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Registered: August 12, 2024
Last post: August 28, 2024 at 3:29 AM
Posts: 480
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dort why would you be offended about some KK glaze, CN should be the best option to glaze over APAC EMEA and other NA teams for you no?

posted 3 weeks ago

did you even read the fucking post brother. was it really too long to bother?

posted 3 weeks ago

he has the highest average ACS and KPR in VCT 2024, also smurfed some other stats too. Only reason why his rating isn't at least above 1.20 is because 4/6 of the events he played in are in China and they don't provide ratings on VLR, so there's a big chance he would've rivaled aspas' 1.26 rating while also winning Champs and all of his regional tournaments.

Now that CN has won Champs, we have to start taking China's regional stats seriously, and KK right now has been looking like Jesus fucking Christ. He is literally the best player of 2024.

posted 3 weeks ago

chet glazes sinatraa 24/7 its ridiculous, incel energy a bit

posted 3 weeks ago

1st should be KK. he smurfed in Shanghai and Champs (playoffs), swept regionals, and still played well in Madrid with a assssss team. He was actually cracked from the start.

posted 3 weeks ago

the "wall thing" is the strongest non-ultimate ability in the game. It can single handedly isolate duelists on an engage from their own team, thats why its Cypher 2.0. wait for the nerfs to come out xd

posted 3 weeks ago

says the one with no opinion :(

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

TMV is an actual idiot if he didn't initial think that agent is completely busted. She will literally warp the playstyle of duelists. It's Cypher on crack cocaine

posted 3 weeks ago

so you're telling me that you CANT string your brain cells together to form an opinion on which team deserves that title, got it.

posted 3 weeks ago

batman quote

posted 3 weeks ago

I disagree with you. Also no Split 1 trophy for GENG.

posted 3 weeks ago

what does VCT stand for, biggest event of the year for a reason. Imagine saying MSI = Worlds in LoL, you would get laughed at.

posted 3 weeks ago

you cant string the brain cells together to form an opinion on which team is the best of 2024?

posted 3 weeks ago

1 Champions = 2 Masters still holds up, EDG > GENG

posted 3 weeks ago

comparing a masters and champions like its 1:1 is crazy

posted 3 weeks ago

I feel like you would be biased on this

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

EDG won all of their regional events. Kick Off, Split 1, and Split 2. Complete sweep.
GENG won Kick Off, placed 2nd in Split 1, and then won Split 2

EDG got grouped in Madrid, 7th-8th in Shanghai, then won Champions (biggest event)
GENG placed 2nd in Madrid, 1st in Shanghai, then got grouped in Champions (biggest event)

Depending on who you ask, winning Champions and Split 1 together imo is a bigger accomplishment than placing 2nd in Madrid and winning Shanghai. I follow the logic that 2 Masters = 1 Champions when it comes to prestige and prize pool, and since EDG won their Split 1 and GENG didn't while also placing 2nd in Madrid, then EDG had the better year.

Any disagreers?

posted 3 weeks ago

EDG won all of their regional events. Kick Off, Split 1, and Split 2. Complete sweep.
SEN won Kick Off, failed to even get out of Split 1 groups, and then placed 4th in Split 2

EDG got grouped in Madrid and Shanghai, then won Champions (biggest event)
SEN won Madrid, didn't even qualify for Shanghai, then placed 4th in Champions (biggest event)

EDG's year is objectively better I fear.

posted 3 weeks ago

a lot of the consensus with Chinese Valorant last year was that everyone knew they were cracked as fuck aimers but they were behind with the macro game, and now we have EDG winning Champs while FPX looks like a genuinely good team even though they keep getting grouped by just better teams. This esport might be cooked next year.


posted 3 weeks ago

he had the most highlights in the final and barely any of them were trades lol, what is this revision at least try harder or smth

posted 3 weeks ago

nah i just saw it in a vision, hes right

posted 3 weeks ago

i said since acend, meaning acend was the last team to stick together

posted 3 weeks ago

missed MSI 2015 yikes, you're clearly not a true EDGer

posted 3 weeks ago

oh come the fuck on

posted 3 weeks ago

we can finally watch the champs winners stay together and adapt to next year instead of blowing up since Acend. its gonna be hype.

posted 3 weeks ago

would've been a movie. Legit EG vs PRX 2.0. Why is EG such a broke ass org maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan

posted 3 weeks ago

is that sarcasm are you being sarcastic with me here

posted 3 weeks ago

you silly idiot you clearly couldve edited it then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! goooossshhh michael......

posted 3 weeks ago

the tv show or the cosmical event

posted 3 weeks ago

just say u wanted to glaze edg a bit and it would've been cool

posted 3 weeks ago

bilibili hehe

posted 3 weeks ago

who said it was a very mid year michaelisupset!!! no one said that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gosh darn it

posted 3 weeks ago

still grouped...?

posted 3 weeks ago

this is even crazier, how is knowing that every EDG player doubles C0M's salary an "interesting fact" at all xd

We don't even know their salaries to begin with, and some CN orgs in other esports have been exposed for straight up not paying their players too, even the good ones.

posted 3 weeks ago

grouped in the biggest tourney of the year in their own city, idk man I think their year is getting a bit overrated here

posted 3 weeks ago

you did not need to state that "every EDG player probably doubles C0M’s salary" like that lmfaooooooo

posted 3 weeks ago

ok buddy its obviously by prize money the fuck lmfao, taking that flair too much to heart lets chill

posted 3 weeks ago

ngl I thought EDG players wouldve been higher than EGs but i forgot one of them are masters finalist lol

posted 3 weeks ago

look at you thinking my argument is only about wo0t still being top 2 again instead of just being a straight up better duelist than miniboo's mediocracy in champs, which is what I'm trying to tell you and why his top 2 finish in Shanghai brings more to my argument that whatever dumbass contradictory logic you're trying to string up because you just can't accept the stats. Good to know that I'm talking to an actual brick wall lmfao, good talk

posted 3 weeks ago

and they're as real as ever :)

posted 3 weeks ago

"woot isn’t a god and can’t do the things he does forever" again with this absolutely retarded line of thinking, assuming a player cant continue being good on a role after an insane tournament because they simply just cant? So should we start assuming TH wouldn't remain being a good team for 2025 or something? Was t3xture expected to play like dirt in Champions after being the best duelist of Shanghai? You are cooked brother.

If you think wo0t wouldn't have outperformed miniboo's mid stats in champs on duelist then continue coping hard, the fact that you're again crying about EDG still being better when I am again telling you that the outcome of TH vs EDG isn't part of my argument shows how brain dead you are.

posted 3 weeks ago

because im supposed to take what you said seriously xd

posted 3 weeks ago

british education people

posted 3 weeks ago

does that completely destroy the argument that wo0t was very obviously the better duelist vs miniboo? the same miniboo that also got ass blasted by KK in the grand final? EUtards are so funny haha

posted 3 weeks ago

crying like that is crazy.

posted 3 weeks ago

team stepped up, duelist did not. stats are there.

posted 3 weeks ago

team stepped up, duelist did not compared to the duelist they had in Shanghai.

posted 3 weeks ago

stats and facts are there, cope. wo0t was fighting with t3xture as the best duelist in Shanghai, Miniboo on duelist meanwhile in Seoul has been overshadowed constantly.

posted 3 weeks ago
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