Flag: United States
Registered: March 4, 2021
Last post: August 18, 2024 at 7:09 AM
Posts: 55
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It’s ok drx will save you the pain

posted 6 months ago

lil bro said nicotine gum LMFAOOO nah thats some 5gum mint flavor only 2 players on the guard can even buy nic gum in America (over 21)

posted about a year ago

even Less said in an interview the tier two team in NA is really strong and caught them off guard when they first started practicing.. they're not being overhyped I think this is just the very first lan tournament for a lot of these players.. remember this game got popular during a global pandemic and there have been very few LANs, especially for American players

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

jett no? teams have used jett literally since beta even when they nerfed her dash most teams only swapped to raze for like 1-2 months and then realized jett could still be the most impactful duelist

posted about a year ago

bc whoever guard versus in this match has to play a bo3 right before this so 8 maps would be kind of ridiculous for 1 team !

posted about a year ago

2023 champions in august? what about sept-dec just nothin?

posted about 2 years ago

lol negative frags on every comment on this thread is too funny

posted about 2 years ago

nobody really knows.. before he went to brazil he had said on stream he was supposed to isolate in the hotel and he would just be streaming. I think those plans changed, as in that link he says his team "did not want him in their practice room the days leading up to their match", So that's probably where the mismanagement comes into play. It's messed up to tell him one thing and then switch up on him, especially if he is considered their sixth man... I mean qpert from cloud9 (their sixth man) literally walked onto the stage both times cloud9 played so I'm not really sure what is going on specifically with sick..

posted about 2 years ago

New clips from his stream "showing the problems with sentinels management"... I think SicK's feelings just got hurt that his 6th man title was not all that he had made it out to be in his head... It got blew out of proportion when his half-girlfriend got jealous he had flown out a girl to be in Brazil with him and she broke some of his stuff. But this is the internet, and were talking about people who spend 10+ hours a day gaming or interacting with social media.. so this socially awkwardness and emotional un-intelligence is to be expected... this whole thing is kind of being blown way out of proportion... there is no "Case" or need for "lawyers"... Unless sentinels clearly violated his contract, there's no crime for what isn't said/told

posted about 2 years ago

Valo heavily favors rematches and anti-strats. but loud gets the day off, so lets see what they can prepare in this time. Loud might be cold, especially if they dont scrim or prac today, optic will have played a lot. LOUD looked like the clear favorites yesterday, beating optic on their best map and not even being touched on Ascent.. so I think it will be close game, and GGS to whoever wins!

posted about 2 years ago

A lot of people are saying the turret is glitched, and that's why AYRIN thought one was heaven. But the Killjoy Turret will always shoot 3 bullets, and since angel went out of sight before it shot its last bullet, it snapped back to its original facing position to shoot the last bullet. If XSET would have realized this, or just assumed they would play together, maybe a different outcome, but i think the actual unluckiest thing to happen that round was zekken dying through the a main wall which was smoked. smoke + wall kill... GG FPX

posted about 2 years ago

is s1mple a one trick awper?? Literally who cares what agent they play.. he is still the best player in the world. Any team can have a one trick chamber. Chamber isn't even the best sentinel on every map, so the fact that optic wins and yay top frags is even more impressive than if they played the best possible comp for each map.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

bc he linked the pickem page not his own actual pickem

posted about 2 years ago

yea mostly copium pickems.. i would be really suprised if they even win against the gaurd, and then would be even more surprised if they beat the winner or loser of LG/C9 in either the upper bracket semis or lower bracket round 1. i think they can easily get double eliminated

posted about 2 years ago

literal exact same https://www.vlr.gg/pickem/e7565635

posted about 2 years ago

unless they are moving onto next stage and are clearing room

posted about 2 years ago

You can’t say the groups are favoring optic just because optics play style is a good counter to DRX 😭. Anybody can play slow...

posted about 2 years ago

Breach is so good. he can retake the site on his own. he can stun default + grafitti at the same time, aftershock hell, and double flash through the grafitti wall to blind anyone peaking anything. Breach should have 100% pickrate on haven tbh

posted about 2 years ago

???? Why would either of them play

posted about 3 years ago

More like why are you hating on a successful person for something they do that made them successful? Shroud's entire brand is himself and his personality. Not many people can say that they are millionaires because people enjoy watching their stream.

posted about 3 years ago

Weirdos talking shit about a streamer who doesn't even play valorant. Shroud has more money than everyone here talking shit, combined. Losers always trying to hate on someone. Get a life

posted about 3 years ago

the technically get a worse seed in champions. They would want to win berlin because that is #1 seed to champions, if an NA team wins berlin, sentinels get #2 seed NA and face harder opponents from other regions.

posted about 3 years ago

7man roster..

posted about 3 years ago

if sen wins it means the best NA team beat the best EU team, (twice), so NA > EU.

posted about 3 years ago

version1 has a jett op one trick in penny and they came top 5-6 here... i think wardell needs to rifle more, but the op is still the best gun in the game and a good oper is still incredibly valuable.

posted about 3 years ago

before matches even started eu was talking sh*t and calling sentinels predictable. I think Sen deserves to talk their crap considering they haven't dropped a map yet.

posted about 3 years ago

the passive, retake style that eu and korea play is so easily countered by post plant lineups. vanity 5 head.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

shit move

posted about 3 years ago

tenz is playing at iceland no matter what

posted about 3 years ago

geng should pick him up and have him run smokes then just have GMD reyna

posted about 3 years ago

Sentinels definitely can win but it depends on how much research the other teams do on them. Sentinels are very readable, especially on retakes. These EU/Korea teams have very coordinated executes, so I think that will force sentinels to play a retake style game, and sentinels retake is simply send one dude in first to try and get some early impact and throw off the other team, but if that dude gets no impact then the round is basically lost. Every team here is insane, it all depends on who does the most research and who shows up

posted about 3 years ago

c9 has been looking so good. c9 2-0

posted about 3 years ago

last time sentinels played envy they lost 0-3 so i wouldn't say convincingly

posted about 3 years ago

they talked their shit after first strike but it was well deserved. brand new team winning the first major, gives you permission. It just rubbed a lot of people the wrong way

posted about 3 years ago

or is everyone playing bad because of tenz?

posted about 3 years ago

tsm needs to win this or they will have a hard time in the lower bracket w/ the upset potential of all of these teams.

posted about 3 years ago

i mean na has been the laughing stock of esports for years so when na teams finally show dominance and seem to have the capability to beat other regions its kind of just people being like "finally" - being toxic to other regions isn't really fair though, since we haven't seen any LAN. Guess iceland will show!

posted about 3 years ago

sen and immortals - shotup goes crazy knocks out 100t in lower bracket finals, then loses a close 2-1 series against sen.

posted about 3 years ago

brax not playing isn't that suprising. two challenger series, two chances, two players. Just try one, if it doesn't work, try the other. (not that i agree with that, but thats probably what they are thinking)

posted about 3 years ago

I think experience wise 100t is the better team, I think mechanically speaking NV have the edge. It all comes down to who shows up and who doesn't.

posted about 3 years ago

cool read :D sen 2-0

posted about 3 years ago

They did have a close game with C9W on bind but that’s just the nature of this game. No matter how good you guys might be, the other team can get lucky and make it close. Also, sentinels doesn’t really play bind (not before masters), so I think they will probably ban it.

posted about 3 years ago

prob like 20-25k a month

posted about 3 years ago

shotup vs asuna. Whoever is feeling it today wins

posted about 3 years ago
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