proven to be one..................

luckily i am not the us law system and therefore i can find him guilty based on the audio file of him raping someone and his lack of cooperation with any investigation!

aford277 [#29]

your country is currently doing awful things to women no wonder you like sinatraa

fr LMAO buddy should go back to deepfaking women like the other boys in his 9th grade class

aford277 [#29]

your country is currently doing awful things to women no wonder you like sinatraa

Korea, being the soulless urban dystopian hellscape, will always be a billion times better than Cuckistan. Funny part is that your own citizens would agree. Make sure to clean up the needles when I'll be visiting for Masters Toronto next year.

finnwithtwons [#32]

normal human beings listen to recordings and believe victims but ok man, whatever you say

Normal human beings believe in "innocent until proven"

cloudberry [#22]

Canadian mindset is CRAZY

i was referring to canadian government's obsession with generally frivolous social issues rather than giving any thought to the skyrocketing inflation and cost of living. not a very valid way of saying it in hindsight.
i love canadian people yall are real chill <3

except for the ones below this apparently. tbf i started it


I think it's laz April 2020 back when zeta were still called absolute Jupiter.

arin2016 [#36]

Normal human beings believe in "innocent until proven"

do you realize that there is a difference between the legal obligation of the justice system in terms of how it treats defendants and public opinion
or is that too complex for you

finnwithtwons [#19]

just see too many braindead sinatraa fanboys on here, dude is so cringe and also just straight up raped someone which everyone has collectively turned a blind eye to

ur just accusing people without proof
or do u not know how the justice system works
no proof= innocent
and that is a fact u cant deny it
straight up just labeling an innocent person BY LAW as a rapist is wild
we dont live in a world based on "oh i think hes innocent"
we live in a world where laws are put in place by governments and we follow them
here, sinatraa is innocent under law so u can say whatever u want he will still always be innocent

moomoomoomeadows [#33]

luckily i am not the us law system and therefore i can find him guilty based on the audio file of him raping someone and his lack of cooperation with any investigation!

luckily thats not how it works

Twentytwo [#14]

Wait asuna is Ukrainian, huh you learn new things everyday

Yes he has the genes, just getting underwhelmed in NA environment

smthlikeyou11 [#40]

ur just accusing people without proof
or do u not know how the justice system works
no proof= innocent
and that is a fact u cant deny it
straight up just labeling an innocent person BY LAW as a rapist is wild
we dont live in a world based on "oh i think hes innocent"
we live in a world where laws are put in place by governments and we follow them
here, sinatraa is innocent under law so u can say whatever u want he will still always be innocent

innocent =/= not proven guilty
really simple concept mate
also there is a whole ass recording, so lmk how that goes for proof for you

finnwithtwons [#39]

do you realize that there is a difference between the legal obligation of the justice system in terms of how it treats defendants and public opinion
or is that too complex for you

"Innocent until proven guilty" is supposed to be the public opinion in a civilized society. That is why most streamers didn't shun him like you freaks and instead chose to take a neutral stance unless clear evidence was presented that actually proved him guilty, clear evidence that is not a 9 page anecdotal document presenting absolutely nothing but an incredibly short out of context clip. At best, both of them are horrible people.

If the legal system followed your rules then society would collapse in one day. People in power would be the first ones to claim victims. But your twitter brainrot mind cannot comprehend socioeconomic so it's useless. Please read some more books.

finnwithtwons [#43]

innocent =/= not proven guilty
really simple concept mate
also there is a whole ass recording, so lmk how that goes for proof for you

Btw for anyone else reading this. The "recording" is referring to is a 10 second clip with no context provided. The girl's twitter account is now suspended. At best it was a toxic relationship from both sides. Also, take it as you will but the girl made an onlyfans account right after the accusations (note that I'm not against OF, I'm talking more about the timing of that career move)

So yeah, keep yapping about that "groundbreaking!" proof you got.

arin2016 [#45]

Btw for anyone else reading this. The "recording" is referring to is a 10 second clip with no context provided. The girl's twitter account is now suspended. At best it was a toxic relationship from both sides. Also, take it as you will but the girl made an onlyfans account right after the accusations (note that I'm not against OF, I'm talking more about the timing of that career move)

So yeah, keep yapping about that "groundbreaking!" proof you got.

you'll never guess what is said in the recording
also my twitter account is also suspended, who gives a shit? we're acting like twitter isn't a cesspool or something?

finnwithtwons [#46]

you'll never guess what is said in the recording
also my twitter account is also suspended, who gives a shit? we're acting like twitter isn't a cesspool or something?

I know what was said in the recording. She deleted it too. So much for "proof". If you're going to say that she didn't pursue the case out of peer pressure, then are you also going to say that her creating an OF right after accusations is her coping mechanism?

