arin2016 [#3]How is this rip? Japan is only getting one
bro its japan lol..
Dont compare japan to NORTH AMERICA
arin2016 [#3]How is this rip? Japan is only getting one
yeah but your region is dogshit so? literally got grouped at masters. NA had Optic and Xset popoff
Kuuga [#10]I hope that is speculation and not official
Edit: thought it said less than 5. It's a W now. I apologize.
You misspelled W
divisionbell [#17]Your region couldn't have 2 competitive teams in masters 1 and 2, do you still want 7 or 8 teams? this is funny
USA being USA
Curxyy [#14]bro its japan lol..
Dont compare japan to NORTH AMERICA
Least arrogant north america fan. They should give NA 2 slots, Optic and Xset and every other slot to South America.
This guy is Brazilian but don't worry you're very smart and funny!
moowari [#29]we knew this, no?
Also it is fair given the fact that the league homebase will be in the US, giving T2 NA teams better chances to improve massively compared to South American teams. In a couple of years we would probably have 9 NA, 3 BR, 2 LATAM
George literally said in his report up to 8 NA orgs lmao they were so high on Copium
Gutssz [#13]NA T2 teams: XSET OPTC EG TGRD
National league rosters will also be interesting
optic team wont be playing T2 with that roster
Mortadelo [#16]You misspelled W
I accidentally read is as less than 5. I was so scared. But it's a W now
Kuuga [#39]I accidentally read is as less than 5. I was so scared. But it's a W now
No worries, I think it's fair, 5 3 and 2
Mortadelo [#34]George literally said in his report up to 8 NA orgs lmao they were so high on Copium
So he doesn't know nothing. Noyn said the number of slots at the beginning of champions
thiagomds [#45]So he doesn't know nothing. Noyn said the number of slots at the beginning of champions
This report was way previous champions, I'm talking like a month ago or something
Mortadelo [#34]George literally said in his report up to 8 NA orgs lmao they were so high on Copium
ops, ignore my comment
arin2016 [#3]How is this rip? Japan is only getting one
Asia franchise should be renamed to Korea franchise kek
arin2016 [#3]How is this rip? Japan is only getting one
that cant be real, I actually refuse to believe it
how cr doesnt make it but ge and talon does?
arin2016 [#3]How is this rip? Japan is only getting one
that cant be real, I actually refuse to believe it
how cr doesnt make it but ge and talon does?
BronzilianYoru [#54]Noyn brought this info months ago
yes, apparently every Brazilian who follows the scenario knew that it would be that way except our friends from the continent
Curxyy [#14]bro its japan lol..
Dont compare japan to NORTH AMERICA
pretty sure the japanese regionals peaked at like 80k viewers even before iceland
tarik_chatter [#62]pretty sure the japanese regionals peaked at like 80k viewers even before iceland
I think it's 291k but not sure if it's before Iceland or after. But there should be only 4 months of gap in-between.
arin2016 [#65]I think it's 291k but not sure if it's before Iceland or after. But there should be only 4 months of gap in-between.
fr? damn more than i thought
ForumPeasant [#40]I think with proper investment BR teams and SA teams can easily compete with NA teams (Hopefully).
Compete? We will destroy them lol just look what happened with NA CS
Sukita [#61]You really thought it would be more than 5?
Bro in the past you have sent The guard as your seed 1 lol
With good salaries, best structure and good pracs you got at max 2 good teams and you want more than 5? Lol
It’s americas franchise not NA franchiseBr: 1 Major
Na: 0
My guy. Up until champs Br had never made it out of groups. Loud is the only good team in Br and that’s only because they practice outside of Br.
Snakee-- [#58]These americans are so delusional.
They really wanted 8 NA teams.
They wanted 10 NA teams tho
traviswheeler [#15]yeah but your region is dogshit so? literally got grouped at masters. NA had Optic and Xset popoff
YvngKurry [#69]My guy. Up until champs Br had never made it out of groups. Loud is the only good team in Br and that’s only because they practice outside of Br.
