Flag: Canada
Registered: August 12, 2024
Last post: August 28, 2024 at 3:29 AM
Posts: 480
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NAVI flair wanting FNC in the final over their own team HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

posted 3 weeks ago

They turned a word that had real usage into some buzzword dumbasses say to validate whatever agenda theyre trying to force. Players with the highest ACS and first engagement rates are now being called "baiters" in 2024.

posted 3 weeks ago

so NAVI and FNC flairs here were suddenly massive fans of TH after their first few matches in Kick Off and it explains why theyre all over this site glazing TH, makes sense

posted 3 weeks ago

difference is that when we hate on EU, we don't gobble the cock of another NA team we're not a fan of as we do it, only the fans of that team do that. EU on the other hand...

posted 3 weeks ago

TH literally started this year being good, are you dumb

posted 3 weeks ago

Who said I wasn't the biggest day 1 EG gobbler? And literally 99% of all SEN fans did not want EG to win last year out of jealousy (TenZ even straight up said he wanted PRX to beat EG in the final). How has it been dick riding TH for two events in a row btw

posted 3 weeks ago

It fits for this post xd

posted 3 weeks ago

NA fans give shit to other NA teams 24/7 but then there's the EU flairs here praying for some random EU team they never cared about before the year started to win it all because they happen to be good just so they can dunk on NA. Whatever happened to dignity? Why were NAVI and FUT flairs glazing FNC for all of last year and are now glazing TH for this year too? I get that you guys are extremely insecure of our region and are trying to keep up but at least stick to your own team instead of shamelessly gobbling down on TH's cock right now.

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

theyre gonna do some stupid move, saadhak was the reason why qck was signed and LOUD probably regrets it, i dont think the IGL is gonna have much ties in this offseason so expect some crazy shit

posted 3 weeks ago

im neutral even tho i hate EU because CN winning champs right after Korea wins a Masters means this esport is forever cooked

posted 3 weeks ago

i like fns but his raw fragging would make boostio look like prime yay

posted 3 weeks ago

boostio and zikz were the only ones who wanted to leave the group though, so a full reunion cant be real for at least another year :(

posted 3 weeks ago

t2 would collectively collapse under their spiritual pressure

posted 3 weeks ago

i have never seen ts before these guys wanna be back together man wtf. EG is such a broke ass org 😭

posted 3 weeks ago

i like how we reply with this take at the same time lol, im sure all of CN isnt toxic but you guys are so weird back in LoL its ridiculous sometimes

posted 3 weeks ago

EDG has literally all the pressure you can think of, have you seen CN fans?

posted 3 weeks ago

if FPX vs TH was the final though. EDG is good to watch but they def weren't building anything with any other team because they were regional farmers until S1mon came and GENG although were great, they ended up sleeping in the one tournament they shouldnt. Like imagine if EG won Tokyo but got grouped in Champions LOS ANGELES.

posted 3 weeks ago

they cant be the reason why the narratives this year just dont stick as much as they used to, i think we just went unlucky with 2024 all good

posted 3 weeks ago

u know its bad when val players themselves are pissed about how obviously biased this is, this is valorant's most boring year by far and we still win lol? what a waste when it comes to integrity, if valorant didnt win shit this year then it would feel more earned when we do win but this just proves it doesnt matter.

posted 3 weeks ago

and UR calling me a baby?! go back to middle school kid....

posted 3 weeks ago

can you blame us this is the 1st time NA hasn't reached an international final back to back

posted 3 weeks ago

Tokyo finalists while beating every 1st seed minus China and that wasn't even their peak, keep coping

posted 3 weeks ago

how do you type like an actual child and then have the audacity to call me a middle schooler haha. FNC for sure had burnout dude!!! Them losing to LOUD twice while EG literally beat LOUD to qualify to the Grand Final totally didn't mean anything! Keep crying lmfaooo there's no way you're this frustrated. "you haven't... concentrated... for more than 5 minutes... IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE!!!" hahahaha

posted 3 weeks ago

they still placed, 2nd, in kick off. TH was the team that sent KC to the play ins. They had 10x more expectations than what EG had when Demon1 joined, be real.

posted 3 weeks ago

"100T used Kay/o in their comp" when what we were talking about is the usage of Astra in Lotus, which is what they did dumbass user with the flag of Virgin Islands, United States calling me a braindead NA fan. "FNC HAD BURNOUT!!! THEY COULDVE WON WITHOUT BURNOUT!!!!" you sound like a baby lol. Maybe if FNC analyzed EG during the biggest event of the year then they would've placed higher than 4th.

