Flag: Canada
Registered: August 12, 2024
Last post: August 28, 2024 at 3:29 AM
Posts: 480
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we're downvoting but you all know im right. tenz isnt even above zekken.

posted 2 weeks ago

ty bro

posted 2 weeks ago

nah (not biased)

KK, meteor, t3xture, karon, wo0t, reins, aspas, chronicle, derke, leo all hard clear for example

posted 2 weeks ago

i wonder who could be so much of a gigantic ass baby here in NA

posted 2 weeks ago

hehe you're so cute <3

posted 2 weeks ago

thats because you stink

posted 2 weeks ago

Retarded people obviously. I'm on a short binge to fix this site before I get banned for spreading too much facts or until the champs hype finally dies. u have 2k posts btw?

posted 2 weeks ago

biggest W this org has ever seen

posted 2 weeks ago

english citizen calling someone else a retard?

posted 2 weeks ago

hanging from the telephone wire

posted 2 weeks ago

why do eu people always lie. liar liar pants on fire.

posted 2 weeks ago

were you not dick riding TH and FNC harder than your own team? EUtard moment

posted 2 weeks ago

navi flair in 2024, dont disrespect the hero of north america how fucking dare you

posted 2 weeks ago

least serious international event of all time

posted 2 weeks ago

is there an indian pokemon? i dont follow the franchise

posted 2 weeks ago

its a secret!!! shhhhh

posted 2 weeks ago

have I ever been trolling?

posted 2 weeks ago

clearly you havent seen Demon1 then

posted 2 weeks ago

aspas has "The Final Boss"
yay has "El Diablo"
Demon1 has "The King of Hell"

what does zekken have? "TenZ's right hand man"? yikes yikes yikes

posted 2 weeks ago

have you considered that maybe its never been a character? ive accepted it and I love it

posted 2 weeks ago

thats such a dumb name

posted 2 weeks ago

why not? its definitely this deep

posted 2 weeks ago
  1. Why would it not be? You can't tell me that isnt supposed to feel sentimental
  2. XD
posted 2 weeks ago

my name is an anagram

posted 2 weeks ago

"absolute CINEMA!!!" like how is that not cringe especially when the post is supposed to be pretty serious. Also they calling JohnQT a fucking rookie now? 25 year old who was playing in Tier 1 back in 2022? They're making NRG's content team more digestible...

posted 2 weeks ago

i dont remember him ever doing this for an international event, why did the SEN fan do it now? hmmm

posted 2 weeks ago

or we can just keep it to KPR? XDDD

posted 2 weeks ago

that brother is shameless

posted 2 weeks ago

weird stat by willminder known SEN meatrider to try and put zekken at the top of one of his graphics. Derke and Meteor have a higher KPR than zekken, the fuck kinda stat is "players who averaged the most kills per 24 rounds" looool. I like how he has to make it a min of 200 rounds too trying to hide the fact that this stat is only for teams that made playoffs.

Have some shame.


The graphic isnt even right...

posted 2 weeks ago


final answer

posted 2 weeks ago

I'm I wrong?

posted 2 weeks ago

you're gonna LOVE my 2nd point then

posted 2 weeks ago

dick riding artificial aura, gotta be a SEN fan smh

posted 2 weeks ago

Better not be for me, that is a historical document right there above you

posted 2 weeks ago

"you can't peak an angle he is holding" he's not aspas bro

posted 2 weeks ago

I get that Canada loves accepting immigrants but you actually have to be on Canadian soil to be called Canadian buddy, I know your ass is connecting from Massachusetts or New Delhi or something

posted 2 weeks ago

A very serious thread about something serious should increase my aura points here are you stupid? This post is meant for historical purposes.

posted 2 weeks ago

now we're just making up bullshit here im sorry.

posted 2 weeks ago

Fake Canadian in my post

posted 2 weeks ago

that has literally nothing to do with the post what, again you're not being serious here this is a serious discussion about something serious.

posted 2 weeks ago

TenZ's is artificial, like SEN is trying to dress up their daughter for the beauty pageant type of energy, it's just too fake and overrated. Zekken barely has any to begin with its honestly shocking really.

posted 2 weeks ago

because this is a very serious manner happening here? this post could be used as historical reference, lets stop being stupid

posted 2 weeks ago

I could make a thesis on it

posted 2 weeks ago
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