Let it rest buddy

arin2016 [#44]

"Innocent until proven guilty" is supposed to be the public opinion in a civilized society. That is why most streamers didn't shun him like you freaks and instead chose to take a neutral stance unless clear evidence was presented that actually proved him guilty, clear evidence that is not a 9 page anecdotal document presenting absolutely nothing but an incredibly short out of context clip. At best, both of them are horrible people.

If the legal system followed your rules then society would collapse in one day. People in power would be the first ones to claim victims. But your twitter brainrot mind cannot comprehend socioeconomic so it's useless. Please read some more books.

the point, you dumb sack of shit, is that the legal system follows the idea that defendants are innocent until proven guilty - this does not mean the public should abjectly follow this perspective(rather, they should form their own opinions based on the evidence available), it means the justice system should not treat defendants as guilty until the trial process affirms them as such because the justice system presuming guilty people to be innocent and treating them as such is better than it presuming the inverse.
the public is free to form their own opinions as they choose and does not have to behave within these confines unless they are a member of the relevant jury, because the burden of proof juries are required to make determinations on is beyond any reasonable doubt rather than what they believe to be more likely
public opinion does not have these kinds of stakes in the slightest, which is why people are completely allowed to presume individuals on trial as guilty without society collapsing in a day - this is evidenced by the fact that it has not done so yet
i have a masters in english and i minored in political science my friend, i have paid far too much for textbooks to be told to go read more of them

arin2016 [#47]

I know what was said in the recording. She deleted it too. So much for "proof". If you're going to say that she didn't pursue the case out of peer pressure, then are you also going to say that her creating an OF right after accusations is her coping mechanism?

Let it rest buddy

if you feel these explanations are so far-fetched that it is self-evident, you clearly have never been raped or dealt with people that have
this is just a guy without empathy talking to a victim, i honestly don't know how to help you here mate

finnwithtwons [#19]

just see too many braindead sinatraa fanboys on here, dude is so cringe and also just straight up raped someone which everyone has collectively turned a blind eye to

just see too many braindead sinatraa fanboys on here

vro vlr is legit the number 1 sinatraa hatepage, if you said tiktok or youtube sure because most brainrotten people dont use vlr (ironically)

i agree that hes cringe but again he was never proven just like flashback and mazino


laz 4 years 4 months Absolute Jupiter -> Zeta Division (rebrand)
Asuna will hit 4 years 4 months in February 2025 (if he doesn't get removed this shuffle)

finnwithtwons [#43]

innocent =/= not proven guilty
really simple concept mate
also there is a whole ass recording, so lmk how that goes for proof for you

recording is a 10 second clip thats out of context mate
and yes innocent = not guilty thats the entire concept of innocent until proven guilty lmfao
who r u to tell me how the justice system works?

finnwithtwons [#48]

the point, you dumb sack of shit, is that the legal system follows the idea that defendants are innocent until proven guilty - this does not mean the public should abjectly follow this perspective(rather, they should form their own opinions based on the evidence available), it means the justice system should not treat defendants as guilty until the trial process affirms them as such because the justice system presuming guilty people to be innocent and treating them as such is better than it presuming the inverse.
the public is free to form their own opinions as they choose and does not have to behave within these confines unless they are a member of the relevant jury, because the burden of proof juries are required to make determinations on is beyond any reasonable doubt rather than what they believe to be more likely
public opinion does not have these kinds of stakes in the slightest, which is why people are completely allowed to presume individuals on trial as guilty without society collapsing in a day - this is evidenced by the fact that it has not done so yet
i have a masters in english and i minored in political science my friend, i have paid far too much for textbooks to be told to go read more of them

masters in english and u start ur sentence calling people personal insults to get ur point across-wow really shows ur point mate
u can form whatever opinion u want u can think the sky is green and people would just think ur a dumbass- as much as u want it to be green, sky is blue.

at the end of the day facts are facts and the fact is that hes innocent, u cant change that or u can continue to live in denial, sinatraa is innocent and will NEVER be put behind bars at least for this incident specifically

finnwithtwons [#48]

the point, you dumb sack of shit, is that the legal system follows the idea that defendants are innocent until proven guilty - this does not mean the public should abjectly follow this perspective(rather, they should form their own opinions based on the evidence available), it means the justice system should not treat defendants as guilty until the trial process affirms them as such because the justice system presuming guilty people to be innocent and treating them as such is better than it presuming the inverse.
the public is free to form their own opinions as they choose and does not have to behave within these confines unless they are a member of the relevant jury, because the burden of proof juries are required to make determinations on is beyond any reasonable doubt rather than what they believe to be more likely
public opinion does not have these kinds of stakes in the slightest, which is why people are completely allowed to presume individuals on trial as guilty without society collapsing in a day - this is evidenced by the fact that it has not done so yet
i have a masters in english and i minored in political science my friend, i have paid far too much for textbooks to be told to go read more of them

they should form their own opinions

proceeds to call him a 'dumb sack of shit' for having his own opinion

It's not wrong to have your opinion be 'innocent until proven guilty'

