Flag: Wales
Registered: July 24, 2023
Last post: March 4, 2025 at 3:53 AM
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Sounds believable

posted 3 months ago

I tried to backtrack it the morning after, she said we couldn't be friends anymore

I never said another word to her and just tried my best not to look in her direction whenever we were in the common room

posted 3 months ago

Hey at least you got to that point, probably better than everyone else on vlr combined

posted 3 months ago

Stop bro I'm already dead

posted 3 months ago

Oh trust me I wanted to die typing this but I figured it'd be fun to ask vlr about their biggest fumbles

posted 3 months ago

Like January this year

posted 3 months ago

Idk if this counts as a fumble because I didn't have a chance anyway but I once got drunk and sent girl about 100 messages on snapchat saying I was in love with her and I couldn't breathe without her

She had a boyfriend

I have not sent her a single message or said a single word to her since and just kinda looked at her from across the common room for the remainder of high school

It's safe to say I have absolutely negative game

Also mods please don't smite me I forgot to put this in off topic

posted 3 months ago

Let it go bro, she ain't gonna say yes

posted 3 months ago

My goat Miniature Boo will farm and get his confidence back

posted 3 months ago

Misogyny wins again, sad times today gentlemen (referring to srN not implying anything transphobic)

posted 3 months ago

Let's go zootah division smoke that pack

posted 3 months ago

Chronicle - more trophies, more flexible, more consistent, smarter player

posted 3 months ago

Have gay sex, it breaks the sexual tension and eliminates the need for such things

posted 3 months ago

If they give me hope of winning a trophy again yeah probably

In retrospect I picked the worst 2 teams to have as my favourites my ass is never getting happiness

posted 3 months ago

Piss toe

posted 3 months ago

Nah c0n0d0 m0n ur a finished Neon merchant icl

posted 3 months ago

I hate FrosT

posted 3 months ago

Less of that please

posted 3 months ago

dort and Azzelastia wouldn't fight they would just get progressively further down the "mUh AmErIcAn GeNeTiCs" pipeline whilst wanking each other off about being obsessed with a bunch of guys who play video games for no reason other than they're from the same country as them

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

I saw a community post about the Halloween franchise asking for hot takes and I typed out a whole fuckin essay and for some reason it posted the comment to a seangares yt short that I had watched an hour earlier and I didn't realise until like days later so I just looked like a schizo rambling about horror movies on a Valorant short like a mental patient

Fuck you YouTube

posted 3 months ago


  1. MIBR aspas
  2. SEN zekken
  3. G2 Jagwemo
  4. KRU keznit
  5. NRG mada
  6. LEV Demon1
  7. 100T Cryo
  8. C9 OXY
  9. LOUD dgzin
  10. FUR mwzera
  11. 2G silentzz
  12. EG sym (assuming he sticks with EG)


  1. G2 JonahP
  2. NRG Ethan
  3. KRU Mazino
  4. LEV natanK
  5. FUR heat
  6. 100T Asuna
  7. SEN Zellsis
  8. MIBR artzin
  9. EG NaturE
  10. 2G Gobera
  11. LOUD v1nny
  12. C9 Xeppaa


  1. 100T eeiu
  2. LOUD cauanzin
  3. NRG Verno
  4. G2 trent
  5. EG Derrek
  6. MIBR nzr
  7. 2G Zap
  8. C9 Rossy
  9. LEV C0M
  10. SEN johnqt
  11. KRU adverso
  12. FUR raafa


  1. NRG s0m
  2. LOUD pANcada
  3. SEN bang
  4. LEV kiNgg
  5. EG supamen
  6. G2 valyn
  7. FUR Khalil
  8. KRU Melser
  9. 100T Zander
  10. 2G lzz
  11. MIBR Xenom
  12. C9 v1c


  1. G2 leaf
  2. KRU Shyyy
  3. EG yay
  5. LEV tex
  6. MIBR cortezia
  7. 100T Boostio
  8. 2G pryze
  9. LOUD tuyz
  10. FUR havoc
  11. C9 moose
  12. NRG FNS

