Sutecas, former VKS player, is now telling on Twitch his experiences during VKS (potential indirect to Sacy), speaking up after Less statements.
Some quotes:
"You don't have to destroy someone's mind to win...I don't wish this on anyone, to go through what i've got. [...] I've had shitty thoughts, you know. Really shitty thoughts." (He was crying during this one)
"After champions, I've received two offers, but I hadn't mental conditions to keep playing. You don't have to destroy someone's career. [...] But what goes around...comes around."
"I felt just like Less, feeling I was a garbage, as someone who couldn't play. I think my level of game just dipped down after that"
So, a "certain vks player" moral harassment almost drove a human being to suicide. What do you guys think of that?
Sutecas didn't mention a specific VKS player. However, at some point, he was clearly talking about a singular person "você (you) don't have to...." (in portuguese, "You" is singular).