I love the slot repartition, and I really love how almost every 4 major league have the same amount of people in it :
- Americas : 1M0
- China : 1M4
- APAC : 0M9 (Without South Asia that has no PC culture Yet, and no player in the T1 except 1)
- EMEA : 0M9 (Without Middle East and Africa that has no PC culture Yet, and no player in the T1)
Every region should have roughly the same size and every region should have the same number of slot regardless of their performance (If not that will create a snowball effect, best region will have more international experience and become stronger, and we all love the fact that every region can win Valo)
Maybe one day Africa, Middle-East, South Asia will have a sufficient PC culture to become a T1 region on their own (And this day I hope they will have the same amount of spot of the other T1 region despite being trash for the moment), but while that's not the case, the distribution is perfect. Maybe in 50 years when population of Asean will boom and China-Korea-Japan will demographically collapse, we will have to redraw Asian border and have and move China, Korea and Japan team in the same region (East Asia, as in GC), and letting more spot to Asean, but for the moment this is perfect as it is.