Flag: Turkey
Registered: June 22, 2022
Last post: December 15, 2024 at 7:56 AM
Posts: 198
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But there is only Meiy left in DFM. And there is none left from 2023. It is fine to value stories, but what do you think about it?

posted 2 months ago

It's just a show match. There is not a single reason for DFM to be serious.

posted 2 months ago

It's just a show match. There is not a single reason for DFM to be serious.

posted 2 months ago

It's just a show match. There is not a single reason for DFM to be serious.

posted 2 months ago

This team was overwhelmed by DFM, losing to LEV, which even lost to ZETA.

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

Art IGL is insane

posted 2 months ago


posted 3 months ago

At REDBULL HOMEGROUND APAC, ZETA's victory over DFM was simply due to the difference in their level of development at that time. ZETA was a team made up of 2 core members and 3 FL core members, which resulted in a 2+3 formation. While their potential for growth was limited, they already had a certain level of completeness at that point. On the other hand, DFM kept only Meiy and brought in 4 new members from different teams. This resulted in a lower level of initial completeness, and with two Korean players on the team, there were communication challenges as well. Additionally, there was not enough time for Art's IGL role to fully settle in. However, despite being formed only about two weeks prior, DFM managed to defeat TLN and even outperformed ZETA in terms of content. If DFM and ZETA were to face off now, DFM would likely dominate.

posted 3 months ago

He finished his work at this convention by destroying EDG. There is no blame to be placed on him.

posted 3 months ago

It is totally surprising that EDG and GENG would be eliminated from this tournament, in which no AMERICAS or EMEA teams participated at all.

posted 3 months ago

I think this is a major turning point for the Japanese VALORANT scene. From next year, Meiy will be at center of it all.

posted 6 months ago

He has hinted at his retirement for some time on his streams, but an official announcement from team may be coming soon.

posted 6 months ago

Don't worry, LEV already has a duelist who can take FK.

in play-off FKPR / FDPR
ZmjjKK 0.25 / 0.21
zekken 0.24 / 0.19
BuZz 0.21 / 0.23
Derke 0.19 / 0.13
tex 0.17 / 0.17
MiniBoo 0.16 / 0.17

posted 6 months ago

My personal preference is to build a 5-Russian roster if only nAts are to remain.

+Kr1stal or +Vici or +sibeastw0w

If there is a chance to acquire SUYGETSU or Shao, it should be a priority, of course.

posted 7 months ago

For being popular disproportionate to their abilities. It should be more exciting in Korea.

posted 7 months ago

If they had more world-class strength, I would have no complaints.

posted 7 months ago

In Thailand, there is the Ascension Qualifier Series, open to the winner of Split 2 and the top three teams in circuit points.

posted 7 months ago

I have always found it odd that players and coaches are dating official casters.

posted 7 months ago

cgrs...real tier1 players who were very successful in Masters TOKYO.
sushiboys, foxz...Tier2 players who suffered in the league and were dismissed

posted 7 months ago

When I saw them in Split1, I thought FS was the team to be promoted to the Pacific League this year, but as time goes by, I see their fragility.

posted 7 months ago

They dominate the Nordic League perfectly. But even if they win Ascension, I don't see them succeeding in EMEA League next year, because many of them were fired last year as a result of their failure to make it in EMEA League.
This is because many of them were fired last year as a result of not being good enough for EMEA League.
It's as if we were watching last year's Apeks.
MAGNUM seemed to have a moment of success at Kickoff, but has struggled since then. No need to talk about the remaining four.

posted 7 months ago

When I saw them in Split1, I thought FS was the team to be promoted to the Pacific League this year, but as time goes by, I see their fragility.

posted 7 months ago

But they cant win against ZETA GC

posted 7 months ago

It's strange that even though there is little difference between MaKo and Karon's stats, there is a difference of more than 0.4 in Rating. How much correction exists in wins and losses?

posted 7 months ago

That assessment is for the role of IGL and initiator, and has never changed my assessment of Controller Mako.

posted 7 months ago

Hello pogacar fanboy.

posted 7 months ago

He does not recognize Yoshii and Yotaa, who are half Japanese, as Japanese. I think this statement is also a very big problem.

Source :

”tixx is goofing off when he doesn't know the inner workings of the team (Nth). Sad for his humanity.
I want tixx to go back to his own country quickly, if he is messing around.
If people like tixx are playing, SCARZ is not fun to watch and strong.

It's disgusting, I really, really think so, from the bottom of my heart.I don't want to see you play.
I don't want to see you (tixx) play and it's gross to hear you messing around.

I'm really annoyed and was going to express my feelings on twitter, but I'm not going to do that because it would show my level as a person.
I'm proud of myself for being able to calm down here.

If you as a player speak out against other teams as unmotivated, it will destroy the competitive scene community.

What's really bad is tixx's humanity and SCARZ management skills to make such statements despite their own participation as VCJs.
SCARZ is in serious trouble, I'm going to say it by name.
If you want to talk about culture, you should manage the team with care, because there is only one Japanese national player. It's a risk. It's not good to put it down to cultural differences.
I don't enjoy watching SZ, and when they lose, I think you guys aren't going to do it.
SZMRG rankings don't change, so I think these guys are unmotivated if they lose.”

posted 8 months ago

Did he not receive a proper education as a child? Was he never taught or told how terrible it is to tell a foreigner to "go back to your country"?

posted 8 months ago

With a sultan under his command, does he think he has become a god?

posted 8 months ago

A year and a half ago it failed, but I think it is getting better. At least two more decent teammates would ease his burden.

posted 8 months ago

Yes. They are Korean, but their Japanese is as good as Japanese. In fact, they communicate only in Japanese during games.

posted 8 months ago

Bring in Lob as initiator and Akame as duelist IGL and it will be complete.

posted 8 months ago

Tier 2 to tier 1 rating transition for league newcomers in 2024 who have not been in Masters or Champions by 2023.
Unless otherwise noted, NA excludes OQ. Other regions are Split2 leagues.
NA's level of excellence is outstanding.

