Flag: Wales
Registered: July 24, 2023
Last post: March 4, 2025 at 3:53 AM
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I feel like in Valorant we can comfortably say FNC vs Loud

R6 I feel like is definitely FaZe vs w7m at SI 2023

CS is probably FaZe vs C9 at Boston Major

Other than that I'm not really sure, I don't really follow other esports. Any League, RL, Fortnite, Dota 2 and other big esports I'm forgetting able to inform me?

posted 3 months ago

I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't lying about the roster being temporary and sym is getting replaced by icy because holy

posted 3 months ago

People who want Ascent rotated out or changed at all, imagine what ranked would become if that happened

Sure VCT becomes more exciting to watch, but all of a sudden you have to play maps where you either have to push out and fight for map control or play retake

Idk about you but I do NOT want to rely on my ranked team mates for that

posted 3 months ago

Bring Me the Horizon, My Chemical Romance, Surf Curse, Arctic Monkeys

posted 3 months ago

And Victor still looks washed on her

posted 3 months ago

SR or G2 there are literally no other GC teams

posted 3 months ago

Rito gaming please add phone number verification it would feed generations

posted 3 months ago

I swear Game Changers Championship has gotten more marketing than Champs this year

Am I just going schizo or has anyone else noticed this?

posted 3 months ago

Please do not normalise singing your messages, this is behaviour that validates swyvboi's retarded nonsense and I would rather we didn't do that

posted 3 months ago

Wo0t will be the face of EMEA for 2025 and 2026 but after 2027 Sayonara is the face of Valorant

posted 3 months ago

Can't wait for back to back yay Cypher 40 bombs

posted 3 months ago

I don't think a single person is underrating G2. Everyone knows they're the best team in Americas

posted 3 months ago

We will see if NRG is truly a cursed org if this 2025 roster fails, cuz every roster they've had has been world class on paper but turned out to be disappointing

2022 NRG - has s0m, eeiu, Ethan, tex and hazed, which is a stacked lineup in retrospect but at the time seemed incredibly mid

2023 NRG - got pretty much the only player who rivalled yay on Chamber in 2022 and he immediately loses form, along with the core of the best team of 2022 who seem to lose some of the magic as soon as they sign to NRG

2024 NRG - got the best player of 2023 who much like ardiis, immediately lost his form as he got on NRG, as well as a team around him of 4 insane talents who didn't get along and seemingly really didn't give it their all

NRG CEO must be the most malded man on earth

posted 3 months ago


Dogshit boring ass org who just leech off of the stipend every year while investing as little as possible into the scene and doing nothing but crashing out of playoffs

posted 3 months ago

Reminds me of peak kennyS

I miss my goat

posted 3 months ago

Surprised no one's said Wo0t yet. In terms of raw mechanics he's fucking ridiculous

posted 4 months ago

Ur so right

posted 4 months ago

Which 10 orgs would you pick for each region? Personally I'd go


Eternal Fire
Team Spirit
Karmine Corp




FlyQuest (with an OCE roster)


Rare Atom
LNG Esports

posted 4 months ago

Isn't the rumoured roster cortezia, nzr, artzin, xenom and aspas?

posted 4 months ago

Ur just rage baiting for no reason

posted 4 months ago

C9's single fan spotted

posted 4 months ago

Nice try lil bro, we all know you're Brazilian

posted 4 months ago
  1. G2 - Arguably the most consistent NA squad in 2024, their weakest player who was largely just a job doer duelist who was there to get baited has been replaced with arguably the best entry player in Valorant atm

  2. SEN - bang is about as good a replacement as any for TenZ and N4RRATE is a big upgrade over Sacy. Zellsis, N4RRATE and zekken all on the same team means the squad has insane flexibility and Zellsis is really the only player not known for his fragging

  3. NRG - A mix of 2 incredibly young players as the star fraggers, s0m who has been a consistent performer for 2 years and then 2 of the most experienced players in all of NA, including an undisputed top 2 IGL of all time in Valorant. Minus points for all their fans being insufferable retard sex offenders tho

