No Kilometers but Miles
No Celsius but Fahrenheit or im not sure about the name
No day/month/year but month/day/year
No Centimeters but Feet
No Meters but Inches
No Football but Soccer
No Rugby but Football
They do wanna be special lmfao
kindereggmodel [#2]rugby is rugby. their football isnt rugby. its a different game. you should research their football before saying it is rugby LOL
idk why lol.
its totally the same game bro..they just have helmets 😂😂
p.s and you cant call it football when you play with your hands lmao
feaN [#3]its totally the same game bro..they just have helmets 😂😂
p.s and you cant call it football when you play with your hands lmao
its not. american football has downs, rugby is always going on and on and the play never stops, i watch both and they are very different. Also the ball is different, the scoring is different and how you are able to score is different
Man, us Canadians are like some weird hybrid.
(None if this applies to the science or healthcare fields, they use metric exclusively of course but all of this applies to every day life lol)
feaN [#3]its totally the same game bro..they just have helmets 😂😂
p.s and you cant call it football when you play with your hands lmao
Bro they're different sport
Iirc yoi can have unlimited subtitutions on American Football meanwhile you can only get 7 subtitutions on Rugby
Also it called TouchDown on American Football and Try on Rugby and have different point worth
H3LiX [#11]Man, us Canadians are like some weird hybrid.
- We measure distance and speed in Kilometres
- We measure temperature in Celsius unless it’s for cooking then we use Fahrenheit
- We say soccer (football is American football)
- We do SOME measurements in metric, unless it’s height or construction then we use imperial.
- if something is light we tend to use metric (ie 2 grams), if something is heavy we tend to use imperial (ie 7,000 pounds). We measure our own body weight in pounds.
- We measure volume in metric (ml, L, etc) unless it’s for cooking then you’ll see “3/4 cups, 2 teaspoons” etc.
(None if this applies to the science or healthcare fields, they use metric exclusively of course but all of this applies to every day life lol)
Though for sure Canada have it same with America but it turns out they're hybrid
Thank you for knowledge mate
feaN [#3]its totally the same game bro..they just have helmets 😂😂
p.s and you cant call it football when you play with your hands lmao
bro they arent even close to the same u are a fucking retard in an irrelevant asf country now shut the hell up
Tira [#12]Bro they're different sport
Iirc yoi can have unlimited subtitutions on American Football meanwhile you can only get 7 subtitutions on RugbyAlso it called TouchDown on American Football and Try on Rugby and have different point worth
Shit man the differences are just so uncanny, i cant believe it. They just scream two completely different sports with completely different fundamentals
TheArcticArcher [#14]bro they arent even close to the same u are a fucking retard in an irrelevant asf country now shut the hell up
mhm definitely the same sport man. has completely different mechanics with completely different fundamentals
Crayzid [#5]month day year makes more sense tbh
how can that make more sense when is literally from the smallest to the biggest
day - the smallest one
month - the middle one created by days
year - the biggest thing which is created by months and days
H3LiX [#11]Man, us Canadians are like some weird hybrid.
- We measure distance and speed in Kilometres
- We measure temperature in Celsius unless it’s for cooking then we use Fahrenheit
- We say soccer (football is American football)
- We do SOME measurements in metric, unless it’s height or construction then we use imperial.
- if something is light we tend to use metric (ie 2 grams), if something is heavy we tend to use imperial (ie 7,000 pounds). We measure our own body weight in pounds.
- We measure volume in metric (ml, L, etc) unless it’s for cooking then you’ll see “3/4 cups, 2 teaspoons” etc.
(None if this applies to the science or healthcare fields, they use metric exclusively of course but all of this applies to every day life lol)
love my mixed canadians hehe..guys you are really awesome people
feaN [#19]love my mixed canadians hehe..guys you are really awesome people
And we love most of you too 😜
feaN [#18]how can that make more sense when is literally from the smallest to the biggest
day - the smallest one
month - the middle one created by days
year - the biggest thing which is created by months and days
Day of the months of the year
feaN [#18]how can that make more sense when is literally from the smallest to the biggest
day - the smallest one
month - the middle one created by days
year - the biggest thing which is created by months and days
there is only 12 months there is upwards of 29 days there is about 2022 years i think it makes since and im japanesse lol
Tira [#12]Bro they're different sport
Iirc yoi can have unlimited subtitutions on American Football meanwhile you can only get 7 subtitutions on RugbyAlso it called TouchDown on American Football and Try on Rugby and have different point worth
Yeah they are diffrent sports but its like sitting on a wheelchair while playing chess i mean sure your hadicapted but you will still be playing chess... Its litrally the samething with some different rules and a hadicap..
