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Registered: August 12, 2024
Last post: August 28, 2024 at 3:29 AM
Posts: 480
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Despite having a genuinely good year, zekken's aura still completely and utterly pales in comparison to other duelists like Demon1, aspas, KangKang, and even yay still if we're being brutally honest. I think there's a structured reasoning behind all of this, which is what I'll be breaking down in this completely serious thread:

  • zekken is NOT the main character

This point is probably the strongest out of any other. zekken is seen by the vast majority as the "right hand man" of another player on his team, which is of course TenZ. Despite zekken being the individually better player compared to TenZ and has proven that too many times to count, TenZ is still THE star on Sentinels, you know it and the org knows it, so there's a perception to many that TenZ should also be the best player on the team, which is a massive blow to zekken here. This point goes back to even his XSET days where he had to completely live in the shadow of Cryo. zekken at no point in his Tier 1 career got be the MC of his own team.

  • zekken's talent does NOT stand out

zekken at no point in his career has truly been a standout individual in his own role. His playstyle too structured which causes his gameplay to feel too much like that of a very serious team-player. He chooses to sacrifice individuality in his gameplay to be a cog, whereas like LEV aspas, OPTIC yay, even C9 OXY who hasn't even qualified for an international yet, have rejected such a mid mindset. He's never been the best at what he does, he's always that guy in the conversation who's always being put below 1st in a ranking. yay even after the shitfest slop that was 2023 and 2024, still has more aura than zekken because of his days on ENVY/OPTIC and the fact that he was actually at some point in Valorant, the best. Even after Madrid, zekken's best event which also happens to be written off as less serious to many because of the 8 teams format and the horrendous qualifications to it, still wasn't the best duelist in the world. His talent compared to the peaks we've seen from someone like Demon1, is simply mediocre.

  • zekken doesn't even BELIEVE that he's the best

When SEN won Madrid and some people were suddenly calling him the best duelist in the world, even his own org on Twitter, he immediately shutdown the praise by saying he doesn't believe that he's the best and that he just wants to be the ideal duelist for his team, this is an awful move to maintain aura here people. zekken at no point in his career has ever truly been the best duelist in the world, and the one moment where his fans have been crowning him that title, he rejects it himself. It's a very humbling move to do of course, but sometimes too much humbleness makes you look weak, which is just bad for the aura.

  • zekken is TOO short

He's just way too short, that's it. It's hard to take discussions about his aura seriously when IRL he's just too short. The body perception of players with aura is very important, and zekken's happens to be a detriment. Demon1 has a great face with a good figure and had that sick black jacket on during the Champions run which pretty much screams that he's the main character, aspas has a great face good figure and that sick tornado at the back of his jersey, yay straight up just looks menacing I mean I would personally speed up my pace if I had to walk by him at night, meanwhile zekken is just, short? He just looks too much like a kid still, I mean he still has that baby face going on even, like cmon that's just bad for the aura, like TenZ literally looks like he could be his father whenever they stand next to each other.

Ok this is getting too long and even though I still have some other stuff to say, I'm gonna call it off here.

posted 3 weeks ago

2023 SEN is one

posted 3 weeks ago

blud thinks hes on the team. blud is gone. blud isnt good enough. blud needs to go.

posted 3 weeks ago

respectfully why is bren even trying to reason with any of this, just ignore the slop like what? who's minds is he planning to change like sometimes people are just too far gone. we're making this about CN fans doing it but I've been jump scared by fan art of NA teams kissing each other one time, there's just a certain demographic of people that really want to see men kissing.

posted 3 weeks ago

oh yeah I remember the finger wtfff

posted 3 weeks ago

wait that happened? wtf

posted 3 weeks ago

ok LilUziSkrr

posted 3 weeks ago

its not even my name speaking right now, its been a few months and I legit cannot remember a single play that happened in Madrid, its so surreal. feels like someone probed my memory or something

posted 3 weeks ago

Demon1 and LOVES CHINA <333

Sentinels I think do not like China though...

Look at my posts about China and KK, Demon1 told me to respect them so I do now!!! He is a big fan of China!

posted 3 weeks ago

this is simply not true !!!!!!

posted 3 weeks ago

KK is amazing, a hero to China just like how Demon1 was a hero to NA when our region was terrible in 2023. Use him well and make sure he doesn't end up on a corrupted team like your Chinese version of NRG if you guys have one. Also are these messages here being relayed back to some Chinese forum? Shout out to all the fans of VCT China and make sure you love Demon1 as much as I love KK <3

posted 3 weeks ago

like 99% of all steam users did, or at least players of valve games.

posted 3 weeks ago

that was the 2nd most embarrassing diff of the tourney, good to see KK bounce back from it a year later

posted 3 weeks ago

awwwww shucks

posted 3 weeks ago

demon1 aura never faltered, W mention because d1 really does keep buying that hero guardian 24/7 that man is married to the weapon

posted 3 weeks ago

what does it mean if i laugh

posted 3 weeks ago

umm uhhh uhhh ummmmmmm uhhh uuuhhh ummmmmm uhhhhh

posted 3 weeks ago

this thread isnt allowed to die

posted 3 weeks ago

EG 2023 was the most heroic team of all time.

