Flag: Brazil
Registered: March 6, 2022
Last post: February 12, 2024 at 10:30 PM
Posts: 232
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U guessed it right 💀

posted 11 months ago

If the region is franchised based then it comes
Emea - Idk dont really follows EMEA community at all
PACIFIC - I think they are pretty chill, didnt see much of a hate coming towards/inwards them

posted about a year ago

Are you guys really saying to do -Sacy +Tenz after today even tho Sacy played very well on other maps JUST BECAUSE HE HAS LESS KILLS? REALLY?

posted about a year ago

So with these rumors
He's back to controller.

posted about a year ago

If M80 had winned against The Union then it would be an easy seed for M80 by your logic

posted about a year ago

Mas ele foi literalmente atrás do Mw

posted about a year ago

I think that maybe 00 could surprise and get one map to OT or even winning a map, but I really dont see then winning against The Guard, I mean, maybe in their map pick they win, I dont really know both of them map pools, to me if the map pools are different is a 2-1 if the map pools are the same then its 2-0 for The Guard obviously

posted about a year ago

I dont think that Ntk should even be close to be banned he already served his sentence and is doing everyhting to evite the scenario to happen, and to Brazilian laws Pancc didnt did nothing wrong, so I dont think that Riot could do something in this situation, but I really do think that Pancc should at least serve some time in prison or be medically acompanied by a therapist and everything

posted about a year ago

What the fuck are you talking about

posted about a year ago

Ntk has an agression history with his ex-girlfriend, he already has served his sentence that he was gave in the court and then started playing to VK (Vivo Keyd) in Valorant in the year of 2021 after served the sentence and seeked for professional help, he started dating another girl during this time here is a Twitter of her thanking the present of Valentines that he gave to her
But this time he didnt did nothing and was playing very well for VK, but then a Newspaper from Brazil "revived" this situation in 2021 right before Champions, he decided then, as a personal decision, to "leave" VK, that was then when Mwzera came in as a complete to Champs, and after that Ntk search for other teams in the Second split of 2022 and then entered The Union
Pancc situation is way more down, ill resume, he flirted with underaged girls, and was sent to the court, BUT, in Brasil the age of consent is... 14(yeah thats awful) so the judge foumd him not guilty, but of course he went to seek professional help, and I think that at least NTK have a second chance, my opinion on Pancc is different than that

posted about a year ago

For me honestly, Im cheering for THE UNION, and I think that the first game will define the winner of the competition, The Union are looking strong, I know that NA has a clear advantage right here, and that both The Guard and M80 are very, very good, but I think that maybe The Union could surpreend
Tell your toughts

posted about a year ago

The Less I Know the Better

posted about a year ago

Yes sir

posted about a year ago

It was obviously a meme dude, relax man

posted about a year ago

Loud suffered from the Second place curse, it was meant to happen, it was their canon event

posted about a year ago

And the time proves you innocent again my friend

posted about a year ago

And the times proves you innocent another time my friend

posted about a year ago

So sad seeing a team with auch potencial being IGL'ed by Depph
Man this team looks so lost in game and matches, this guys needs to leave for LCQ

posted about a year ago

E pq o Sacy e pANcada com a Sen não é visto da msm maneira?

posted about a year ago

Most intelligent Loud fan👆
(I cant tell if this is irony or not, if it is my post is irony too)

posted about a year ago

People we're baiting to vote on saadhak for a meme like:
"Help saadhak to win this competition"
And how Loud fans dont give a fuck to read they just voted on him then started blaming Noyn after the shit they did

posted about a year ago

He kinda already is a Loud enemy in the fans visionXD, he blocked a bunch of Loud fans on Twitter for keep saying shit about Sacy and pANcada and because they are so fucking disrespectful to him sometimes

posted about a year ago

FINALLY, after some discussions Noyn decided not to remake the pool, and the awards goes to
A bunch of Loud dumb fans choose him up withou seeing it was the bagre competition XD

posted about a year ago

I aint biting it bro, read my text again

posted about a year ago

verdade, definitivamente foi isso! A Lissa deveria estar a viagem por isso ela só aparece no fim do vídeo, quando o Less começa a gravar o primeiro take o Jean pede resgate!!!1!!1!!!1
enfim eu não falei que ele foi forçado só que o vídeo ficou fora de contexto de propósito

posted about a year ago

Bro I personally think thats so overreacting, Sacy always was proud of Less, and Less's speech on documentary doesnt even make sense, that must be out of context, probably the Loud staff did this just to mess up with Sacy, knowing the Ceo of Loud was mad at the fact that Sacy and pANcada leave, so I'll just put this 2 minute clip right here anda ya guys think about it

