Flag: International
Registered: February 18, 2021
Last post: March 11, 2021 at 1:05 PM
Posts: 14

clip or didn't happen

p.s. its a copypasta so don't rage lol

posted about 3 years ago

and signature ability to be like sword like melee weapon with a single hit kill potential

posted about 4 years ago

wow cool, thx for the info

posted about 4 years ago

don't worry mate, its coming with its kebab charging right towards the battle field :)

posted about 4 years ago

thats gonna be fun, imagine if you can't give comms that they are rushing or not, and ur team comes to help only to notice it was a fake XD

posted about 4 years ago

gggg ez majors now :D

posted about 4 years ago

yep like csgo developed so much because of community! like valve simple copy pasted most of community ideas like recently they added retakes mode... copied from community server lol.
But we can't play valo offline, then how can there be community serverss?!

posted about 4 years ago

I agree yoru's ult feels useless to me, being a duelist his ult does the job of an initiator with high risk of getting killed, his ult should be either for longer duration or that u can go through enemy and damage them a bit.
His teleportation is cool, so is decoy but the flash is so slow i try to pop flash but sometime i end up team flashing :P

posted about 4 years ago

i agree reyna is so cliche that every new fag insta lock it and don't even know what to do in game and keeps baiting.

realistically its not possible to ban a baiter but ofcourse one can report him/her for sabotaging, rude behavior among other stuff

posted about 4 years ago

Other than the control to choose map, i feel the most important thing to change is to limit the map control that both defenders and attackers get even before the round starts; there is no fight for map control, defenders can completely shut down a site and attackers don't have to worry about a flank with a perfect cypher/jk setup.

imo the map control should be limited to spawn so that player will engage in early battles and have to use abilities for the same.

p.s. pardon me for bad englando.

posted about 4 years ago

it would have been better if reyna's Devour and Dismiss was like sova's reveal (refilled with round time) but in reyna's case it would refill only bough ones that would have been nice

edit: yes i am a pugger and have to sometimes hardcarry my team :(

posted about 4 years ago