Jinggg-"cant play any agents, small agent pool, is shit at the game, cut him from the team immedatley"
Something-"hes good on these few agents, so good, save him"
Now that weve gotten that out of the way lets look at the stats as well as ability use for both of these players to see which one is better. As for stats I will only be using Split 2 of 24 onward. Valorant is a constantly changing game and I wont be convinced to use stats from more than a yearish-same way you dont use demon1s 23 stats or yays 22 stats to rank them now. I also wont be using Reyna at all as she is the worst pick out of every agent and if you think Reyna is good enough to warrant even an outside pick in the current meta then you probably dont have the mental facilities to read this anyways.
Overall Average Rating:
Something: .9833
Jinggg: .9967
Rating on Duelist (duelist will use average rating, average fkpr, average fdpr, and average kast as it is the best metric to see how good their duelist is-fkpr to see if they can entry, fdpr and kast to see how often they throw their life away, and rating to see if they can frag):
Something Jett: (.98 average rating), (.1833 average fkpr), (.16 average fdpr), (68.67% average kast)
Jinggg Raze: (1.0467 average rating), (.1433 average fkpr), (.1667 average fdpr), (70.67% average kast)
Jinggg Iso: (.82 average rating), (.19 average fkpr), (.1 average fdpr), (71% average kast)
Jinggg Neon: (.835 average rating), (.235 average fkpr), (.26 average fdpr), (71% average kast)
Jinggg Phoenix: (1.065 average rating), (.145 average fkpr), (.13 average fdpr), (62.5% average kast)
Rating on Support Agents (these support agents such as initator/sentinel/smokes will use average rating, average apr, average kast, and average fdpr as it is the best metric to see how good a support they are-apr to see if they can use util, fdpr and kast to see how often they throw their life away, and rating to see if they can frag):
Something Fade: (.785 average rating), (67.5% average kast), (.35 average apr), (.05 average fdpr)
Something Breach: (1.18 average rating), (78% average kast), (.28 average apr), (.07 average fdpr)
Something Gekko: (1.015 average rating), (75% average kast), (.33 average apr), (.105 average fdpr)
Jinggg Clove: (.92 average rating), (74% average kast), (.55 average apr), (.07 average fdpr)
Jinggg Sage: (1 average rating), (74% average kast), (.415 average apr), (.155 average fdpr)
Jinggg Cypher: (.75 average rating), (70% average kast), (.09 average apr), (.09 average fdpr)
As a entry:
- Jinggg Raze
- Jinggg Neon
- Jinggg Iso
- Something Jett
- Jinggg Pheonix
As a support:
- Jinggg Clove
- Jinggg Sage
- Something Gekko
- Something Fade
- Something Breach
- Jinggg Cypher
As a fragger:
- Something Breach
- Jinggg Phoenix
- Jinggg Raze
- Something Gekko
- Jinggg Sage
- Something Jett
- Jinggg Clove
- Jinggg Neon
- Jinggg Iso
- Something Fade
- Jinggg Cypher
Agent pool (these are agents that the player has played in the last yearish and have played to a pro level in both the role and frags):
Jinggg (6 agents-4 duelist, 2 support, 3 meta right now): Raze, Neon, Iso, Pheonix, Clove, Sage
Something (3 agents-1 duelist, 2 supprot, 1 meta right now): Jett, Gekko, Fade
TLDR/Everything summed up:
Jinggg is a better entry, he is a better support for more agents, he has a better overall rating, he is a better fragger on more agents, he plays more agents at a pro level, and he plays more agents that fit into the current meta
Stop this Jinggg hate please he doesnt deserve it