  4. MIBR - Call me crazy but NZR is a very good IGL and can frag consistently + they have the coach of 2023 Loud, aspas is aspas, then they have the best player from MIBR last year and 2 incredibly talented young Brazilian players

  5. 100T - Honestly I think Zander is a bit of a downgrade from bang but they still have Boostio, who is up there with FNS in terms of IGL'ing as well as eeiu, the best initiator in Americas, and Cryo who has an insane ceiling in terms of his fragging if set up correctly

  6. LEV - Have an insane amount of talent, naTank can definitely make up for Demon1's weaknesses and be the main entry, allowing him to just take over games from the back. tex and kiNgg are both insanely talented and c0m has great util usage. Not too sure about the team's calling compared to the top teams in Americas but their firepower is so ridiculously high that they're number 6 purely because of that

  7. 2G - I honestly have super high stocks in them. I think Zap is a great caller and probably the best vibes guy/emotional leader in Americas, and he's surrounded by cracked Brazilian aimers who have entirely bought into his and the coaches system. I could honestly see them being even higher than this.

  8. EG - supamen and Derrek are both great players. NaturE is very clutch. Sym and yay are 2 massive question marks imo. We still haven't really seen yay outside of nightmare jail teams since 2022 and sym didn't really seem like he was keeping up with the other duelists at Ascension. They definitely have potential to be world class though, and I wouldn't be shocked if they were higher than this.

  9. KRU - They fumbled signing Saadhak and I honestly think that really hurt the team's chances for next season after they kicked heat. They don't have any bad players though and I think adverso is a fine caller, plus Atom is a great coach. They're still making Champs regardless

  10. C9 - Idk who the fuck v1c is but immi is the middest coach of all time and I don't think OXY and Rossy are good enough to carry the team to any substantial success

  11. Loud - Loud as we know it is pretty much dead, and while dgzin is exciting v1nny really isn't a proven caller, meanwhile the coaching staff didn't seem great from what we saw of Loud last year. cauanzin and pANcada are still elite though

  12. Furia - Could go higher since mwzera didn't build a circle of yes men to tongue fuck his asshole this time around but I still don't have any faith in this roster. heat is sick tho

posted 4 months ago

C9 is WAY too high and NRG and 2G are way too low

posted 4 months ago

Play volley ball 4head

posted 4 months ago

Nah he is playing until the age of 97

posted 4 months ago

It is literally listed as a beach ball

posted 4 months ago

Gentlemen, it is with great pleasure that I inform you that the Team Heretics beach ball is currently 70% off on the Team Heretics store

posted 4 months ago

I'm thinking Sova and then Yoru in place of a flash initiator, either Jett or Neon, Killjoy and Astra

posted 4 months ago

He doesn't know who you are little bro

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

Azzelastia calling other people annoying is crazy icl

posted 4 months ago

Tbf Zellsis' best performances have been on Killjoy, maybe he turns out to be cracked on senti

posted 4 months ago

johnqt been playing initiator in off season events so I assume Zellsis is moving to sentinel

posted 4 months ago

How does brother play the least populated role in NA and still not get any offers for T1? Leaf and potentially yay if he gets back in form are like the only world class sentinel players in NA and brother still somehow didn't impress enough to get a spot over mfs like moose and Zellsis

neT might be cooked, if he runs it back his ass ain't even getting back to an Ascension tournament

posted 4 months ago

Bit of a mix of the 2. Only being able to play Neon and no one else is a big problem. Having Sage, Deadlock, Phoenix, Reyna, Iso and Harbour as your agent pool is also a massive problem

posted 4 months ago

Which players have the most scuffed agent pools?