posted 3 weeks ago

brother they placed 2nd in Kick Off, they at least had expectations. EG went from literally 0 to hero by continuously kept getting better, all while the rest of NA ended up shitting the bed in LCQ and Champions. Also you cannot lie and tell me EG were the fan favorites to win Champs when that PRX Jinggg narrative was going wild, they weren't actually evil ass vampires but they were def not liked by the majority of fans

posted 3 weeks ago

this site lowkey died a while ago, this year has been a hype killer

posted 3 weeks ago

2022 and 2023 Champions weren't more hype than the Masters of their year? stop lying to me rn

posted 3 weeks ago

yeah and EG's storyline is like 10x more compelling still, TH came into 2024 in their first few matches as one of the best itw, EG wasted their first 4 months and was at some point the worst team in Americas until Demon1 joined and the tides started turning. EG also won NA's first Champions in LA of all places all while being the "villains" from the start as they knock out PRX and Jinggg who was supposed to play his last match in his career. It's a narrative gap.

posted 3 weeks ago

dont compare the innovation of EG to TH bro, TH still good though respectfully

posted 3 weeks ago

ok i dont even know what you're trying to prove to me here, that's my point yes, but they can't be called world champs as an alternative.

posted 3 weeks ago

do they teach english back in ukraine because your question makes no sense, this post is about educating people who call Masters winners "world champions"

posted 3 weeks ago

They're not "world champions", that title is reserved only for the biggest stage of the year, which happens to be called Champions for a reason. You can call regional winners champions since its in the context of a regional tournament, but Masters and Champions are both international events, so the "world champions" title is reserved to the C in VCT. SEN and their players were never world champions, FNC and their players were never world champions, they were Masters winners. 2023 EG and their players on the other hand are world champions, 2022 LOUD and their players are world champions, you get the point.

It disgusts me to see that title be given for events like Masters Madrid or even LOCK//IN which isn't even a Masters event. We should start taking shit seriously people, we keep throwing around that title like it has no meaning.

posted 3 weeks ago

you eat canned beans and stale toast for breakfast is this true y/n

posted 3 weeks ago

you're ill + FNC played Lotus twice in LOCK//IN (1 win and 1 loss, with the loss being in the GF), and suddenly we wanna give FNC all the praise for it? They weren't even the first team to introduce the comp in 2023, it was fucking 100T in their first match at LOCK//IN. Wrap it up bozo the comp was never theirs. "FNC in their prime clear EG" narrative still being said even when EG won Champs FNC couldn't even break top 3 in haha.

posted 3 weeks ago

did the entire innovation and creativity part skim over your head?

posted 3 weeks ago

stealing my shit as a meme when 90% of the stuff being said here is just brain dead lies or stuff thats in no way comparable to what EG did is crazy, EUtards are so silly, FNC didn't even start Astra Lotus.

posted 3 weeks ago

give map veto to EG and thats not happening, worst part is that Champs EG would've cleared Tokyo EG anyways form wise just like how Tokyo EG would've cleared Americas EG, and we've already seen FNC in Champs that year.

posted 3 weeks ago

They were the most innovating and creative team we've seen play at a world class level. They were doing shit nobody else was doing and they made it work like it was a cheat code. From their introduction and dominance with Sova Fracture, to their excessive and unique roleswapping with Demon1 Jawgemo and Boostio, to their calling being heavily heavily reliant on pure unadulterated team coordination and synergy backed up by their heavy and precise usage of team util without having to rely on stupid ass 20 site fakes or brainless aim duelling heavy gameplay, I can go on.

Even the little things like reintroducing Chamber back into the meta on the biggest stages after the execution he received post-2022 or their Yoru Pearl, they were by far the most open minded top team we've had when it came to challenging what we knew of Valorant. I know Chet was having heart attacks whenever EG's duelists were playing smokes, I know JohnQT was scratching his head watching EG call their site hits and win without trying to outsmart the audience themselves by faking and pulling rotations for 90% of their rounds, I know 99% of all teams in Tier 1 since Tokyo were confused as fuck on how untouchable EG's Fracture was with a dead pick like Sova

it was intellectual dominance and it completely disproves any dumbass theory that points towards them not being able to keep it together for 2024.

posted 3 weeks ago

so this is all just made up then

posted 3 weeks ago

NAVI sneak

posted 3 weeks ago

One region should be better than any other, it is fun (but only if it’s NA)

posted 3 weeks ago

Almost like we should be better than all of them, which we were until we weren’t because we don’t have fucking heroes

posted 3 weeks ago

our region is falling into obscurity because we’ve never failed to qualify to an international final twice in a row. Not in 2021, not in 2022, not in 2023, it’s doomed I think unless we reassemble peak valorant.

We need heroes with fucking caps right now, our best NA team this champs is fucking Sentinels

posted 3 weeks ago
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