Liquid rebuild

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My dream liquid "rebuild" (based on cope):
-Remove Enzo, Mistic, Keiko, and Jamppi (sad to see Elias go, but he had too many chances)

-Only keep nAts, and let him keep the IGL role. nAts IGLing looked a bit shaky agaisnt Fnatic, but made Liquid look better towards the end of the season

-Bring back Soulcas. He may suffer from the same problem as Enzo and Mistic in 2023, be an espectacular tier 2 player, but be a mid/terrible tier 1 player, though I think Soulcas was already a solid player for Liquid in 2023. I think that this version of Soulcas is the best version we've seen from him in a long long time

-Bring back ScreaM, the GOAT. We know he's been scrimming already with the Liquid boys, and he was one of Liquid's most valuable assets back in the day in my opinion. Only his firepower will already be an upgrade for Liquid (which lacks a lot of it), maybe his agent pool is a bit shaky, is not 2021 anymore, and people is not running Jett in every map or Phoenix (and his Raze mechanics were questionable sometimes), but I think that it could be interesting see him flex or watch Liquid play double duelists on some maps. He's a very emotional player, so I think that the correct team enviroment could help him go back to his old form

-Bring kaajak. I don't know who would take the duelist role if he's on the same team than ScreaM, but I think that kaajak is so good that he will likely perform in any role you give him, we've already seen that in other main duelists who transtioned (heat, mta, TenZ, N4RRATE, tomaszy, etc.) The kid has proven that he's worthy of a tier 1 spot, he's a no brainer if I'm Liquid

-Bring kamyk. He already got a taste of tier 1 Valorant in 2023, and boy he was good at it. He's had a stellar performance in almost every game he's played so far in the French league. Assuming that JobLife doesn't win Ascension, this is probably one of the best pickups for most tier 1 teams looking to rebuild

-Bring DANNYTO. Apeks has had some nice ideas along the entirety of Split 1 and 2, their Haven and Sunset have been looking REALLY solid for a tier 2 team. Their Abyss on attack side looks phenomenal, and there's some stuff they need to work out in defense (even though Abyss is a really hard map to defend because A, mid, and B have a lot of gaps.) I think that bringing one more cook to the kitchen could really help emiL in 2025

Ain't reading allat bro


another mid liquid roster


dream liquid roster
kidnap demon1, make nats and demon1 have 3 babies, there you go


Apeks is frauds.


That sounds exactly like what they did last year xD



Mortadelo [#5]

That sounds exactly like what they did last year xD

Except that this time you have only one tier 1 renegade instead of 2, and you're giving 2 top rookies a chance in tier 1. Might be Apeks academy 2.0, but I think that this is way better that what we got this year. It's technically not a rebuild since we got 2 past members, but I would bet on this roster if I was Liquid. There's a ton of LFT talent that they could get like paTiTek (even though I think he's going to Vitality next year), but this is probably the best and cheapest alternative they have


while most of these pickups are reasonable, i disagree with the lack of a defined smokes player on the roster, and i also don't have enough faith in Soulcas to keep up his good performances on the big stage (sorry Soulcas).

i'm also very cautious about bringing back Scream, as his ego and desire to IGL is very big, and could easily drive a rift in the team, so TL would rlly need to keep him in check, but it is reasonable that they could pull that off.

so if bringing back Scream is a must, my rebuild would be:

  • keep Nats as sentinel
  • +Scream as duelist
  • +Kamyk as flex/secondary initiator
  • +Profek as smokes
  • +Waddle as flash/primary initiator
  • +Dannyto as coach

Good stuff, Hobbit

cloudberry [#9]

Good stuff, Hobbit

Nats, cloud, Kaajak, sheydos, kamyk


If Sayonara can meet the age limit next year, he should be recruited to the team.

Hobbit [#7]

Except that this time you have only one tier 1 renegade instead of 2, and you're giving 2 top rookies a chance in tier 1. Might be Apeks academy 2.0, but I think that this is way better that what we got this year. It's technically not a rebuild since we got 2 past members, but I would bet on this roster if I was Liquid. There's a ton of LFT talent that they could get like paTiTek (even though I think he's going to Vitality next year), but this is probably the best and cheapest alternative they have

You're also bringing in their style, last year with their IGL and now with the coach
Plus you're considering kaajak the best duelist available because he is farming a farmer league just like Keiko last year

Idk, it just sounds like a recipe to be top 8 again


might be a bit of flag bias but jamppi has a great agentpool right? tbh i wish he was shooting like he did back in his prime csgo days, he was insane

awsh [#11]

If Sayonara can meet the age limit next year, he should be recruited to the team.