Warlordwibz [#10]

*Vision Strikers 2021

he left vision strikers in 2021

finnwithtwons [#48]

the point, you dumb sack of shit, is that the legal system follows the idea that defendants are innocent until proven guilty - this does not mean the public should abjectly follow this perspective(rather, they should form their own opinions based on the evidence available), it means the justice system should not treat defendants as guilty until the trial process affirms them as such because the justice system presuming guilty people to be innocent and treating them as such is better than it presuming the inverse.
the public is free to form their own opinions as they choose and does not have to behave within these confines unless they are a member of the relevant jury, because the burden of proof juries are required to make determinations on is beyond any reasonable doubt rather than what they believe to be more likely
public opinion does not have these kinds of stakes in the slightest, which is why people are completely allowed to presume individuals on trial as guilty without society collapsing in a day - this is evidenced by the fact that it has not done so yet
i have a masters in english and i minored in political science my friend, i have paid far too much for textbooks to be told to go read more of them

Why are you getting so angry? Have you considering calming down first. It's not healthy to get this angry on the internet over a random discussion. If anything, it shows your mental state and explains why you think emotionally, just like you're doing right now.

And yes, you do need to read more books because I guarantee everyone that you probably majored in cultural studies, and of course you have a masters in English lmao, because if not that then I would have guessed you probably got one in social justice or climate science. I don't understand why you would self-report like that but okay I guess

Anyways, now on your first comment. There is nothing that says the public can't do that, just like how there is no rule that says a snail can't enter a race. But when societal ethics and common sense come into play (assuming you don't know what any of those are since you immediately start insulting someone for having a different opinion), it's not the wisest thing to do.
There is a law in place that will prosecute the accused, and until they have been proven guilty by prosecution, no one should incriminate the accused or shun them based on anything. The general public cannot sort through evidence and verify what is truthful and what's not.
Because if they could, then we should bring back those witch lynchings from old times. Because we all know how amazing that went, right? Lmfao
Unless the defendant is like MrBeast and he is pulling a SLAPP (assuming there is no anti-SLAPP measurements in that jurisdiction), you can't make a judgment on your own and incriminate the person.

It is ethically wrong, and can be incredibly damaging to their career, even if the public is technically free to do that. Who is going to pay reparations for that, the government? Have you ever thought about that?

finnwithtwons [#49]

if you feel these explanations are so far-fetched that it is self-evident, you clearly have never been raped or dealt with people that have
this is just a guy without empathy talking to a victim, i honestly don't know how to help you here mate

This is a nonsensical reply. You're avoiding mentioning anything related to what I said about the OF or the lack of proof. It's because you clearly have no argument other than the "empathy" one.

And about "empathy", if you had even a hint of empathy then you wouldn't be saying all this. There is nothing wrong with be empathetic, but you're being empathetic out of an agenda. Empathy goes both ways. You feel bad about the girl but the guy who's life will be destroyed, you don't care about him, in a situation where either of them could be lying. That speaks volumes on your "empathy"

And on this very website, I've conversed with someone about rape. And I can show receipts right now, clearly proving how much I take that crime seriously. This finger pointing of "but you're not that, you're not this" will lead to nowhere. You know who you are and what you're trying to do. Just accept it, you've got an agenda. You don't care about logic or empathy, you only care about what's important to you, English major. You can't even control your emotions properly. Don't try to speak on law. Please stick to slandering on Twitter.

arin2016 [#57]

This is a nonsensical reply. You're avoiding mentioning anything related to what I said about the OF or the lack of proof. It's because you clearly have no argument other than the "empathy" one.

And about "empathy", if you had even a hint of empathy then you wouldn't be saying all this. There is nothing wrong with be empathetic, but you're being empathetic out of an agenda. Empathy goes both ways. You feel bad about the girl but the guy who's life will be destroyed, you don't care about him, in a situation where either of them could be lying. That speaks volumes on your "empathy"

And on this very website, I've conversed with someone about rape. And I can show receipts right now, clearly proving how much I take that crime seriously. This finger pointing of "but you're not that, you're not this" will lead to nowhere. You know who you are and what you're trying to do. Just accept it, you've got an agenda. You don't care about logic or empathy, you only care about what's important to you, English major. You can't even control your emotions properly. Don't try to speak on law. Please stick to slandering on Twitter.

Im genuinely not a fan of sinatraa but these sinatraa haters have to be the most brainrotted individuals on the planet. They will clench onto a 10s audio clip as if their life depended on it.

