Flag: Romania
Registered: February 12, 2022
Last post: July 11, 2024 at 8:41 PM
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rarely a good take by gamr... but he's actually correct here. The same explanation can be provided to any overpowered agent meta, it'll force teams/players to be more careful in certain situations in order to counter whatever that overpowered ability is and think of new ways to tactically approach the game. (astra viper post plant meta is indeed a good example)

I understand what Bren is trying to say there, but it's kind of a stupid take by him.

posted about a year ago

Emil is the coach for Liquid not NaVi lol

posted about a year ago

I don't think that, because you house the champion, you deserve to send more representation that lowers the bar of competition.

This! Not sure who came up with the idea to do this, but it's quite a dumb and lazy approach to filling an extra slot needed for the tournaments. Regions should have coefficients, based on which the slots amount for tournaments should be decided on.

posted about a year ago

KRU making it to the Grand Final? Yes, very probable
SEN making it to the Grand Final? Very unlikely

posted about a year ago


this would be great on paper, but idk if it would actually work in the team dynamics

posted about a year ago

you're weird... promoting a watch party to hate against better players

posted about a year ago

its 7PM local time.. not late at night at all

posted about a year ago

nah, rating cares about: kills in gun rounds, kills/assists in rounds you won (so kind of KAST), clutches, ADR

ACS glorifies exit kills (kills that you make when you save the gun), kills vs eco rounds (stuff that the rating is really kinda ignoring) and doesn't care about deaths

posted about a year ago

That's like saying that SEN only got close on Pearl because zekken had an insane game

posted about a year ago

I'm talking about the GC team level strats SEN has, according to your thread. Did you forget what you wrote? Did you lose your brain in the meantime?

posted about a year ago

I'm confused... SEN has 2 rounds won on attack (one anti-bonus and one very lucky eco round carried by zekken), does that mean SEN has strats of tier3?

posted about a year ago

so now they'd lose 13-10, gotcha

furia won't even beat kru tomorrow

posted about a year ago

Furia clears what?


Regarding Union... no comment. The level of delusion is huge lol, they can't even clear more than 5 rounds per map against decent teams

posted about a year ago

It looks like you don't know English too well, might need more than that dictionary.

Hint: You can be surprised by someone (or in this case, something) that you do not know. It's perfectly accurate in English.

Now that it's clear that this convo is a waste of time, I bid you farewell.

posted about a year ago

Your thinking only makes sense if I would've claimed prior to seeing the match that Katarina is not good at the game.

Alternatively, your reply makes no sense in the context in which I did not know who Katarina was prior to seeing this match. Hence my statement is completely correct and fine without having any derogatory undertones.

You just wasted your time with the dictionary search, but I'm glad you were able to learn something new. Maybe you need to try not assuming everything is negative, you'll be SURPRISED by how different the world looks.

posted about a year ago

idk how you reached that conclusion from what I said... it's quite the opposite

posted about a year ago

Katarina on Haven was surprisingly impressive (that ace was pretty nutty)

posted about a year ago

There has been 0 FPS where both Asia and West playerbase has had high playerbase.

This is just incorrect. CS 1.5 and CS 1.6 both had huge playerbase in both Asia and West. Or you don't know much about gaming past the last 10 years?

posted about a year ago

No, you cannot sell a slot in VCT, because the Orgs don't own anything to be sold when it comes to VCT (besides player contracts, of course)

posted about a year ago

Comparing Valorant ILs to League Franchising is apple and oranges... simply just not the same thing

The whole reason why Riot didn't want go with the traditional franchising model in Valorant is that they wanted to monetize the competition in the same manner, but keep control over the leagues and teams (which is not possible once you ask orgs to pay a bunch of money for their slot)

posted about a year ago

he's gonna pay the price for being confident (on top of the fact that most of his statements proved to be correct) ?

you're pathetic dude lol, go touch some grass

posted about a year ago

"Societal conditioning is a cope, whatever it is."

You can't be this stupid and claim to use "logic".. you wouldn't know logical and critical thinking if it hit you in the face bro. Just shut up and keep your idiotic takes to yourself, be stupid by yourself

posted about a year ago

you had many words just a few days ago... lost them all?

posted about a year ago

so next time Levi or KRU (or another team) make a big run at a tournament we'll hear that LATAM has such an advantage, and everyone will be fine with it, is that your argument?