Every other team also wants him bud

NebularCarina [#8]

while most of these pickups are reasonable, i disagree with the lack of a defined smokes player on the roster, and i also don't have enough faith in Soulcas to keep up his good performances on the big stage (sorry Soulcas).

i'm also very cautious about bringing back Scream, as his ego and desire to IGL is very big, and could easily drive a rift in the team, so TL would rlly need to keep him in check, but it is reasonable that they could pull that off.

so if bringing back Scream is a must, my rebuild would be:

  • keep Nats as sentinel
  • +Scream as duelist
  • +Kamyk as flex/secondary initiator
  • +Profek as smokes
  • +Waddle as flash/primary initiator
  • +Dannyto as coach

Liquid is a team that always succeeded when they had a flexible roster. That is why I think that this roster was destined to fail, the only flexible player they have is Jamppi. Mistic could only play smokes and a mediocre Sage, Enzo only played spotters but wasn't impactful enough, and Keiko's only good agent was Jett. I'd rather have Soulcas or kaajak play controller in certain maps and let the team innovate with more comps

The only player I would keep locked in a certain role is nAts (Sentinel/Viper.) I think that he's just too good at sentinel to swap role

Johan [#6]


hes a scrim demon but the anxiety gets to him in bigger games, maybe it could be fixed with better coaching?

awsh [#11]

If Sayonara can meet the age limit next year, he should be recruited to the team.

He can't. Matter of fact he won't even be 17 by the start of next season

Mortadelo [#12]

You're also bringing in their style, last year with their IGL and now with the coach
Plus you're considering kaajak the best duelist available because he is farming a farmer league just like Keiko last year

Idk, it just sounds like a recipe to be top 8 again

People forget that 2023 Apeks shit on every other Ascension team, they had a 19 winstreak until they choked the grand finals against Gentle Mates. Keiko didn't only farm Polaris, but farmed every other tier 2 team in 2023

Bringing DANNYTO is only a reinforcement, the idea is not to play like Apeks, but to innovate and help emiL. Liquid didn't innovate comps this year because of the flexibility of their players. You COULD get other tier 2 talent, but it would be ridiculous to waste the Apeks partnership

This roster would never win a championship (in paper), but this is rather a team for long term. If ScreaM doesn't work, you get a rookie, if Soulcas doesn't work, you get a rookie, if nAts doesn't work, you get a rookie. But this is probably one of the best rosters given Liquid's aspirations

Hobbit [#15]

Liquid is a team that always succeeded when they had a flexible roster. That is why I think that this roster was destined to fail, the only flexible player they have is Jamppi. Mistic could only play smokes and a mediocre Sage, Enzo only played spotters but wasn't impactful enough, and Keiko's only good agent was Jett. I'd rather have Soulcas or kaajak play controller in certain maps and let the team innovate with more comps

The only player I would keep locked in a certain role is nAts (Sentinel/Viper.) I think that he's just too good at sentinel to swap role

i see your point, but for the most part, all of these players are already pretty flexible in their agent pool, except maybe Profek, though i'm less worried about him cause smokes is the role where agent inflexibility is probably the least relevant. i can easily imagine some good comps for most maps without having to make them learn tons of new agents, so i guess it mostly comes down to if they'll be in good form when they have to play


The only one that I don't agree with is soulcas

lusmuu [#13]

might be a bit of flag bias but jamppi has a great agentpool right? tbh i wish he was shooting like he did back in his prime csgo days, he was insane

Jamppi's firepower has slowly declined since 2022

He plays a LOT of agents, but that fact is a double edged sword, since he doesn't quite master any agent in particular. You can see that he's always a lot more comfortable when he plays flashes. But making him play a different agent every map is not good for his performance

Flexing is already hard enough, the only players in EMEA that can play any role at a high level are Chronicle, Alfajer, wo0t, and N4RRATE. I would only keep Jamppi under the condition of being a full time Breach/Skye/KAYO/second duelist

But I honestlly think that is time to move on for him. He would find a new team regardless, I'm sure of that


How will they ever win 1 v 5 clutches without jamppi :(

Rocky54 [#20]

The only one that I don't agree with is soulcas

The only reason I put him is because I want to see how different he will be after getting is confidence back playing for Apeks

One of the players I had in mind instead of Soulcas were (in order):
-paTiTek (I think that he's better than Soulcas, but I think that getting Soulcas will be a faster option for Liquid, and probably a "safer" pick for the players and coaching staff)
-Ruxic (Awesome controller player, didn't choose him because of potential language barriers and role flexibility)
-zeek (Great initiator in tier 2 currently, same as Pati, I think it's a safer bet for Liquid to choose Soulcas. And everyone knows all the trouble zeek had with certain tier 1 team in the past)
-sociablEE (Really good flexible player, though really old for any team to pickup in my opinion. Same as Ruxic, may have potential language barriers)
-Flickless (Possibly the 2nd best flex in Rising, but fails to perform greatly in the important moments. Thought of him because of possible sinergy with ScreaM cus of the french roots)

I'm also a Soulcas fanboy, and I just want to see him return to tier 1 and perform well


they just need to say sorry to their daddy sayf


just make a turkish talent team ez win


+sheydos +chronicle +zeddy +b1sk/derke, kick everyone except nAts.

Itsover [#26]

+sheydos +chronicle +zeddy +b1sk/derke, kick everyone except nAts.

how are they gonna get chronicle?😂

Itsover [#26]

+sheydos +chronicle +zeddy +b1sk/derke, kick everyone except nAts.

