Flag: International
Registered: May 25, 2021
Last post: May 2, 2023 at 12:22 PM
Posts: 70
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Brazil is unique in SA/Latin America. The country was colonized by Portugal, not Spain, remaining as a single country since 1600 (spanish american, on the other hand, has gone through many divisions). Despite some similarities, there are many cultural differences between Brazil and other Latin American countries, such as language, food, politics, race, and history. Many Brazilians do not identify themselves as "Latin Americans," but simply as "Brazilians" - a sui generis people on the continent. "South America" is just a geographical term without a strong cultural association.

posted about a year ago

He was clearly talking about someone, dude. He even said "tudo que vai volta".

Other interpretation is just malabarism.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

What do you expected? They just moved to States. McDonald's everyday.

posted about a year ago

Are u really that dumb? Omfg.

posted about a year ago

Added a note about it to main post.

posted about a year ago

US average IQ sample

posted about a year ago

Btw, in both cases (Loud and VKS), there are clear mistakes from the organizations themselves, such as managers, psychologists, and others. It is concerning how a team environment can reach such a point without proper management. Loud is being hypocritical, to say the least.

posted about a year ago

Good point.

posted about a year ago

I don't think so. Sacy said multiple times that he didnt enjoy being a leader/second caller. If he was really toxic before, I dont believe he found pleasure in it - Just reproduced the way he learned.

posted about a year ago

At some point, Sutecas pointed out that a player in VKS tried to help him, giving him some voice in the roster. I have reasons to believe that this player was Saadhaak: Sutecas read some Tweets of saadhaak's wife after (about toxic behaviour)

posted about a year ago

Could be. Either way, I think there is a valid discusson in all this: how far is it ok to demand/push/offend in esports?

posted about a year ago

I already expected some backlash from sentinels/sacy fans. I'm really not concerned with some bootlickers. Just trying to clarify my intentions and point of views for those with some reason.

posted about a year ago

Are u mad bro?

posted about a year ago

Just to make it clear: I'm not and I havent be a Sacy hater or something like that. Some days ago, I even defend Sacy against some false claims Loud fans have been producing. My intention was to share portuguese content with english-speakers.

Judgment to te matter is up to you guys.

posted about a year ago

Agree. Sutecas is talking about a much more serious moral harassment.

posted about a year ago

Yeah, he's really crying. I felt for him. He was a good player. Sad to see someone give up due to mental breakdown.

posted about a year ago

As someone who was born in Brazil but now lives in an English-speaking country, I am just sharing what a former VKS player is saying.

The judgment is up to you.

posted about a year ago

Maninho, não sei o que o Sacy te deu para você mamar as bolas dele apesar das evidências.

posted about a year ago

Sutecas, former VKS player, is now telling on Twitch his experiences during VKS (potential indirect to Sacy), speaking up after Less statements.

Some quotes:

  • "You don't have to destroy someone's mind to win...I don't wish this on anyone, to go through what i've got. [...] I've had shitty thoughts, you know. Really shitty thoughts." (He was crying during this one)

  • "After champions, I've received two offers, but I hadn't mental conditions to keep playing. You don't have to destroy someone's career. [...] But what goes around...comes around."

  • "I felt just like Less, feeling I was a garbage, as someone who couldn't play. I think my level of game just dipped down after that"

So, a "certain vks player" moral harassment almost drove a human being to suicide. What do you guys think of that?


Sutecas didn't mention a specific VKS player. However, at some point, he was clearly talking about a singular person "você (you) don't have to...." (in portuguese, "You" is singular).

posted about a year ago

O Sutecas acabou de falar que "Já teve pensamentos escrotos", em indireta ao assédio moral do Sacy. Vão normalizar isso mesmo?

"você não tá acabando com a carreira, você tá acabando com a vida" - Sutecas, claramente falando do Sacy.

Botem a mão na consciência. Até parece que bater e destruir o psicológico é o que forma campeões. Sutecas disse que recebeu propostas pós-champions, mas recusou por não ter mais mental. Isso é saudável? Sacy é uma cobra arrogante, que antes do Saadhaak nunca ganhou nada.

posted about a year ago

As pessoas estão normalizando assédio moral e toxicidade, bizarro. Mesma coisa de quem diz que "bater" é método eficaz de criação de filhos. Gente ignorante.

posted about a year ago

Any MIBR player. They've got stomped in 4 maps in a roll lol

posted about a year ago

TBH, Tuyz damaged Ardiis permanently after that clutch on Fracture (lock-in).

posted about a year ago

It's funny how you believe only what is congruent with your beliefs, despite logic and evidence to the contrary. There's a name for that. Here's a free diagnosis: you irrationally hate Sacy and are only looking to justify that, filling in the gaps.

posted about a year ago

waiting for @Rendzin to give us his tin foil hat answer here.

posted about a year ago

That story has a lot of gaps and inconsistencies. After Loud won Champions 2022, Sacy mentioned multiple times that he would help build a "Loud era" in Valorant and stick with his teammates. Why would he deliberately lie, knowing that he was going to SEN? Why would he say that when he was already negotiating with SEN? I don't think this is plausible. Sacy is hated in Brazil today mostly because he promised to stay with Loud but didn't follow through. Why would he put himself in such a shit position?