Br: 1 major
Keep crying
listen why does riot insist on doing stupid shit.
South America should have their own franchise, w 10+ teams
ditto with NA.
and relegation
just shamelessly copy the old ESL Pro League regional seasons.
some teams would get farmed but who cares.
unless there’s a tier 2 league for each reason too. but even then, they won’t be able to play top talent and prove themselves.
tarik_chatter [#66]fr? damn more than i thought
Yeah, it is incredibly popular in Japan. Japan has a lot of Esports cafe and Esports gym, they are like internet cafe but specially made for games. One day, I hope Japan can be like Korea in a sense that school kids go to these places after school and have an intense match of Valorant. That day definitely is not out of reach but..
This is how Riot treats Japan? Only one slot?
LithuanianSnow [#48]Be happy your region doesn't have 10 teams like emea. Best NA players will be squeezed into 5 teams. Better chances for NA to win international games, when best players of the region aren't spread out too much.
good point
YvngKurry [#69]My guy. Up until champs Br had never made it out of groups. Loud is the only good team in Br and that’s only because they practice outside of Br.
never seen Vitality at Masters or Champs tho
juno_VLR [#75]listen why does riot insist on doing stupid shit.
South America should have their own franchise, w 10+ teams
ditto with NA.
and relegation
just shamelessly copy the old ESL Pro League regional seasons.
some teams would get farmed but who cares.
unless there’s a tier 2 league for each reason too. but even then, they won’t be able to play top talent and prove themselves.
yeah this isn't about na vs br both regions are being snubbed, with the amount of investment in NA consolidating into one league is just kind of dumb, plus SA is already worried about the export of teams killing their tier 2 scene
IdcAllThatMuch [#80]I mean half going to NA and half going to SA seems fair no? My only complaint isn’t the slot distribution but how few slots overall there are
deadpark [#81]never seen Vitality at Masters or Champs tho
Instead of trying to answer the point I am trying to debate you attack a completely irrelevant subject. That just shows how right I am.
arin2016 [#77]Yeah, it is incredibly popular in Japan. Japan has a lot of Esports cafe and Esports gym, they are like internet cafe but specially made for games. One day, I hope Japan can be like Korea in a sense that school kids go to these places after school and have an intense match of Valorant. That day definitely is not out of reach but..
This is how Riot treats Japan? Only one slot?
might just be a money thing/keeping the LCK orgs happy, apparently at least one of the korean orgs is planning on signing a japanese roster
YvngKurry [#86]Instead of trying to answer the point I am trying to debate you attack a completely irrelevant subject. That just shows how right I am.
Slots are not defined by "hOw MaNy TiMeS hAvE yOuR ReGiOn ReAcHeD PlAyOfFs?"
Your "point" is not valid, next
KoreanOverlord [#56]that cant be real, I actually refuse to believe it
how cr doesnt make it but ge and talon does?
Well, Kr taking 5 spots maybe had something to do don’t you think
Hexa2022 [#31]? its fair bro A M E R I C A S league, not North america league
Dude they call themselves Americans what did you expect
traviswheeler [#15]yeah but your region is dogshit so? literally got grouped at masters. NA had Optic and Xset popoff
BR 3-1 💀🤣🤭
arin2016 [#3]How is this rip? Japan is only getting one
Calm down, that's not confirmed yet, no way KR gets 5 and JP only 1, I refuse to believe it
IdcAllThatMuch [#80]I mean half going to NA and half going to SA seems fair no? My only complaint isn’t the slot distribution but how few slots overall there are
If NA tier 2 teams are better with time there will be 9 NA 3 BR and 2 LATAM. If you deserve those spots you will get them
TF is called fcking "AMERICAS LEAGUE" WTF did you guys expected? if the league was only NORTH AMERICA just build a league for LATAM + BR then. Our Scene is already going to get killed by this franchise bullshit, you guys should be happy that you gonna have the upperhand to your T2 teams having to scrim against the T1 teams.
