Flag: Palestine
Registered: August 25, 2024
Last post: September 9, 2024 at 1:51 AM
Posts: 12

I think he wants to play duelist, but the team had Derke so they put him on sentinel. I think fnc should have just adopted more aggressive double duelist comps, and shifted chronicle to sentinel full-time. Maybe get Alfajer and Derke to integrate 1 or 2 non-duelists into their agent rotation.

posted 5 months ago

Now that we've reached the off-season, and the dust of the three major international events has settled, who do you think are 5 best teams of the year?

For me it's:

  1. Gen. G: Crazy year. They won one masters, and made the grand finals of another. Performed exceptionally well in apac.

  2. EDG: They beat Heretics, Leviatan, Sentinels, PRX and Trace. They all looked crazy good in the grand finals, and they were performing so well under a crazy level of pressure.

  3. Heretics: They have some insane talents on their team, and they made two grand finals in a row.

  4. Sentinels: Won a masters, and performed very well at champs. Glad to see Zekken really hit his stride, dude's a demon, and easily one of my favorite players atm.

  5. Leviatan: Probably the least certain pick; they've looked a bit shaky for parts of the year, but they still performed really well this year. They definitely looked like they were the 3rd best team at champs. I do think they need a few more weapons in their arsenal, but they're still an awesome team.

posted 5 months ago

This is an embarrassing take. Every player will have a bad day here and there, and Sacy's support; which means his performance is more heavily dependent on teamplay then any other player. Sentinels have been looking shaky post-Madrid, and they lost a few games they should've won. There are 5 players on each team, and when your team is fragging out there are less frags for you to pick up. And when you're using your utility for your teammates, you can't use that same utility to get kills. People like you are the reason every lobby I log into, I end up with 4 instalock duelists who are somehow all incapable of playing entry. His contribution as a support and an anchor have been critical to Sen's success. You either haven't been watching their games, or you haven't been watching them closely.

posted 6 months ago

Boaster is Fnatic. He's been with the team forever, he's an influencer and fans love him. Finally as igl it's difficult to quantify the impact he has on a game. He certainly does more than his stats imply, but is he more useful to have on your team than someone like Derke, who is easily one of the top 5 duelists to touch the game? Personally, I don't think so. Valyn, Saadhak, johnqt can all frag out and igl, Boaster only needs to get to the starting line and he just can't manage it lately. Maybe off-season will give him a chance to restore his form; I also think dropping him would be hasty. But if he can't step up, then maybe he should work as a coach instead.

posted 6 months ago

You don't seem like a very smart person.

posted 6 months ago

The fact that you guys legitimately don't seem to understand the function of a support player is crazy. Dedicated support players will make plays for the sake of the team, and the round's strategy. Not for assists or individual frags. The fact is, Sacy is a brilliant support and a reliable anchor. He might be Sentinels most consistent clutch. Y'all don't know shit.

posted 6 months ago

Dropping Derke is a disaster. I assume they plan to rotate Alfajer into Derke's position, bring Leo back on initiator, shift Hiro to sentinel, and keep Chronicle and Boaster as flex and controller. But no amount of position swaps will change the fact that one of your players isn't fragging. Even when Boaster shows up, he's bottom of the leaderboard by 4-5 kills, and when he flounders it legitimately feels like we're watching a 4 v 5. I like Boaster, but strategically speaking, dropping Derke and keeping Boaster is insane.

posted 6 months ago

Sacy's gold. If you plebs can't see that, then I feel sorry for you.

posted 6 months ago

You want them to drop the igl that just won them champs??

posted 6 months ago

I though it was amazing

posted 6 months ago

Mine is--

Duelist: KangKang (ZmjjKK)
Initiator: Leo
Controller: Valyn (also igl)
Sentinel: benjyfishy
Flex: s0m

Pretty happy with this. Still tempted to switch KangKang with zekken, and Valyn with Cryo.

posted 6 months ago