At this point, why do you even care? This kid made dozens of posts using his entire will just to argue that sinatraa is a rapist. Why do people even care that much. Im not speaking for rapists here, its a serous and shitty crime but sitting on vlr and defending with your life when nothing is even proven against a guy that you dont even know with other people you also dont know on the internet has to be brain damage for me.

smthlikeyou11 [#53]

masters in english and u start ur sentence calling people personal insults to get ur point across-wow really shows ur point mate
u can form whatever opinion u want u can think the sky is green and people would just think ur a dumbass- as much as u want it to be green, sky is blue.

at the end of the day facts are facts and the fact is that hes innocent, u cant change that or u can continue to live in denial, sinatraa is innocent and will NEVER be put behind bars at least for this incident specifically

innocent =/= not proven guilty
nt tho

BUFF163 [#55]

he left vision strikers in 2021

VS was bought out by DRX, the entire roster and their achievements. So sometimes when they count years in the team, mostly its counting the VS era as well.

smthlikeyou11 [#52]

recording is a 10 second clip thats out of context mate
and yes innocent = not guilty thats the entire concept of innocent until proven guilty lmfao
who r u to tell me how the justice system works?

do you realize that the justice system rules individuals to be guilty if there is no way a reasonable person could have doubts they were guilty, not whether a reasonable person finds them more likely to be guilty than not? so just because a case does not meet that threshold and an individual is ruled "not guilty", it does not therefore mean they must be innocent, it means there is some degree, however minor, of doubt regarding their guilt that means they could not find him guilty. that is what "not guilty" means, it does not mean "the case found he was provably innocent!"
there is no shot you just said that is the entire concept of innocent until proven guilty LMAO tell me you have never taken a law class without telling me you've never taken a law class

finnwithtwons [#43]

innocent =/= not proven guilty
really simple concept mate
also there is a whole ass recording, so lmk how that goes for proof for you

"not guilty doesn't mean innocent so that means it's perfectly acceptable to treat him as if he's guilty"

finnwithtwons [#59]

innocent =/= not proven guilty
nt tho

are you familiar with yuri

Aayan [#54]

they should form their own opinions

proceeds to call him a 'dumb sack of shit' for having his own opinion

It's not wrong to have your opinion be 'innocent until proven guilty'

i didn't say anywhere that it is objectively wrong to believe, personally, that all individuals accused of a crime are innocent until proven guilty
i said that it is wrong to prescribe that requirement to public opinion, and there is no functional basis to applying that to ones' personal opinion
and i called him a dumb sack of shit, correctly, for incorrectly making that prescription without basis
the only basis for doing it is if you can't think critically enough to realize there is a difference between the requirement set for how the justice system must treat the accused and how the public can in the comfort of their own home. it is just a very simple-minded way of thinking about it by latching onto a catchphrase without understanding, in depth, what it actually means

Tristen11 [#63]

are you familiar with yuri

yaoi better

finnwithtwons [#65]

yaoi better

Yuri Tarded

yellow_donkey [#60]

VS was bought out by DRX, the entire roster and their achievements. So sometimes when they count years in the team, mostly its counting the VS era as well.


finnwithtwons [#61]

do you realize that the justice system rules individuals to be guilty if there is no way a reasonable person could have doubts they were guilty, not whether a reasonable person finds them more likely to be guilty than not? so just because a case does not meet that threshold and an individual is ruled "not guilty", it does not therefore mean they must be innocent, it means there is some degree, however minor, of doubt regarding their guilt that means they could not find him guilty. that is what "not guilty" means, it does not mean "the case found he was provably innocent!"
there is no shot you just said that is the entire concept of innocent until proven guilty LMAO tell me you have never taken a law class without telling me you've never taken a law class

ive taken law 12 back when i was in grade 11
u missed my point tho and completely ignored my point that by law he is innocent
obviously theres still a chance that he did it, can we prove it? no. so therefore he is ruled innocent by inconclusive evidence

and ah yes lets just label him as a rapist because my detective self tells me the evidence points to it even though he is not proven guilty!!!

finnwithtwons [#19]

just see too many braindead sinatraa fanboys on here, dude is so cringe and also just straight up raped someone which everyone has collectively turned a blind eye to

u just prooved to be just as braindead as these fanboys


Lightningb0t on GE

BUFF163 [#67]


huh why is it a cope, its literally how they count them

Warlordwibz [#11]

Stax Vision Strikers/DRX June 2020

does he know

yellow_donkey [#71]

huh why is it a cope, its literally how they count them

cope, it's VS not DRX

BUFF163 [#73]

cope, it's VS not DRX

pfft im just giving you a heads up because that's how the media and stat keepers count, its just how things work, like NAVI and ex-FPX roster. no more corndog for you for not even listening and saying 'cope' like a jail free card. noooo corndog.

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