Flag: Romania
Registered: February 12, 2022
Last post: July 11, 2024 at 8:41 PM
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Liquid finished 3rd regular season
Already beat 6th rank in the playoffs

this nutjob calls them "worst team in EMEA playoffs"

make it make sense please

posted about a year ago

good luck! being multilingual is both a good asset in life and a great way expand your way of thinking.

posted about a year ago

I must say, even if DFM and KRU ended up 0-9 .... Wolfen has probably been the player that looks the most out of place.

posted about a year ago

Depending on the map and meta, being first entry can totally be a supportive role. Do you understand what creating space and getting info is? You're literally setting up your 2nd entry and your lurker (or your team as whole if its a fake).. that's your job. Now go back to your Gold lobbies. This is a waste of time

posted about a year ago

The fact that you do not know that Neon or Pheonix can be used as support role in a tactical comp proves my point. You probably learned this game on TikTok

posted about a year ago

Through different metas and teams, Victor had to perform various different roles in his respective teams. On Envy/Optic he was a supportive role, even when playing duelist, his job was not to frag, but rather to make space and get info, since that's what was optimal in the late post-plant meta of 2021 and entire Chamber meta.. and he was very good at it. If you look back in his "food" days (T1 and beginning of Envy, before Marved joined) his role was slightly different where he was supported by other players on his team, hence he was displaying the same fragging power, since his role was specifically to make plays. This is similar to the role that he has now on NRG, where he is supported in either his duelist or anchor role by others around him, rather than him setting up plays or other players on the team.

His pure skill ability was always there, even if he was less influential on the scoreboard due to different roles. Also, people that don't realize that being able to switch between roles and do them all at this level is an huge team asset in itself.

People that say "Victor just got good now" simply never played this game past the level of "ranked" or a high level in an older tactical FPS title that shall not be named... there's a deep lack of tactical understanding of the game that's being displayed in many of the comments here.

posted about a year ago

it's quite clear that you do not understand the game

posted about a year ago

I'm confused why there's so much hype again on FURIA... we didn't see anything much different in this game vs LEV than what we saw against NRG, C9 or even 100T

but I guess people can dream

posted about a year ago

ah, so they're almost going to qualify... I see.. that 3rd map vs NRG was very close indeed

posted about a year ago

so FURIA is going to beat C9 or NRG? Based on this performance vs LEV, doesn't look like it

posted about a year ago

You're moving the goal posts bruh... you went from comparing chokes to comparing tournament placements. Make up your mind...

Also, ironically, you just proved why you were wrong in the first place.... you're saying that choking a grand finals is a better choke than choking in group-stage?!?!?! (ie: don't you expect a choke more from a team that can't pass groups?) Are you really this obtuse?

You must have cognitive issues or something.. this is a waste of breath

posted about a year ago

let me draw it to you kiddo

choking as a top2 team in the world against a relative equal skilled team is WORSE than choking as a top20 team against a relative equal skilled team.

not sure if you're trolling or you're this dumb..

posted about a year ago

this is a dumb argument... what matters is the skill equivalency of the teams playing, therefore the statement made by 555 is correct.

You're trying to say that choking between top2 teams in the world is somehow less than choking between top20 teams in the world, you must be braindead.

posted about a year ago

What are you even talking about? lol There were no crowd callouts this entire match besides ppl screaming "GO 100T"

posted about a year ago

if they can't beat MIBR, they don't deserve a playoff spot...

posted about a year ago

technically speaking H2H should be taken into consideration first (like in major sports) , but Riot decided that 4 way ties will ignore H2H (too many permutations for them to deal with I guess) and go straight to map differential

posted about a year ago

The standings on vlr.gg are not updated to take into consideration tie breakers (head-to-head , etc) LEV is qualified.

Now its up to 100T if they win or if they lose and allow EG to take their spot.

posted about a year ago

KRU actually can play decent Valorant... unlike DFM. Much like sgares said "KRU is the best winless team we've ever seen"

posted about a year ago

Lotus and Pearl are maybe doable with a bit of reworks, but they're not good maps fosho. Lotus can be a viable map even in its current design, but the C site is ridiculously claustrophobic... almost any util covers the entire site

Fracture and Split are absolutely horrendous competitive map designs.

Breeze and Icebox >>> Lotus, Pearl, Split and Fracture (in this order)

The current map pool is so bad that it doesn't excite me to either play or watch Valorant.

posted about a year ago

gotcha, you're braindead.... never mind

posted about a year ago

When was nitr0 a washed Val player? what kind of bleach did you drink?

