Flag: Brazil
Registered: September 19, 2022
Last post: September 19, 2022 at 3:30 PM
Posts: 3

In Brazil we have 5 good teams, Loud, Furia, TBK, Nip and VK, we will completely lose 2 of them, and there will be a blend of nip/vk/kru/tbk for the 3rd spot, which means we will only have tbk and one other good team in brazil regionals league, it's not enough, from my point of view, to compete against NA regionals because the scrim level is gonna be way different, I don't think the odds favour BR/Latam to win Ascension, but that doesn't mean I don't favour all the 5 SA franchised teams to win against the top 6-10 from NA, so why would NA get their spots if they are not better? Of course I could be wrong and with the best 3 from BR leaving we could see some new good teams rising, but I'm being realistic

posted about 2 years ago

Could you make a top 10 teams from NA and tell me which one of the top 6-10 would be able to get at least 10 rounds in a whole md3 against loud, furia, gl, tbk, leviathan and kru? If you can't then there's nothing to discuss

posted about 2 years ago

It's almost confirmed that NA is only gonna get 5 spots and I'm seeing some people complain about it, but the truth is NA is starting with a big advantage anyway, and here is why

Americas league will be placed in LA and I don't think anyone is gonna doubt it's the most stacked one (compared to EU and Pacifics) with Optic, Loud, Xset, Lev and some other great teams. If you think about it, due to geography, the teams from NA that don't make it into the franchise will have a massive advantage just because they can scrim with the franchise teams, while on the other side Latam and Br will only have each other to practice with (not to mention that they're gonna lose their 5 best teams), what are the odds for a Br/Latam team win ascension? It's most likely we're gonna see a new NA team making it into franchise every year, so the minimum Riot could do is give Br and Latam 5 spots from start.

And also, NA has a strong top 4/5, but their teams from the bottom would easily be smashed by a lot of BR teams such as Furia, Nip, TBK and VK, why would it be fair to a blended Americas league to give to a region way more slots than the others two, if they are not as competitive as some may think it's?

5 slots to NA is a lot already, if the teams are so good then they only have to win Ascencion, people want a stacked Americas league, not a league with a strong top 5 and a bad 6-10.

posted about 2 years ago