To be honest this shit will just gonna fuck up SA and bennefit NA in a longer run, fkin shit company
deadpark [#92]weak bait kid
bro how is it a bait, furia went 0-2 in series.... in groups... and in Copenhagen, BR got one spot cuz Latam took the shared spot lmao
arin2016 [#3]How is this rip? Japan is only getting one
How do you think I feel with OCE seemingly getting none? Be happy you even get a slot LOL
Lucaspinheiro [#99]4 BR, 4 NA, 2 Latam. melhor distribuição.
5 BR, 4 LATAM 1 NA is WAAAAAY better 🙃🤣🤣
arin2016 [#22]Least arrogant north america fan. They should give NA 2 slots, Optic and Xset and every other slot to South America.
there is no competition in japan
YvngKurry [#69]My guy. Up until champs Br had never made it out of groups. Loud is the only good team in Br and that’s only because they practice outside of Br.
but reached the finals twice
Sukita [#68]Compete? We will destroy them lol just look what happened with NA CS
Not the best example lol
BR CS is in shambles rn
PoohShiesty [#110]Not the best example lol
BR CS is in shambles rn
prepare for a revolution when FalleN retires, all I can say
arin2016 [#77]Yeah, it is incredibly popular in Japan. Japan has a lot of Esports cafe and Esports gym, they are like internet cafe but specially made for games. One day, I hope Japan can be like Korea in a sense that school kids go to these places after school and have an intense match of Valorant. That day definitely is not out of reach but..
This is how Riot treats Japan? Only one slot?
esports gym is an oxymoron
demondays [#103]Too many slots for a region that doesn't have a Champions.
how can you win a champions and say it requires more skill when you havent even won the masters?
CheifKeef1011 [#67]Optic in Tier 2 is going to put up prime LeBron numbers
You do realize that the orgs are competing for the slots, not the players right? and there's no way that the team under optic now is not going to be in franchising. Their literally the best team in your region, there's no way that the orgs are not trying to get them by now.
traviswheeler [#15]yeah but your region is dogshit so? literally got grouped at masters. NA had Optic and Xset popoff
calm yourself dog before Brazil shows ur salty ass region who's boss
notice how top 6 is all European countries? And how 'Murica ranked below the UK and tied with the French? Keep crying lulw
ColdWKey [#8]Well that basically seals the deal that Optic aren’t making it to franchising
the org maybe not, but the players will likely get an offer from another org. no way these org are leaving the best team in NA rn outside the franchise.
vts [#124]the org maybe not, but the players will likely get an offer from another org. no way these org are leaving the best team in NA rn outside the franchise.
we always talk about orgs when we say franchising but 99% vlr users still think its players
Ovejadepoder [#127]Its even more deppresing when one of the LATAM spots will go to Infinity because Riot thinks that "LATAM=Mexico"
It doesn't make sense that a single country gets 5/6 spots when it should be "4/3/3", but money talks i guess
Tiene sentido por el dinero, Kru al ser del kun sólo eso lo hace un equipo gigante tal cual koi con ibai. LEV entró gracias al idiota del CEO de G2 ya que ese spots se lo darían a G2. Brasil es una región enorme, cualquier equipo de ahí será dinero para riot. En LAS o LAN no hay ninguna otra organización deportivamente o por popularidad que le sirva a riot.
csbetter [#132]Tiene sentido por el dinero, Kru al ser del kun sólo eso lo hace un equipo gigante tal cual koi con ibai. LEV entró gracias al idiota del CEO de G2 ya que ese spots se lo darían a G2. Brasil es una región enorme, cualquier equipo de ahí será dinero para riot. En LAS o LAN no hay ninguna otra organización deportivamente o por popularidad que le sirva a riot.
Hola, al parecer Leviatan estaba desde el principio, pero yo recontra pensaba que infinity entraba
Es IMPOSIBLE que solo le dieran una sola vaga a LATAM