In his last month of playing Valorant (in 2021) he beat both Acend and Gambit at Masters Berlin, wins in which he was a large contributor

posted about a year ago

definitely more fun than watching FaZe go 0-2 in VCL playoffs

posted about a year ago

They beat FURIA on their absolute best map 13-11, after beating them 13-7 on 100T map pick.. I wouldn't call that "the same thing" unless I'd have issues with defining equivalencies

posted about a year ago

yeah, I heard about the rampant inflation on the argentinian peso.... which is why I also mentioned Chile.

posted about a year ago

Considering the big following that Valorant has in Chile and Argentina... why isn't Riot attempting to at least have the Americas Ascension tournament in Santiago / Buenos Aires? No way that's much more expensive than São Paulo

posted about a year ago

FURIA is not out of playoffs... if they beat SEN, they're qualified since they have the h2h against LEV and EG FYI

posted about a year ago

I mean... FURIA is on top of EG in the standings, so statistically he's correct and you're an idiot. You practically live on this site and still don't know how the rankings in VCT work

posted about a year ago

someone tell these people that the vlr.gg standing page doesn't take into consideration current tie breaks, hence it's not the actual standing.... please... don't let them die this stupid

posted about a year ago

gotcha, so you're using your feelings.

posted about a year ago

looking at the numbers, this list created by spookmeister is actually more accurate. what statistics did you look at? or were you drunk when you read them? lol

posted about a year ago

People acting like Marved wasn't IGLing before going to Envy/Optic LOL

posted about a year ago

LOL says the one that clearly has no clue what they're talking about... I'm actually educated on it, and you're full of bs. Sit down

posted about a year ago

No bozo, it does not accelerate anything once you're already going through manic episodes in the previous years. Stop being dumb maybe learn some shit before typing.

posted about a year ago

No they didn't.... stop being ignorant lol

he was sick way before he started smoking weed... it's kinda fucked up for you to attack him and his hereditary mental disease by implying that he did it to himself by "doing drugs"

posted about a year ago

he was sick way before he started smoking weed... it's kinda fucked up for you to attack him and his hereditary mental disease by implying that he did it to himself by "doing drugs"

this is the most ignorant take I've seen in a while regarding Sick and his sickness

posted about a year ago

nah, it would just be a close game (unlike the last time which was a blowout, even with Demon1 on Icebox).. tactically speaking 100T is a tough match for EG, always has been. One has to be delusional to think it would be an ez win

posted about a year ago

100T is actually a bad matchup for EG, they have very small chances to win against 100T (they already lost to them with Demon1 on Jett FYI)

posted about a year ago

Some people are stretching this so hard lmao... vs Lev there were some crowd moments that were cringe and could've maybe be heard by players. Trying to apply that argument to the match against FURIA proves that some ppl are really delusional.

posted about a year ago

Be direct, ask her if she'd want to go out with you at a later time (eg: in a few days or whatever). But ask the question before the concert, and tell her she can decide after (that way she's thinking about it during it). Then play valorant all night and ignore everything until tomorrow

posted about a year ago

Top4 LCQ , which means the top2 NA teams were not there... do the math

posted about a year ago

pretty sure he's a FIFA player

posted about a year ago

Top4 NA 2022: Optic, XSET, 100T, Guard.

You're delusional

posted about a year ago

I agree that site improvements are needed, but not sure if translate function is at the top of their list. vlr.gg is indeed falling behind the other site (that barely anybody uses) in terms of functionality and data availability.

posted about a year ago

Only sScary, Deryeon and Juicy are skilled enough for tier1 val at this time. (from the few matches that I've seen of this lineup)

posted about a year ago

Why do all that work when web browsers provide translation capabilities now, and they are customizable to the end-user's preference?

Waste of resources, considering vlr.gg is not a huge org.

posted about a year ago

From what we know and what we can tell, the signs of his mental problems started in early 2022, when he benched himself from SEN. This is not something that started at LOCK//IN

posted about a year ago

I said double duelist with double controller, read again. The 2x controller is perfectly fine, if you don't 2x duelist.

If you want 2x duelist, then you more than likely need 2x initiator (skye + kayo for example) and then you can afford to suffocate your opponent on both attack and defense.

Again.... out of your depth. 0 tactical understanding ... Later

posted about a year ago

Double duelist + double controller comp comes with its own risks... for example lack of info on defense and lack of retake power. I wouldn't be so surprised at the result

posted about a year ago

Dude... the only 2 rounds they won, they played aggressive. They had to take fights and win them before NRG got into the site.. that's the only win condition they have.

They would've absolutely won more rounds with a more defensive comp. They had 0 retake power with the current comp

You're out of your depth, let it go.

posted about a year ago

"its not really a risk"

You were saying what? lmao

idk how so many ppl on vlr don't understand the basics of this game when it comes to tactics

posted about a year ago
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