OXY 1.04→1.19 +0.15 
eeiu 1.15→1.15 +0.15  
NaturE 1.11→0.97 -0.14
moose 1.04→0.95 -0.09
N4RRATE 1.12→1.13 +0.01
icy None due to OQ loss

havoc 1.07→0.66 -0.41
kon4n 1.02→0.69 -0.33 2022stage2 group stage to playoff record as there is no record for 2023

Wo0t 1.12→1.20 +0.32
Elite 1.17→1.20 +0.03
yetujey 1.13→1.06 -0.07
RieNs 1.12→0.95 -0.17
Reazy 1.00→0.97 -0.03

nataNk 1.05→1.17 +0.12
logaN 1.14→1.04 -0.1
beyAz 1.00→0.84 -0.16
TakaS 1.24→0.82 -0.42
Wailers 0.97→0.82 -0.15

Northern Europe
Keiko 1.31→0.97 -0.35
Kicks 1.16→0.90 -0.26
ShadoW 1.14→0.73 -0.41

MiniBoo 1.14→1.02 -0.12
purp0 1.36→1.03 -0.33 2024Split1

tomaszy 1.29→1.17 -0.12
kamo 1.14→0.86 -0.28

marteen 1.42→1.04 -0.38

Eastern Europe
runneR 1.10→0.96 -0.14
grubinho 1.01→0.96 -0.15

posted 9 months ago

3 players whose ratings improved, 16 players whose ratings worsened.
No player improved by more than 0.1
Honestly, the whole thing is terrible.

Aspas 1.38→1.23 (-0.15)
Less 1.32→1.19 (-0.13)
sadhaak 1.25→1.01 (-0.24)
cauanzin 1.02→1.06 (+0.04)
Khalil 1.06→1.02 (-0.04)
tuyz 0.97→1.02 (+0.05)
dgzin 1.05→1.01 (-0.04)
mwzera 1.14→0.98 (-0.16)
Sacy 1.23→0.97 (-0.26)
RgLMeister 1.05→0.96 (-0.09)
heat 1.05→0.94 (-0.11)
mazin 0.93→0.94 (+0.01)
pAncada 1.13→0.94 (-0.19)
qck 0.96→0.93 (-0.03)
frz 1.15→0.90 (-0.25)
jzz 1.10→0.89 (-0.21)
murizzz 0.94→0.82 (-0.12)

havoc 1.07→0.66 (-0.41)
kon4n 1.02→0.69 (-0.33) note: 2023 is not recorded, so 2022stage2 group stage to playoff record

posted 9 months ago

No doubt.

posted 10 months ago

In the past, BR fans used to have serious discussions about this topic. Now nobody is interested.

posted 10 months ago

SEN breakthrough conditions (2-0 assumption for FUR matches, the more round difference you can make, the better).
Two of the following must occur

1.G2 loses to LOUD 0-2 and is below SEN in rounds won or lost.
2.NRG loses to EG and 100T in a row, 0-4 or 1-4 on the map, and the difference in rounds lost is less than SEN.
3.C9 lost to FUR,MIBR.

posted 10 months ago

He only works effectively against SEN.

posted 10 months ago

They beat T1, who was favored to finish in Pacific 3-4. And against GENG, both 2maps were evenly matched in the first half, but then they kept turning the other side of the coin. Lack of consistency is their biggest problem. They need to keep delivering that performance.

posted 10 months ago

T1 was defeated against DFM. This is all.

posted 10 months ago

Hey, what did you say after your match with T1? lol lol lol

posted 10 months ago

Quando é que o desempenho de Khalil se deteriorou? Teve um grande desempenho no jogo de abertura contra o FNC e estava a ser elogiado por todo o mundo. É triste que ele tenha caído tanto, a bstrdd também ficará triste.

posted 10 months ago

Yes, that's why I also brought up ACS,KD.
More to the point, the FKPR-FDPR indicator is also excellent with either agent.

posted 10 months ago

Aspas holds a rating of 1.49 with both Raze(126 RND) and Jett (84 RND), an ACS of 290+ and a K/D of nearly 2. There are plenty of duelists like Demon1,Cryo(Jett) and Keznit(Raze) who are good at one or the other, but this guy is insane.

posted 10 months ago

They are all young, strong players who played a great match offline in the Challengers final, and they deserve a tier 1 team over ZETA and DFM.
Especially SyouTa, CLZ and Xdll from FENNEL and Akame and Hals from REJECT will be good in tier1 with their individual abilities.

posted 10 months ago

lol They are not qualified to say anything when they lose to TTR.

posted 10 months ago

Four members from each of these teams are in the bottom 10 rated teams in league.
EG jawgemo, Apoth, supamen, Derrek
FURIA mwzera, kon4n, Khalil, havoc
KOI kamo, ShadoW, starxo, Sheydos
This is not the worst team, as only three are ranked from M8 and DFM.

posted 10 months ago
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