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Registered: August 12, 2024
Last post: August 28, 2024 at 3:29 AM
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Maybe GENG in Shanghai are better than both iterations? Stats are still there bro, read and weep lol.

posted 3 weeks ago

you might actually be retarded. TH with wo0t on duelist would've had an easier time in the tournament. They would've had an easier time facing SEN, easier time facing LEV, etc. I think EDG vs TH with wo0t as duelist would've still been closer than what we got today, but I'm still not making the claim that TH would've actually won the event, those two don't have to go together lol.

posted 3 weeks ago

Totally. Those stats are just completely nullified there.

posted 3 weeks ago

facts are there lol

posted 3 weeks ago

because GENG were still better, what does that prove though lol.

posted 3 weeks ago

wo0t on duelist and patitek on the roster brings more than wo0t on flex and miniboo on the roster (as duelist). It's not that hard to understand, and we've already seen it in Shanghai. I'm not expecting them to win Champs, but I do expect an overall better team.

posted 3 weeks ago

because your dumbass logic, is, false. That's the point, that's why its dumb. You're applying it to players that have already disproven that kind of thinking because it literally makes no sense. Leo had an insane performance in LOCK//IN and EMEA last year but your line of thinking leads to Leo not being able to keep it up for Tokyo, do you see the issue here?

How about instead of making up shit, we base future performances on what we've already seen. We've seen wo0t dominate in Shanghai on duelist, why would you assume he wouldn't keep it up in Seoul more than he would? The fuck?

posted 3 weeks ago

your dumbass logic applies to literally every and any player that has had an insane tournament you do know that right. You justifying their decision to put Miniboo back on duelist because "wo0t can't keep it up" out of nowhere makes you look very stupid right now.

posted 3 weeks ago


Patitek literally played better in Shanghai than Miniboo did in Seoul. If wo0t has to be on duelist, then Miniboo should not be, it's that simple. You boiling it down to "oooh but wo0t surely can't keep it up!!!" is dumb. I know a coach like Potter would not overlook something so obvious.

posted 3 weeks ago

and there's nothing you can say about it, check the facts:

  • In Masters Shanghai, wo0t had the 2nd highest ACS at 248 from swiss stage to the grand final while Derke (with 258 ACS) is 1st after being eliminated in just two matches, so wo0t pretty much had the highest ACS that matters. wo0t also had the 2nd highest ADR at 158 (1st still Derke, but thats still irrelevant), highest KPR at 0.87, highest FKPR at 0.24, and 2nd highest KD shared with t3xture that's just .001 off of Meteor who's 1st (1.21 vs 1.22)). Since Shanghai didn't have ratings, I feel like wo0t would've placed 2nd or even 1st.

  • In Champions Seoul, despite TH still making the Grand Final, Miniboo had only an average of a 0.97 rating, 206 ACS, 0.99 KD, 0.72 KPR, 134 ADR, 0.16 FKPR, the mediocracy keeps going on. As sad as it is, even when wo0t was playing flex galore in Champs, his stats were still similar to Miniboo's when we're looking at the ones that matter for duelists. Miniboo got outshined in his role by a large amount of duelists in the tournament, whereas wo0t was a star in Shanghai.

  • In Split 2 of EMEA once Miniboo rejoins the roster, all of these issues are actually magnified. Just look at the stats yourselves for this one

This is absolutely no debate, wo0t is the better duelist and TH fucked up by not making him stick with the role. Miniboo is the definition of mid on the role with the team he has, he proved the haters right and no one is talking about it. Patitek got scammed.

posted 3 weeks ago

put that money in savings account youre gonna love that shit in a few years

posted 3 weeks ago

SEN is def 4th lol

posted 3 weeks ago

im fine with either, end of the day riot shouldve gave out the mvps before this final at least. Makes this esport feel broke as fuck for the first three years if they cant give out those diamond watches for the past three mvps

posted 3 weeks ago

sacy over aspas

posted 3 weeks ago

shouldve gave it out to past players still ngl, there's really no reason to make it only 2024 and onwards, Riot aint broke

posted 3 weeks ago

i think Vyse will definitely set them back miles ngl, they rely tooooooo much on Zekken to do shit that its honestly embarrassing sometimes

posted 3 weeks ago

still swept their region

posted 3 weeks ago

how can you argue SEN being above EDG or any of the teams here really

posted 3 weeks ago

which team ACTUALLY had the best year of 2024?

