T1 VS C9?
Added Marshal, Yoru, Reyna tweaks
This match was so dissapointing.
C9: Their coordination was off, literally none of their defaults made sense. For example on ascent, their default didn't involve B-Main control. So Curry could exploit this by watching B-Main, and if you see presence you know theyre not defaulting and theyre thinking about pushing. The only really good thing about C9 was leaf, his situation making was by far the best on his team and his utility single handedly saved C9 rounds. I think he was the best player in the server if you are including utility and decision making.
T1: Their talent is good, but their coordination is arguably worse than C9's. Not a single flash play worked out, Spyders and Ska's coordination was so off it was ridiculous, half of the time they went for a play like that they just fed. Curry and Tim seem to be picking up the game pretty quickly so that is something to look forward to.
In general the whole match was really lackluster. The thought behind the utility wasnt there on either side, Jetts were dashing into sites 20 seconds before their team was on the site, people were dry peeking angles, players were wideswinging 3 players. Not sure what else to say, really hope these teams pull their shit together
I felt that the T1 chemistry was off the charts, at least compared to what i saw from C9. Second half round 3, ska throws a well placed nade and you see C9 members scrambling and blocking each other to try and get away from it. T1 retakes looked sweet. Maybe one flash play didn't work but i saw many others that worked like a charm. Spyder looks really good as a player who has autonomy and can make smart decisions, example - how he lurks Icebox. To me it looked like T1 was a team that played together longer and scramble less.