Some things i found out about TenZ in his last Matches. Feel free to re-watch the Games yourself. That guy is just using Guns and Positions that are annoying and overpowered and he mostly only frag vs eco/halfbuy/mid range Weapon Round (2. Round) of enemies. When both sides have Full Equip, he mostly die first and hes way to scared to challange someone directly. he always looks for fights from positions he has the biggest advantage from. Also if you look at Vikings Game he only do cringe frags somehow. Like the one Operator Round he kill Haven Long 1 for free and the guy in rushing from sewer. Both ran like Bots and just wanted to die somehow. If you look at what Guns he use, you can clearly see hes only playing broken stuff. I mean have you seen him ever with a Spectre? I haven't. He play Marshall ($1100 broken eco/halfbuy frag machine), Judge ($1600 no comments), Vandal (HS or die like a silver), Operator (Broken gun and he always use it like a coward from cringe angles). Also a Vikings Player did face mid (Icebox) as CT from the Ramp and got 2x One Tapped from TenZ. Free Frag position for T Player since fragging as CT from that Ramp is very hard.
Anyone else could play in TenZ position for Sentinels and they would even do better than this. Sentinels is not winning because of TenZ. TenZ is just the random filler who can abuse overpowered guns that are way to cheap for that much potential.
Sentinels is a very dominant Team because they somehow manage to tilt their enemies and destroy them mentally and that's the Key why they win. fnatic for example is mentally a full professional Team that didn't get tilted or mental problems while playing them.
In short. TenZ is a coward who can't fight their enemies on Ground face to face. He always need the cringe positions to take fights.
Hes a great Player that only focus on fragging but i think hes not what you guys think he is. There are much better Players in this Tournament who could do whatever TenZ is doing, even better.
Also he couldn't make C9 win important Games. If he were that good, he would have sealed Rounds and Games. TenZ is like the turkish Jett in Matchmaking whos just playing for Frags and nothing else. No Impactfrags, no tactical hold back. Only press W and farm your Ult Points to get your Ult and have fun (only Jett have fun obv.).
Have fun crying now. Cya later