Bro he looks like Chinese karrigan lmao
Flag: | North Korea |
Registered: | September 11, 2020 |
Last post: | March 5, 2025 at 4:45 PM |
Posts: | 909 |
Maybe a small resurgence but I doubt CS will ever take the #1 tac FPS spot from VAL in Asia ever again. Supposedly the 2025 Austin major will be 32 spots so maybe 6 Asian teams too which will help more
"Tyler James" playing for Wolves sounds like an 18 year old academy right back who gets to play the second half of Wolves' cup matches
Banned from OU within 2 days of SV release 😂😂
Meanwhile Valo has like a 10% market share in FPS games in Mongolia lol. If Mongolia committed to Valo over CS Asia would be done for, it would be 1200 AD all over again
What is this scheduling 💀
Handball and Badminton are popular too but maybe CS is more popular
Only team sisu beat was sl9k who would lose to a random radiant stack (still dropped a map too). sisu played a life game and Xipto played like shit yesterday and they still lost. They wouldn't've even make playoffs from group A lol
Sisu and Mir aren't winning these games lol
Most Americans think people who smoke are genuinely subhuman, it's pretty crazy. The anti-smoking campaign in America is literally one of the most successful PSA campaigns in history. Not that smoking is good for you, but Americans get very very aggressive about it
Ту изи бля
t3xture and Meteor LOOOL
Korea meat riding is getting too crazy, you must be a Riot employee
He fell off and got toxic once he realized he couldn't even hang in T2 NA/Asia anymore, nothing else to it. I'd imagine it's pretty frustrating knowing you're not performing to the expectations you set for yourself being the former best player itw
Waaaay back in my day, dickriders were haters lol. Where do you think the phrase "get off my dick" came from
Fayde (former TS and NiP coach) saying that yay is toxic to his teammates on Bleed too, when steel, crazyguy, genghsta, and even coaches from other teams are saying he's toxic maybe there is some truth to the rumor. I don't think it's a coincidence when someone from literally every team he's played on post-optic has a problem with him.
The weakest team in history vs the weakest y0y of today
Polvi biggest import flop ever? Has he gone positive once yet?
I'm from Kazakhstan, do fellow steppe chads count
Nepotism org doesn't care when there is no punishment for poor performance due to 0 effort
Still better than DFM's lol, lowest effort org in franchising
y0y secured the bag and just ✌️
y0y losing to Rossy in 2024 time to hang up the mouse
Yep, did it with my school district issued email and it's since been disabled in the 4 years since my graduation. Tried to see if I could change my login email but apparently the support line is only open until 6 pm lol
Yeah, I've always naturally found reading and writing far easier than math. I barely studied for them while crushing them despite failing the BC exam even though it and Physics C were the only ones I genuinely grinded really hard on lol. I graduated in 2020 so I'm having some trouble accessing my collegeboard account but I'm pretty sure I got 5s on both, maybe a 4 on English III. I had incredible teachers for both too, especially my English IV teacher. She was definitely a top 3 teacher in my entire life, she bailed me out so hard after I just stopped turning in my work lol, 2020 COVID year fucked everything for me and I nearly failed all my classes that required HW/Zoom attendance as part of the grade 😬😹
If you take AB as a junior then BC as a senior I can see how you would find it easier. Half the material you already know. The transition from pre-calc or trig to actual calculus may be harder than the transition from calculus to... slightly harder calculus. I only ever took BC and found it quite difficult but some of my friends who took AB first found it easy. Then again, they were just way smarter than me too 😹
Literally any of the science and math ones, the social studies and English ones are a genuine joke. Never took any of the art or foreign language ones so I can't speak to their difficulty. Physics C (both exams) and Calc BC are definitely the hardest, heard that Chem is insanely hard but I took Bio (which is really easy). Not really sure how anyone found the history exams difficult, they're just rote memorization mainly so anyone can get a 5 if they study. I guess they can be hard if you find learning history a chore.
Fwiw CSP and CSA were by far the easiest ones, heard that APES is a meme too but I never took it
Look at CS, Aurora are ranked #25 in the world and have played 112 maps in the last 3 months. Most T2 teams in CS play 30+ maps a month, T1 teams play fewer but they play 2-3 LANs in different countries every month. No wonder people make fun of Valo babies, it's supposed to be a fucking job and people are crying about averaging a map every other day
5 stack elo abusing to get easier matchups, people have made it to radiant doing this lol. Just get 4 friends on smurf accounts around iron and bronze and you'll get easy games to boost your immo account because the elo average of ur 5 stack will be somewhere in gold. People have been doing this on faceit to get lvl 10 for free for years at this point
Syouta is full time duelist now? I thought they were trolling first round bc they played vs no name 5 stack
Boostio looks like a roid raging linebacker with the buzz cut ngl. Looks like he eats bricks for breakfast. Menacing man
They are not even top 5 in JP. Zeta, Scarz, Fennel, CR all better. Jadeite too but they disbanded. Stupid that they got the slot purely because of LoL
Calling a Korean Japanese bc you don't care about the difference between Asians is racist, yes
GenG beat up on all the bottom feeders first few games of the season and got way too overhyped lol
Because it's a bunch of 13yos who spam the site with their nonsense threads and comments and whenever anyone says anything to them they cry about racism
Here comes the inevitable streak of rounds that Zeta will throw like monkeys
That tencent money hittin 🤑🤑🤑
Riot not even trying with these scripts 🤣🤣
Not fake flagger, he is just diasporic. Diaspora are always either insanely self-hating or rabid nationalists with no in between
this isnt even true if there are any team kills or suicides