we use different units because when the british colonized us we kept the units, and just haven't changed because it's kinda pointless and would cost a lot of money
football isn't rugby, it's a different sport entirely
soccer is because when we got the sport from the british that's what they called it (this isn't just us either, soccer is used in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Japan, South Africa, Papua New Guinea, and the southern part of the Philippines)
and for mm/dd/yyyy idk
Danny [#27]we use different units because when the british colonized us we kept the units, and just haven't changed because it's kinda pointless and would cost a lot of money
football isn't rugby, it's a different sport entirely
soccer is because when we got the sport from the british that's what they called it (this isn't just us either, soccer is used in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Japan, South Africa, Papua New Guinea, and the southern part of the Philippines)
and for mm/dd/yyyy idk
feaN [#18]how can that make more sense when is literally from the smallest to the biggest
day - the smallest one
month - the middle one created by days
year - the biggest thing which is created by months and days
Cause most people say "March 15th" instead of "15th of March".
H3LiX [#11]Man, us Canadians are like some weird hybrid.
- We measure distance and speed in Kilometres
- We measure temperature in Celsius unless it’s for cooking then we use Fahrenheit
- We say soccer (football is American football)
- We do SOME measurements in metric, unless it’s height or construction then we use imperial.
- if something is light we tend to use metric (ie 2 grams), if something is heavy we tend to use imperial (ie 7,000 pounds). We measure our own body weight in pounds.
- We measure volume in metric (ml, L, etc) unless it’s for cooking then you’ll see “3/4 cups, 2 teaspoons” etc.
(None if this applies to the science or healthcare fields, they use metric exclusively of course but all of this applies to every day life lol)
Same in britain i believe. Ive heard british people who measure distance while driving in miles but walking/biking in km. Their height in feet and inches but measuring the length of an object in meters. Weight for people and large objects in lbs/tons but small objects and food in grams/kg. Volume of foodstuffs in pints/gallons but volume of gasoline for example in liters. Cooking is a weird mix of both. and then they use their own dumbass measurements like stone at the same time too
Danny [#27]we use different units because when the british colonized us we kept the units, and just haven't changed because it's kinda pointless and would cost a lot of money
football isn't rugby, it's a different sport entirely
soccer is because when we got the sport from the british that's what they called it (this isn't just us either, soccer is used in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Japan, South Africa, Papua New Guinea, and the southern part of the Philippines)
and for mm/dd/yyyy idk
mm/dd/yyyy is of course another British thing that Americans inherited and never bothered changing. Its because dates used to be written out as opposed to writing them in numbers, so "June 3rd, 2020" makes perfect sense. But when computers came about it became necessary to writes dates numerically, and the countries who still regularly used mm/dd/yyyy swapped to the now-logical dd/mm/yyyy. Except for America of course. Although I've heard the military uses yyyy/mm/dd, like in Asia
Zaynio [#29]Cause most people say "March 15th" instead of "15th of March".
"most" aka on north america
Danny [#27]we use different units because when the british colonized us we kept the units, and just haven't changed because it's kinda pointless and would cost a lot of money
football isn't rugby, it's a different sport entirely
soccer is because when we got the sport from the british that's what they called it (this isn't just us either, soccer is used in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Japan, South Africa, Papua New Guinea, and the southern part of the Philippines)
and for mm/dd/yyyy idk
Colonized us? You were those who colonized that land, don't act like you are native american.
Danny [#27]we use different units because when the british colonized us we kept the units, and just haven't changed because it's kinda pointless and would cost a lot of money
football isn't rugby, it's a different sport entirely
soccer is because when we got the sport from the british that's what they called it (this isn't just us either, soccer is used in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Japan, South Africa, Papua New Guinea, and the southern part of the Philippines)
and for mm/dd/yyyy idk
why are you saying us as if you lived during the 17th century
ViperBuffManagement [#35]Colonized us? You were those who colonized that land, don't act like you are native american.
man i love reading dumb shit like this on a valorant forum
plas [#36]why are you saying us as if you lived during the 17th century
I'm saying us as if I am american today lol
Danny [#27]we use different units because when the british colonized us we kept the units, and just haven't changed because it's kinda pointless and would cost a lot of money
football isn't rugby, it's a different sport entirely
soccer is because when we got the sport from the british that's what they called it (this isn't just us either, soccer is used in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Japan, South Africa, Papua New Guinea, and the southern part of the Philippines)
and for mm/dd/yyyy idk
"colonized us" omegalul.
feaN [#3]its totally the same game bro..they just have helmets 😂😂
p.s and you cant call it football when you play with your hands lmao
Rugby is the original football in fact the RFU stands for rugby football union and a lot of clubs have rugby football in their name, so yes you can call it football if played with hands in fact that's what we have done for centuries
kindereggmodel [#9]its not. american football has downs, rugby is always going on and on and the play never stops, i watch both and they are very different. Also the ball is different, the scoring is different and how you are able to score is different
all i see is an egg