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Registered: January 25, 2021
Last post: February 25, 2022 at 8:05 PM
Posts: 54
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C9 academy

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

The roles don’t make sense to me, Seven looks really good but he’s on Chamber, Pwny on Viper instead of Thwifo as well? Thwifo has played viper extensively while Pwny has barely played her at all, doesn’t it make more sense to have Thwifo on viper and ask Pwny to figure out sage??

posted about 3 years ago

bro so downbad he cant put together a coherant thought

posted about 3 years ago

not even a first full game, its one map

posted about 3 years ago

They are, twitch.tv/fragadelphia

posted about 3 years ago

because its important to be developing the correct players and giving them the resources they need to thrive in the scene properly

posted about 3 years ago

I mean s0m and eeiu gifted them a 12-1 lead and then it all went to shit

posted about 3 years ago

both are good, im just a dog person c:

posted about 3 years ago

get off vlr and look at cute dog pics

posted about 3 years ago

Tf ru talking about, he's only been playing bad really since picking up the IGL role which is understandable, hes a young IGL that doesn't really have much experiance in it. He was a phenomenal smokes player before he picked up the IGL/Initiator role

posted about 3 years ago

S0mcs, Subroza, and Wedid are all extremely fun to watch
Also a really good channel is PlatChat Valorant on youtube, theyre a great way to get into the competitive scene, and their podcasts/streams are always very fun

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Crashies, Eeiu, and BcJ are top 3 NA I would say

posted about 3 years ago

NRG win gun rounds -> eviscerated by buckies -> get ecoed plz play on the new patch

posted about 3 years ago

nrg really does have insane potential

posted about 3 years ago

Hiko will get a first blood before you have a good take

posted about 3 years ago

also the Dicey drop sets up 100T to be a villain in a narrative if Dicey comes back on a good team, and things like that will naturally bring toxicity

posted about 4 years ago

Only reason I could see is Hiko saying the the n-word on stream and then deleting everyclip of it and banning people in his chat who mentioned it. Don't know how he got away with it honeslty but thats the only reason I dislike Hiko, absolutely no reason to hate the whole team however. I think everyone else on the team is admirable

posted about 4 years ago


posted about 4 years ago

Number one victory royal
yeah fortnite we bout get down (Get down!)

posted about 4 years ago

Chet won that match against 100T, exploiting their lack of mid control, as well as other reads and strats. You must be watching different games than everyone else

posted about 4 years ago

1 week of prac and they make it this far beating 100T, thriftys happen. Faze played the round well with breach util, youre tripping

posted about 4 years ago

also since what theyre doing rn is working theres no reason for them to make more strats or better ideas they just dry peek and dry peek and dry peek

posted about 4 years ago

Faze plays so bad, but the most upseting thing is that their upsets just end up being the opposite team losing duels all of a sudden despite a good performance before the match. And then Faze just wins every duel. Hella frustrating to watch

posted about 4 years ago

yeah this guy is just hella dumb ig, dont know how you could call him overrated

posted about 4 years ago

I love dicey think hes a good kid, but they probably just wanted to get their hands on Ethan. Dont think Ethan would like being benched for 2+ months right after being signed and if they dont sign him he will be taken. He is by far the most valuable player to switch over

posted about 4 years ago

Leaf, Curry, and Tim were standout players like I said in the post. Think it would best for C9 to rebuild around Leaf but thats not happening

posted about 4 years ago

This match was so dissapointing.
C9: Their coordination was off, literally none of their defaults made sense. For example on ascent, their default didn't involve B-Main control. So Curry could exploit this by watching B-Main, and if you see presence you know theyre not defaulting and theyre thinking about pushing. The only really good thing about C9 was leaf, his situation making was by far the best on his team and his utility single handedly saved C9 rounds. I think he was the best player in the server if you are including utility and decision making.
T1: Their talent is good, but their coordination is arguably worse than C9's. Not a single flash play worked out, Spyders and Ska's coordination was so off it was ridiculous, half of the time they went for a play like that they just fed. Curry and Tim seem to be picking up the game pretty quickly so that is something to look forward to.

In general the whole match was really lackluster. The thought behind the utility wasnt there on either side, Jetts were dashing into sites 20 seconds before their team was on the site, people were dry peeking angles, players were wideswinging 3 players. Not sure what else to say, really hope these teams pull their shit together

posted about 4 years ago

They don't find the joke itself funny, they like pissing off people who complain about it. Complaining about it just fuels it really

posted about 4 years ago

Noticing a trend, NRG loses/has a close first map, shits on everyone the second and third. tf

posted about 4 years ago

NRG had 5 days of prac with 2 role changes + a new member, Android probably hasnt gotten all the strats down and theyre clearly out of sync. Give them time and theyll do better for sure

posted about 4 years ago

Wouldnt be too surprised, NRG had 2 role swaps and a new member recently right (unless im wrong), and Time In isn't as bad as something like Carpe Noctum.

posted about 4 years ago

People underrestimate Envy way too much, theres not a single player in their roster that doesnt have their moments, and numbers of wins against SEN doesnt tell the whole picture. Almost everymatch between NV and SEN has been close series or had close maps, its not a stretch to predict Envy

posted about 4 years ago

or steel could just violate with a bucky

posted about 4 years ago

Few things here, 100T haven't played a tier 1 team since the JBL Quantum in an actual map, we have no idea how good they're looking right now. That being said, It wouldnt surprise me if theyre still in form. I think the 3 players to watch are Thief, Asuna (both a given), but also Steel. With the contact and information starving style of LG, steels ratty setups and lurks are whats going to give 100T the win, but if Steel cant do those things efficiently, it should be clean for LG

posted about 4 years ago

If Crashies shows up and Food doesn't push carelessly NV takes it

posted about 4 years ago

Not sure if it's their mindset still being stuck in CSGO but their utility usage is not on par with anyone elses

posted about 4 years ago

Also you can say its a roster problem, but I don't think thats the whole picture. These strats that they're using, notably the B bind post-plant are really ineffective, if Chet and Daps put their mind to it and actually make strats that will utilize the talent of s0m and eeiu (and shanks if he pops off), they will do good

posted about 4 years ago

There are 3 stages, but yes. With talent like s0m and EEIU with Daps and Chet at the helm they shouldnt be this inconsistent

posted about 4 years ago

also even the impact of having Jett on bind would have probably helped them win Bind, having to respect the op and the 3 smokes to make execs go smoother single handedly would have one them some of those close rounds

posted about 4 years ago

Feel like s0m was the only one who played his interactions well, their utility usage was so bad and they made the same mistakes, this looks like the old NRG, not the one recent one.

posted about 4 years ago

not sure if this made sense wrote it when I was sleepy

posted about 4 years ago

Not necessarily, if you think about it what Riot is doing theyre cementing the top teams for the beginning of the game. The idea behind things like the Valorant First Class is to create lore and legends within the scene. If you get through these qualis and get all the way to challengers you'll undoubtedly become popular and bring people over to the scene.

posted about 4 years ago

Gonna be honest, I've been a big fan of aceu since he started valorant so was super dissapointed that NRGs valorant team was putting up subpar and for the last few months havent had a team to root for. Really happy theyve found their momentum and excited to see where this goes

posted about 4 years ago
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