+ANGE1 +Redgar +Sheydos +d3ffo

keep enzo


My personal preference is to build a 5-Russian roster if only nAts are to remain.

+Kr1stal or +Vici or +sibeastw0w

If there is a chance to acquire SUYGETSU or Shao, it should be a priority, of course.

lusmuu [#27]

how are they gonna get chronicle?😂

If liquid have money for the roster I posted chronicle will def join it.


nats sheydos keiko soulcas profek ?


who let bro cook

Hobbit [#23]

The only reason I put him is because I want to see how different he will be after getting is confidence back playing for Apeks

One of the players I had in mind instead of Soulcas were (in order):
-paTiTek (I think that he's better than Soulcas, but I think that getting Soulcas will be a faster option for Liquid, and probably a "safer" pick for the players and coaching staff)
-Ruxic (Awesome controller player, didn't choose him because of potential language barriers and role flexibility)
-zeek (Great initiator in tier 2 currently, same as Pati, I think it's a safer bet for Liquid to choose Soulcas. And everyone knows all the trouble zeek had with certain tier 1 team in the past)
-sociablEE (Really good flexible player, though really old for any team to pickup in my opinion. Same as Ruxic, may have potential language barriers)
-Flickless (Possibly the 2nd best flex in Rising, but fails to perform greatly in the important moments. Thought of him because of possible sinergy with ScreaM cus of the french roots)

I'm also a Soulcas fanboy, and I just want to see him return to tier 1 and perform well

I think as much confidence he get if the skill is not up there you not going to make it far ngl
Ruxic I would agree with that he's very good

Laski [#29]

My personal preference is to build a 5-Russian roster if only nAts are to remain.

+Kr1stal or +Vici or +sibeastw0w

If there is a chance to acquire SUYGETSU or Shao, it should be a priority, of course.

I don't think that Liquid will ever go for a CIS roster. But if that was the case:

Just spitting some names. But I really don't think is ideal building a CIS roster given the amount of talent there is in other countries


They need an emotional leader, they cold as fuck.
A duelist that knows how to play other duelist agents, not only Jett.

I'm only leaving nAts, he still a great player and understands his role.

Mythaged [#31]

nats sheydos keiko soulcas profek ?

I don't see the synergy on this

idkmanwth [#3]

dream liquid roster
kidnap demon1, make nats and demon1 have 3 babies, there you go

wait, then what is the leo pregnancy for?!

gankupy97 [#35]

They need an emotional leader, they cold as fuck.
A duelist that knows how to play other duelist agents, not only Jett.

I'm only leaving nAts, he still a great player and understands his role.

Just like Fnatic, Sentinels, or Heretics

Derke is the emotional leader in Fnatic, Zellsis is for Sentinels, and Benjyfishy too

As I said in the post, ScreaM is an emotional player, so I think that he would take that emotional pillar role in the team again


nAts igling? what did i miss

NebularCarina [#19]

i see your point, but for the most part, all of these players are already pretty flexible in their agent pool, except maybe Profek, though i'm less worried about him cause smokes is the role where agent inflexibility is probably the least relevant. i can easily imagine some good comps for most maps without having to make them learn tons of new agents, so i guess it mostly comes down to if they'll be in good form when they have to play

This list is by no means team I'd want on MY team, but rather players that I think would fit on Liquid the most

I think that my roster would be the best team for Liquid given synergy points and taking advantage of the Apeks partnership

I also don't know enough of Profek's and Waddle's personality to put them on an emotional team like Liquid


yep because bringing back s0ulc0s will definitely work this time! i agree with ur other players but fuck keep that shitter out of t1 stop trying to bring him back

espeon [#41]

yep because bringing back s0ulc0s will definitely work this time! i agree with ur other players but fuck keep that shitter out of t1 stop trying to bring him back

I mean, 2023 Liquid had a lot of problems, but Soulcas wasn't one of them

All of his teammates and scrim opponents said he was really confident and frying people on scrims

Just like Boo in 2023, a scrim demon that lacked confidence in officials. I actually think that this is a reformed Soulcas, if he has the confidence and the correct team enviroment, I don't see a reason to not give him one more chance

Liquid can take advantage of the Apeks partnership, he has synergy with the coach and ScreaM, really vocal teammate. There's not much Ascension initiators that plays the game on a level like he does

trola [#39]

nAts igling? what did i miss



K4ziuHa [#37]

wait, then what is the leo pregnancy for?!

fnatic's future

Hobbit [#36]

I don't see the synergy on this

I'm trying to build a realistic team. Everyone knows how to put players who play on another team.

Itsover [#30]

If liquid have money for the roster I posted chronicle will def join it.

i dont think he would leave fnatic

idkmanwth [#44]

fnatic's future

got it

Mythaged [#45]

I'm trying to build a realistic team. Everyone knows how to put players who play on another team.

Keiko staying and Sheydos joining Liquid is not realistic

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