Average team's player ranking

G2 - 3
NRG - 4.6
SEN - 5.2
KRU - 5.6
LEV - 5.6
100T - 6
MIBR - 6.4
LOUD - 6.6
EG - 6.8
FUR - 8.8
2G - 9.2
C9 - 10.2

posted 3 months ago

Hot take but I think smokes is a better role for suy than sentinel

I never thought SUYGETSU was aggressive enough as a sentinel on the attack and didn't really make enough big plays on his lurks and more often than not played for the clutch, which I think is far better suited for smokes play than sentinel, so I think SUYGETSU might honestly look better than he ever has

posted 3 months ago

Vandal - Primordium is deffo up there for me
Phantom - Oni and Protocol are also bangers but literally nothing is better than Recon

posted 3 months ago

Radiant Crisis 001

Honestly the most underrated skinline I barely see anyone run it nowadays

posted 3 months ago

I think I aged about 10 years seeing this

posted 3 months ago

I'd be fuming if I found a currency other than a pound I cba to go exchange that

posted 3 months ago

I don't necessarily think he's bad I just don't think he can compete with the players above him

He's not young and cracked out of his mind or proven on the biggest stages so he's just one of those players that's kinda there for me

posted 3 months ago

He deffo has potential and the competition is super stiff for top 5 I just put him below the top 4 because Sayf and SUYGETSU are superstar players transitioning to smokes that I think will be equally if not better on smokes than their previous roles, grubinho was easily the best smokes player in EMEA last year and Ruxic has the young Turkish player effect behind him

posted 3 months ago

Idk I think MiniBoo's performance at Kickoff-Stage 1 and Champs playoffs pretty safely put him above everyone except Derke. His slump in Stage 2 and Champs group stages I'm willing to forgive because his confidence was clearly knocked by everyone calling for him to be dropped

If he's in form, he's easily top 2 imo

posted 3 months ago

Ngl I was super uninformed about LewN so yeah I probably rate him lower than he deserves

cNed was kinda carrying FUT at Shanghai along with yetujey and I still think he has it in him to be world class

I thought purp0's Jett and Neon were kinda elite last season tho I think I may just be remembering a few games were he went crazy so idk

I expect marteen to be better than he was last season with a better calling system and better support players around him

posted 3 months ago

Idk kaajak did just come off of winning Ascension as the highest rated player in the tournament, I'd say he's probably more proven

posted 3 months ago

1 close loss in the group stage to a top 3 team from Shanghai who have a playstyle advantage and u act like they got smoked by some tier 3 bots

Plus EDG went on to beat LEV, who absolutely tier gapped G2 in playoffs and Americas finals

EDG were gonna win Champs no matter who was in the finals lil bro, stop crying

posted 3 months ago

GEN.G smoked 100T and G2 as well they would've won regardless of who they play in the Shanghai finals

EDG also beat both the NA teams in the top 4 on their way to the finals they deffo were winning Champs regardless of who they played

Ur just a turbo coper icl

posted 3 months ago

Oh bro Apeks is so cooked if they don't have cNed. I'm a huge Lime believer but I think he's more of a consistently decent player than a star player like cNed at a T1 level and I don't think I'd take him over purp0 or marteen.

That's the same reasoning I have for putting koalanoob so low compared to all the young players in EMEA and I was honestly tempted to put Filu above him.

In terms of the controllers, Sayf played Omen and Viper last year and I have faith that he'll be able to keep a fairly consistent level with what he was last year. I honestly think SUYGETSU is better suited to be a controller than a sentinel so I think he may genuinely look even better. That grubinho take is honestly very fair I think he's super team material.

kamyk I just have super high faith in. I think he has a decently high ceiling and is fairly consistent. Though sociaBLEE might have higher potential to just take over games so idk

posted 3 months ago

Yee when I was making the list I initially had him in like top 3 but then I kept thinking "would I really take a 26 year old who has the burden of dedicating his mental bandwidth to being the IGL over any of the players above him" and I kept saying no