Debunked with pure logic and reason.

posted about a year ago

Klaus was nominated 2 times for the Bagre Awards week pool. I believe he didn't "won" cause no one was expecting something different from KRU.

posted about a year ago

Update: apparently, they can indeed receive a visa, but it is not so simple. Only NTK is convicted - as far as we know - and domestic violence does not necessarily make you inadmissible in US. Pancc situation can be worse, as being charge of sexual abuse of a minor can prevent you from entering US - even if you are not convicted. By law, they have to tell US government about these charges/convictions during visa application. Although possible, permission to enter and stay is NOT A GUARANTEE. Both probably will need to be approved by an Immigration judge - which means: hire an immigration lawyer and go through a not very fast process - with a lot of costs adding up.

Regarding sponsors, no information about potential internal/commercial pressures.

Source: a Brazilian valorant journalist, friend of mine, that is looking into it.

posted about a year ago

For work visa, the laws, and rules are even stricter. They will need to go through a much more rigorous, time-consuming, costly and complicated visa process. There is, yes, the possibility that they will not be able to play.

posted about a year ago

Did he? I thought Vivo Keyd dropped him before masters (or champions idk). But yeah, maybe the org will kick them out after guarantee a spot in Ascention LOL

posted about a year ago

You're probably right. However, in the last week, the public pressure is increasing a lot in Brazil - even GTN and other pros are talking about it now (and...there's the potential visa issue).

posted about a year ago

Ascension Americas will probably be hosted in US. The Union already won VCB Split 1, so there's a big chance they will qualify for Ascension. To sponsors, it doesn't matter: in ascension, every team has a chance to qualify for the main league.

posted about a year ago

At this point, I'm pretty sure there will be problems

posted about a year ago

I'm not concerned with legal procedures here. From the eyes of justice, they are free man indeed! But is not so simple: they need visas to travel and there are sponsors involved in Ascension and Americas League

posted about a year ago

Haven't thought about that. Good point!

posted about a year ago

Fair. For the very same reason, I'm rooting for VKS rn.

But what about the sponsors? I'm foreseeing some controversy if The Union qualifies.

posted about a year ago

Different sponsors. Tbh, I have checked and Valorant Challengers Brazil barely have any sponsor. Ascension and Americas League will have tons of partners and sponsors – and there's a potential issue with the mentioned The Union players.

posted about a year ago

So, I agree that everyone has the right to move on. However, it is undeniable that the past matter in marketing; and riot global is powered by sponsors. If The Union qualifies, there's potential problems in allowing them to play Ascension or even Americans League, or no? That's my question.

P.S: I did shit at 18 years old, but never I have assaulted/harassed a girl.

posted about a year ago

Some have been shit talking The Union and making jokes about it; others are defending the right to separate personal life/professional valorant life etc. In general, it has been a controversial topic in brazilian community - and soon, a global controversial topic if they qualify.

posted about a year ago

I agree. If they paid for theis crimes, they have the right to move on. My concern is with riot global sponsors'.

posted about a year ago

To everyone not familiar with the case: Challengers Brazil Split 1 is coming to an end today and "The Union", a debut org in Valorant, is a serious contender to become one of the brazilian representatives in Ascension Americas. The problem? Two players of the roster are involved in sexual criminal offenses: NTK was convicted some years ago for domestic violence (he even dragged his girlfriend by hair); and Pancc harassed a minor 2 years ago (and even admitted it on Twitter).

Riot Global, its partners and sponsors would be ok with that? If The Union qualifies to Ascension, wouldn't be controversial to let both play normally? I believe riot global sponsors don't wanna risk to associate its images with these guys - that even can become winners of the damn thing.

What do you guys think about?

Sources:; and

EDIT: I agree that, if they paid for their crimes, they have the right to move on. My concern is not from a moral point of view, but a practical one: will Riot sponsors (Ascension and Americas Leagues) be ok with that?

EDIT 2: What about visa issues? Some countries won't accept convicted sexual offenders – including US (@soonwookong's take)

EDIT 3: The Union just won VCB Split 1.

posted about a year ago

Sadly, NTK and Pancc are deeply involved in criminal controversy regarding domestic violence & harassment. Hope another Brazilian roster could represent the country on Ascention.

Raafa, Guh and Havoc are good people - apparently.

posted about a year ago

Are you dumb or deaf? Crowd is actually much better now since Riot reorganized tickets selling - as already reported. e.g: It's clear that people are now cheering for Liquid.

posted about 2 years ago

Braindead copypasted take. Crowed is actually cheerful right now.

posted about 2 years ago

Missing GTN

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago
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