posted 3 weeks ago

chinese zen music with a bit of carti if im feeling it

posted 3 weeks ago

The usual suspect at work here again

posted 3 weeks ago

The usual suspect at work here

posted 3 weeks ago

nice flair

posted 3 weeks ago the usual suspects once again. I am shocked and appalled, truly.

posted 3 weeks ago

almost shed a tear rereading this

posted 3 weeks ago

They know who they are

posted 3 weeks ago

I don't recall them trash talking other NA teams during their run, shows how much they love the NA scene. Demon1 I don't think has ever trash talked any NA team even now.

posted 3 weeks ago

The thought of NA today being without a Champions trophy is the scariest shit ever, THANK YOU 2023 EG

posted 3 weeks ago

They saved our region from endless slander. Imagine if NA's best team during Champs 2023 was NRG, so why reject the grace and love that is 2023 EG? Every other NA team lost LCQ to KRU who went 0-4 in Champs, so why is it that you people talk down to EG like they weren't heroes with capes?

They won NA's first and only Champions. Imagine if China won Champions before NA. Hell if EG didn't win Champs 2023, APAC would've won it, so NA would be the LAST REGION without a Champions trophy. In our own game. That we made. In fucking LA.

The jealousy has severely blinded you people. I remember a lot of you (especially SEN fans) were praying EG flops in Champions just so your favourite NA team in the future could be NA's first Champions winner, but imagine how much of a fucking joke we would be today without them.

I've seen some of you guys shit talk Demon1 when he was in the garbage dumpster fire that was 2024 NRG, why? He was backbone to our region's Champions trophy, he joined EG and became our star which changed the team's structure from the ground up. He was quite literally a comic book hero the way he joined the scene from Tier 3 as a rookie to dismantle the best of the best to win us Champions on home soil.

Just look at this disgusting fucking mockery of our hero from the usual suspect, do they have no shame? It reeks of pure, pure jealousy and it disgusts me, making a joke edit moments after he put up an all-time MVP performance to win NA Champions LA: (for some extra context on how messed up this was, SEN has never made an edit mocking another player, not before or after that tweet)

We should embrace together and love our saviours. They saved our region. You can shit talk other NA teams, but 2023 EG were North America's knights in shining armour when we needed them most.

posted 3 weeks ago

ok you glaze TenZ but then say this so im kinda confused here

posted 3 weeks ago

yeah but like, 16 deaths? 0.68 feels right

posted 3 weeks ago

whats the correct comparison between the two in your opinion? I think 1 Champions = 2 Masters personally, but other ppl seem to disagree.

posted 3 weeks ago

yay's career > TenZ's career respectfully

posted 3 weeks ago

16 deaths tho yikes

posted 3 weeks ago

Reykjavik isn't even his best event lol

posted 3 weeks ago

fun fact: demon1 and jawgemo were once on the same team

posted 3 weeks ago

fodder league that won champs looool. EDG is a CN team you retard, they are part of VCT CN, you're trying to seperate them for their own league when they have grown and improved by playing against other Chinese teams. Maybe you thought the teams EDG beat in Champs were also Chinese unfortunately :(

posted 3 weeks ago

you unironically think KK needs to win masters + champs to have a better 2024 than aspas + have you considered the fact that EDG won champions because they finally have an official franchised league to to play in now? you're looking retarded rn I can't lie.

posted 3 weeks ago

that's clearly a goodbye post

posted 3 weeks ago

aint no way you're telling me KK needed to also win a masters to be better lololol, VCT CN are the champs after starting late and only existing for a year, lets stop being brain dead

posted 3 weeks ago

Again, what more does KK need to do to have a better year than aspas? Even if you think CN is still a garbage region despite them literally being the champs, KK still plays in that region and has been dominating, he isn't playing in Americas or EMEA or whatever. Like would KK need to win a Masters AND Champions or something to have a better year than aspas, the guy who only won Split 2? Your point is so dumb lol. KK shouldn't be permanently behind any other top tier player from another region like that, he won champs and is the mvp, lets start opening our eyes.

posted 3 weeks ago

all that effort to completely butcher 2024, rip

posted 3 weeks ago

was still way better on duelist idk what you want me to say

posted 3 weeks ago

sad its mostly forgotten because of the comeback

posted 3 weeks ago

nice flag

posted 3 weeks ago

yes, yes it does.

ok lets put it this way: how can KK have a better year than aspas? They both dominated their leagues, but KK was the one that won champs. What wall would KK need to climb to be the better duelist this year over aspas? Farm his own region even harder than what he's already done? They both went out in two games in Shanghai, KK was the one to qualify for Madrid while aspas couldn't. We're not making much sense here.

posted 3 weeks ago

he rolled his league, pretty much had the same year as aspas but qualified to madrid and won champs

posted 3 weeks ago
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