He's still cracked and an absolute demon in the clutch tho, EMEA's smokes players all just got a lot better this year

posted 3 months ago

Hasn't hoody signed to FOKUS? Also I'll adjust the list with Fit1nho

posted 3 months ago

If I had to go from FNS and crashies on my team to steel and genghsta my crashout would be generational honestly good on yay for not saying anything worse

posted 3 months ago

Yeah tbf TL being top 6 in terms of player rankings is pretty shit bait I'll admit they should be 12th on average

posted 3 months ago

Fair, though he still didn't look amazing during KCX4 and even then during KC's peak at Kickoff I'd still take the top 4 in the list over him

posted 3 months ago

True but as I said, I am very biased

posted 3 months ago

Idk he's looked really inconsistent and undisciplined to me, still can be world class but I just like the 6 I have above him more

posted 3 months ago

Choked vs Brazil + NAVI jersey instantly saps people's power + koalanoob has reached unc status at this point

posted 3 months ago


  1. VIT Derke
  2. TH MiniBoo
  3. FNC kaajak
  4. FUT xeus
  5. APK cNed (assuming the Apeks rumours are true)
  6. GX purp0
  7. KC marteen
  8. TL kamo
  9. GM8 Click
  10. BBL LewN
  11. NAVI koalanoob
  12. KOI Filu


  2. VIT Sayf (assuming he's playing smokes)
  3. KOI grubinho (assuming KCX4 roles were just an experiment and he's staying on smokes)
  4. NAVI Ruxic
  5. GM8 K4DAVRA
  7. BBL Profek
  8. GX tomaszy
  9. TH Boo
  10. TL Keiko
  11. APK AvovA
  12. FNC Boaster


  1. VIT Less
  2. TH benjyfishy
  3. FNC Alfajer
  4. KC Elite
  5. TL nAts
  6. FUT yetujey
  7. NAVI hiro
  8. GX westside
  9. BBL chiwa
  10. GM8 Minny
  11. KOI flyuh (makes most sense for him to be senti imo)
  12. APK hype


  1. TH RieNs
  2. FNC Leo (would be first if he hadn't just had half a year of no officials or scrims)
  3. NAVI Shao
  4. GX Cloud
  5. KOI Sheydos
  6. TL paTiTek
  7. FUT qRaxs
  8. KC Avez
  9. VIT Kicks
  10. BBL Jamppi
  11. GM8 RobbieBK


  1. FNC Chronicle
  2. TH Wo0t
  3. VIT trexx
  4. TL kamyk
  5. BBL sociaBLEE
  6. GM8 Zyppan
  7. KOI soulcas
  8. KC Saadhak
  9. FUT MrFaliN
  10. GX runneR
  11. APK Fit1nho
  12. NAVI ANGE1

Average ranking of each team's players

TH - 3.2 (deffo at least a little bit biased by me tbh)
VIT - 3.2
FNC - 4.2 (average absolutely tanked by Boaster)
KC - 5.6
FUT - 6.2
TL - 6.6
GX - 7.2
NAVI - 7.2
KOI - 7.6
GM8 - 8.2
BBL - 8.2

posted 3 months ago

I'm genuinely baffled as to why Talon are choosing to keep ban over trying to get sScary

posted 3 months ago

Why can't I just be happy like I'm ugly and gross and weird and people scare me and I can't hold a conversation and there's nothing interesting about me so I'm alone and I can't make friends and everything hurts and it constantly feels like there's something inside my chest trying to claw it's way out and I can't look after myself and I can't do simple tasks I can't sleep normal I can't leave the house and I just wanna go home from uni but I don't wanna go home cuz then ik I'll be a failure and every day I do nothing with myself and I don't even enjoy my hobbies anymore not that I had any beyond just sitting online and avoiding people and I don't feel happiness anymore I'm just sad all the time and I wanna be a kid again I wanna be happy again I don't know why I have to feel this way why was I born this way I literally can't motivate myself to do anything I hate this

posted 3 months ago

Byddwch yn dawel ci Saesneg

posted 3 months ago

I fw this heavy

posted 3 months ago
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