Also, the true middle point would be something that currently doesn't have a developed scene, such as Nicaragua, Guatemala, Costa Rica or maybe.. maybe Colombia that has a very nascent scene. It would be a very hard sell to hold Americas league in any of these locations (even though it would technically be a great neutral ground)

posted about a year ago

I agree that is theoretically the most 'fair/equitable' solution for the regions involved, but... is it really feasible financially (considering Riot still sees the eSports department as a business that needs to provide some ROI)? I don't think it's realistic

posted about a year ago

so you wouldn't provide a solution, but rather simply move the "problem" in a different location? kkkkk

What about the Pacific League? Should that be moved also from South Korea to India, that way South Korean Tier2 teams do not have an advantage in Ascension tournaments?

posted about a year ago

cool story

posted about a year ago

low level of play, hopefully it'll get better as more ppl join the discord. very good idea overall

posted about a year ago

Not all teams from NA T2 scene practice against Americas league teams, but I do agree with you that it can be an advantage for teams like M80 and The Guard (who do get those chances of practice).

What should Riot change though?

posted about a year ago

what is the advantage? what should riot change?

posted about a year ago

are you still waiting? looks like he was right

posted about a year ago

reminds me of a certain young Jack Wilshire (just less physical) hopefully he stays away from injuries and his career doesn't fizzle out the same way

posted about a year ago

dude, it's twitter, not "in the streets", you're taking a shitty platform, with mainly shitty people posting, way too seriously. what's next? going to talk about how you're disgusted about what some random blogs on tumblr and what society has gotten to?

if you don't like twitter idiots (much like myself), don't use twitter. I don't... one has to be quite debilitated to still use twitter in 2023 anyway

posted about a year ago

that's a porn actor, talking about a porn show.

the tweet in itself is both a marketing and recruitment scheme. the fact that people talk about it makes it seem that it worked. just ignore it, and move on with your life like I'm doing (like we all should actually..)

posted about a year ago

What's more surprising to me is that ppl are still using Twitter... lol

posted about a year ago
  1. Bren & Sideshow
  2. Pansy & Hypoc
  3. Achillion and Paperthin
  4. Doug & Balla
  5. Mitch and Tom
posted about a year ago

lol ppl still use twitter in 2023?

posted about a year ago

yeah, the KJ nanos were both placed in the same exact spot, so both were destroyed while he was lined up for the Molly.

posted about a year ago

there was time after KJ ult to move slightly forward in A main and get in range for the ult... his only choice was not only to throw the molly, otherwise I would've understood (by the time the molly travelled over the map and reached the spike a few beams of his ult would've already been hitting the area)

posted about a year ago

I'm confused on why exy didn't use brim ult... he could've easily won the 20th round for dplus (instead of throwing that molly line up so late) ... instead he saved the ult for next map :/

posted about a year ago

exy is saving the ult for Bind

posted about a year ago

Group Alpha results are inconsequential to Group Omega.

Also, when you have a 5 team group, it's inevitable that one of the teams will start later than the other 4, it's not rocket science. NAOS and BOOM have only 1 match in Alpha due to this same reason.

posted about a year ago

you're confused.... dplus plays in 4 hours, other teams have only 1 match played.

posted about a year ago

Never heard the term Eurasian before?

posted about a year ago

I literally told you where, you just need to go watch to find it.

You: " If it's so easy to find you would just link in where they said it"

Nobody said it's easy. Riot is notorious for making replays hard to find, they're freaking unlisted youtube videos (you can't keysearch them), which is why I'm not going to spend 30mins 1 hour of my time to do it.

If you're too lazy to find this info yourself, hire someone to do it. Here you go, I'll give you a head start since you're a lazy fuck: https://tinyurl.com/2s3p6cfw

"I'm just saying you can't pull random info from your ass and when someone asks where you found this information you just say go find it yourself even though you yourself can't prove they said this."

Just because you're too lazy and not in the know doesn't mean something did not happen. You sound quite mentally retarded in this aspect, unfortunately.

posted about a year ago

I told you where they said it. Go watch. Sounds like you just want things served to you in life on a silver spoon...

You're that didn't watch the event, hence doesn't know what they're talking about, but expect others to educate you with direct links and timestamps...

posted about a year ago

It was said during the transmission of the event. They interviewed executives, you would've known if you watched it. I don't work for Riot, I don't know where all the recordings are, nor do I work for you, got better things to do.

Also, if I remember well, Leo Faria hinted to this when he was on the Podcast with Hiko and sgares.

You'll find it if you actually want to find it, stop acting stupid.

posted about a year ago

Sounds like you didn't watch the event...

posted about a year ago

I did, unfortunately, you have not read what I wrote.

"I see ur argument also states that it was considered a showmatch tournament"

Take it up with Riot executives, not with me. It's not my argument, they said these things themselves. I'm not sure why so many people here are trying to fight over this characterization like it wasn't something already settled by Riot at the time LOCK//IN took place.. you guys are sometimes a different kind of stupid.. Go fight with Leo Faria, not on vlr.gg

Also, the term Major is from CS, not from Golf.

posted about a year ago
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