Xeppaa is a pretty big candidate imo, Skye, arguably the worst initiator at the moment, is the only agent he really plays to a tier 1 level

Jinggg is another big culprit, who really only plays Raze and Neon, though it seems like he's learning sentinel for this season so that may change soon

TenZ had an absolutely tapped agent pool, Omen was honestly the only agent where his util usage looked elite. People will say his Kay/o was insane as well but his Kay/o util honestly looked pretty mid, he just played really aggressive and clicked heads

Who else?

posted 4 months ago

Device bros we are so back

posted 4 months ago

Every single GC trophy will be won by G2 or SR for a solid 4 more years GC is a 2 team scene

posted 4 months ago

100T: From Bang to Zander (1) - downgrade
C9: From Vanity to V1c (2) - idk
From Runi to Rossy (3) - upgrade
EG: From Jawgemo to Sym (4) - downgrade
From Apoth to Yay (5) - upgrade
FURIA: From Nzr to Heat (6) - upgrade
From Xand to Raafa (7) - upgrade
G2: From Icy to Jawgemo (8) - upgrade
KRU: From Melser to Mazino (9) - upgrade
From Heat to Adverso (10) - downgrade
LEV: From Aspas to Demon1 (11) - downgrade
From Mazino to Natank (12) - idk
LOUD: From Saadhak to V1nny (13) - downgrade
From Less to Dgzin (14) - downgrade
NRG: From Demon1 to Mada (15) - upgrade
From Crashies to Verno (16) - upgrade
SEN: From TenZ to Bang (17) - idk
From Sacy to N4RRATE (18) - upgrade

posted 4 months ago

2022 FPX

I miss my goats

posted 4 months ago

I would honestly rather every player be a screeching Reyna one trick who hasn't played a game on their peak diamond main in 3 years and just makes fresh accounts to play in iron lobbies so they can spam ez and stave off the feeling that they haven't improved at the game in years despite dedicating a majority of their time to it each day than have a single Sage main on my team

posted 4 months ago

I'm gonna start crashing out if I see one more fucking useless brainlet lock this dogshit agent in my games and proceed to drop 2 kills in an octuple OT game because they couldn't possibly fathom the most basic fucking tac FPS ideas like space and angles and think because they fucking sit there with their thumb up their arse and occasionally take a brake from trying to eat the keys on their keyboards to heal me for 17 health that they're engaging in the pinnacle of supportive team coordination and are thus immune from even the lightest suggestion of using their fucking brains and not knife out crouch peaking long 2 milliseconds into the round.

And it's always after I lock fucking Cypher or Killjoy as well, these useless fucking lobotomites genuinely could not bring the singular cell that makes up their biology to even attempt to understand the idea of a team comp and think they're entitled to lock Sage every fucking game without fail because what they originally possessed that may or may not have been a brain has been fucking disintegrated by countless hours of playing nothing but Mercy in Overwatch and they think "oH gUyS wE nEeD a HeAlEr" because they think every fucking FPS game has to have the dedicated "here is the character for the useless fucktard with mechanical skill on par with a lobotomised cat to still contribute something" and are genuinely insulted by the notion that an FPS game would require them to use their fucking gun at any point.

I beg Riot nukes Sage off the face of the planet so I never have to deal with these fucking amoebas ever again.

posted 4 months ago

If you had to build a fully South American roster that could win a trophy, which 5 players would you pick, assuming you could only use players still playing in Americas

For me I'd go zap, aspas, Mazino, Shyy and heat

posted 4 months ago

Heretics: Trying to stop teams with momentum/adapting to what the attackers are doing when they're on defence

posted 4 months ago

Ik Furia is probably the biggest org in Brazil across all of esports, but I swear across every single esport they have a team in I've never heard of any Furia roster winning a major title

They literally signed the R6 roster who won every tournament in 2023 and the team immediately fell off and got overtaken in their own region

Is the org just cursed?

posted 4 months ago

Mark my words

posted 4 months ago

Just went against ZER lux9 in DM, along with 2 other immos and 3 ascendants. I'm literally fucking gold. Wtf is wrong with riot? My hidden mmr can't be that high

posted 4 months ago

Would he be busted or nah?

posted 4 months ago
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