posted about a year ago

mas assim, não to entendendo toda essa cobrança tlgd :/ acho meio tóxico kikarem assim, mal deu tempo de line po e já tão querendo mudar assim slk
deve ser um ambiente tóxico :/

posted about a year ago

Sutecas literally entered ODK right after Champs, just saying bullshit

posted about a year ago

O Jean segue a onda da torcida, as vezes é tão imaturo quanto, por um lado eu imaginei que leu errado, mas parece que sentiu tanto quanto a torcida a saída do Sacy

posted about a year ago

Pancada n tem 1/3 do nome do Sacy no cenário em geral, Sacy era quase o líder da equipe, óbvio que a saida dele geraria 5x mais repercussão que a do pancs, fora que o pancs só ignorou a torcida, e pode ignorar pq quase nunca interagia no Twitter ou na Twitch, tanto que ficou bem mais quieto do que já era dps da saída no Twitter e faz um tempo que ele fez a última live, o Sacy rebateu e se fudeu

posted about a year ago

Essa porra de história do Sacy chamar todo mundo n tem sentido nenhumkkkkk

posted about a year ago

The beggining of it all was on LOUD VALORANT today's video
Vs Sen

posted about a year ago

I guess that this video talks for itself
Based on this drama of today guess we know what im talking about

posted about a year ago

Só lembrei que antes dos tão famigerados "Tabela de Rank de Ato" a Riot liberava um top 10 das melhores contas de cada server, e simplesmente o Sacy tinha 3(TRÊS) CONTAS NO TOP 10 BR, DIVULGADO PELA RIOT
Absurdo po

posted about a year ago

A true é essa
Sacy e Saadhak pais do BR po, e se o Saadhak n viesse pro BR seria Sacy e + um IGL

posted about a year ago

A verdade é que o Sacy foi um dos principais fundamentos para os BR, tanto que o Saad que foi atrás do Sacy e não o contrário se não era o Sacy e outro IGL, seja o NZR ou até mesmo um IGL do BR e fds

posted about a year ago

Sacy came from LoL, there was so much teammates of him pushing him to the limits that it made he think that this was the better way to improve, he knew that if he wanted to win ANYTHING in Valorant he needed to do the same, so he did it, but did it with one objective in mind, winning Champions, and well guess we already know the results

posted about a year ago

Sacy had the chance to do his own name in the beggining of 2022, going to a EU/NA team it was always his dream, but instead of this he built a team to make another dream, giving to his homeland a INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP in a Riot game, that wasnt conquered by any brazilian team in any of the games, and to do that he focused, he pushed himself and others teammates to the limit, and did everything he could to achieve it, and he did it
And how do you (Loud Br fans) thanks him? With a bunch of unecessary hate threads,death treats and hate to him
Get better.

posted about a year ago

pANcada já era campeão mundial, então era esperado que ele seria maduro em relação a isso, Aspas é amigasso do Sacy, relação quase de pai e filho, certeza que houve falta de comunicação entre ele e o Less, tudo isso poderia ser evitado se ambas as partes fossem mais comunicativas

posted about a year ago

I updated a lil bit

posted about a year ago

He did, he was the second caller, and he probably is on Sen too

posted about a year ago

Sacy cobrava a todos igualmente menos o Saad, Less foi o único que levou dessa maneira, entendo o ponto do Less, mas será que se o Sacy não tivesse feito isso o Less jogaria tào bem quanto jogou? Se o Sacy não cobrasse todo e qualquer erro cometido, o Less seria metade do sentinela que é hoje?

posted about a year ago

First clip:
"Was I toxic?(Refering to Less speach on Loud's Documentary) Yes, I wasnt no saint, and we win the Champions, what next?(retorical question)
(Some seconds in silence)
Second clip:
"Chat:Loud made the biggest offer (in terms of money)
Sacy: No the biggest offer was from MIBR, but we accepted Loud because of the fanbase(kinda of a ironic laugh)

posted about a year ago

She must be talking to the bank to resolve the situation, still a very shitty situation

posted about a year ago

Got her bank account hacked mid-game between LOUD x EG
"Thank you so much to everyone who followed along, I'll reinforce that I'm not a commentator so I was also there as a fan, I wanted to apologize for looking a little sad but, while I was commenting my bank account was hacked and they took everything, so I'm not very well :("

posted about a year ago

Felt kinda offend tbh

posted about a year ago

I was rewatching the Sen vs LOUD game and this shit was so funny to watch, just look at how depph throws the game trying to take all in his aim

posted about a year ago

Sacy kinda hot tho🥵

posted about a year ago

He's talking about their appearence you know that right?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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