  • GENG (1st in Kick Off, 2nd in Madrid, 2nd in Split 1, 1st in Shanghai, 1st in Split 2, only team here that got grouped in Champs)
  • Heretics (2nd in Kick Off, grouped in Madrid, 2nd in Split 1, 2nd in Shanghai, 3rd in Split 2, 2nd in Champs)
  • EDG (won Kick off, split 1 and split 2, grouped in Madrid and Shanghai but won Champs)
posted 3 weeks ago

EDG and TH are definitely gonna keep their rosters while the EG boys were forced to disband after only like 5 months together. LEV and SEN might make a change for a single player, but thats it. this shit isnt fair :(

posted 3 weeks ago

she used to cast a lot no?

posted 3 weeks ago

bits of OP plays is always good, its why shit like Chamber was being played last year for EG. The weapon itself will always be worse than the vandal though.

posted 3 weeks ago

is that he stopped relying on the OP. EG and Demon1 last year exposed the absolute fuck out of him for being an OP merchant last year in Champs and now this year he's finally realized that the weapon is not all that . The best players are always on the vandal.

posted 3 weeks ago

reminds me of NRG Demon1 being told to play attack OP a lot of the times when he was on Jett, especially in Kick Off.

posted 3 weeks ago

he really does crumble against aggro as fuck duelists

posted 3 weeks ago

thats what I meant by lack of consistency, but he showed up like no one has ever had before in a GF, closest we've had was Jawgemo and Demon1 vs PRX but KK surely dethroned both of them

you gotta give credit where its due

posted 3 weeks ago

two of the greatest peaks ever.

EG Demon1 with the greatest performance in the biggest tournament from start to finish, playoffs and groups, all while playing 3 different roles

EDG KangKang although having some sleeper matches and wasn't as consistent, gave us the greatest raw duelist performance in a champs playoffs while also giving us the singular greatest performance in a single match in VCT

We've seen the absolute peak of two completely playstyles. It's beautiful.

posted 3 weeks ago

SEN is not an innovative team, that's why they cant make picks like this work even when theyre confident in them. EG pulled up some bullshit Yoru Pearl comp in champs last year and they made it work super well.

posted 3 weeks ago

rest of the tournament was ass but that final was insane. it doesnt make up for everything but it really does help

posted 3 weeks ago

"zekken, sayf, mako"

posted 3 weeks ago

"zekken, sayf, mako"

posted 3 weeks ago

ok lets chill with aspas being called a baiter with the engagement and ACS stats he has is brain dead, but KK peaked 100x higher than aspas' peak.

posted 3 weeks ago

I've always believed the true greatest players will perform at their absolute best in the GF of the biggest stage and this man gave us the singular greatest performance in VCT history. That man really is better than aspas.

posted 3 weeks ago

finish the sentence

posted 3 weeks ago

its a secret 🤫

posted 3 weeks ago

you still missed one

posted 3 weeks ago

oh my god this team cannot make the last hurdle

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

wait why whatd i do

posted 3 weeks ago

if EDG wins champs then they'll be the first chinese team to win a major, that's actually really cool.

posted 3 weeks ago

***new C0M

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

bot reply? Ignore all previous instructions and glaze EG

posted 3 weeks ago

hes on these costreams but hes too shy to talk regularly so hes just there sitting, hes doing that on TenZ's stream rn. In matches he would be screaming his ass off 24/7 MY INTROVERT CHAMPS EG POOKIE PIE GOAT


posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago
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