Going from people he carried to people he carries, no difference at all
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | April 3, 2023 |
Last post: | December 15, 2024 at 5:45 PM |
Posts: | 459 |
Going from people he carried to people he carries, no difference at all
He has a mustache, that’s all you need to know
I mean can LEV even be considered a LATAM team when 60% of the team isn’t from LATAM
Mocked brazillians and we won champs in the following year while he retired because he wasn’t good even for t2, I still remember ppl spamming videos of his amazing performance against g2 with a total of 1 kill, the guy is trash and was proved wrong, zombsnation was done the moment we won champs now it’s just a fever dream.
NA tears taste so good
Keep crying, you lost, it’s embarrassing that NA had all the advantages to win and still managed to lose
Last time bro had to retire after facing so much humiliation
They’re incompetent, they rather give multiple chances to players that already proved bad than give a first chance to a new talent
Furia should go to Galorys players honestly, they have potential
Zin means little, like Cauazin means little Cauã(player name) or Spikezin means little Spike
Zera is about Coldzera the two times best player in the world in CS, CS is pretty popular here
They’re delusional. I mean I’d too, imagine having all the advantages possible and still losing
First player to win all the possible trophies, happy retirement legend
c0m best performance was in champs and Sacy still had better stats, Sacy had better stats throughout the whole year and properly setup his duelist instead of lurking.
Yeah, I’m tired of seeing Aspas carrying this bum fr
Oh i see, yes he does, he is a Japanese descendant, i believe he could apply to Japanese citizenship
He can’t speak Japanese nor he is Japanese, he was born and raised in Brazil.
Mazino was beating his wife?, first time I’m hearing this, if that’s the case then f*ck him
Mazino was great, I don’t get why he they’d let him go instead of cUm, bro aside from a few matches at champs was trash the entire year
I mean Pancada is better player so yeah
The narrative is cUm is not a good player, he is a one trick player that can play only in a specific way and with a specific coach, Potter can make even Apoth look good that doesn’t mean he is good.
He is, he isn’t flexible at all, barely can apply any agente aside of Sova, and only works in a specific system.
We all thought they’d win last time but Pacific are certified chokers, I hope they win but I’m not that certain
Replace trashies with anyone and NRG may have a chance against Bilibili
W, I don’t even see shitty players like cUm get this amount of hate
Nah, he barely had a chance to play with JohnQT, last year they put him on sentinel and with a shitty IGL like dephh and expected him to perform, and Sen fans were saying he was the problem, they did him dirty and now it’s time he shit on them
Nah dude, the year is not over, SEN didn’t went to shangai or split 1 playoffs, don’t back down now when Pancada show how much better than Zellshits he is.
Can’t wait to see pancada shitting on Kaplan and Rob Moore and seeing SEN fans eating their words.
Unless it’s finals, then the other team celebrates
That’s the thing, he is putting IGL numbers without being the IGL
Imagine comparing both, clearly someone that doesn’t know shit about Valorant, plat max
They should get rid of c0m and get a proper IGL, Kingg is not that great of a IGL bro should focus on his aim instead
Mazin literally has the worst stats of the league and his calls are bad for what we’ve seen of MIBR matches, better try someone new, worst case scenario they still keep being winless.
I just don’t see how FNS and s0m replacing Demon1 and Marved will make the team any different from last year, they got Ethan instead of Asspiss, but is that enough to not get bilibili’ed again
Bro didn’t kill 10 times in two maps that’s not normal in any tier 1 match, especially in an international match.
TenZ speaks fluent portuguese, everyone knows that
The thing is Loud don’t have anyone who could play Sentinel, so that won’t make sense for them
Loud already has a good initiator and Sen already has a good Sentinel, what’s the point of the swap
You will be missed, come back soon Goat
Valyn still got prove himself in a international to be in this list, but he has the potential, ANGE1 and Boaster should be here, they can’t shoot but are good IGLs