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Registered: March 5, 2021
Last post: February 28, 2025 at 1:00 AM
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whoever's in charge of the rankings has gotta change that shit, bc how in the world is 100T number 1 in NA and GENG #3 in Korea, and TS and GE outside the SEA top 10

the elo system is heavily weighted in favor of teams who play in a shit ton of mickey mouse tourneys and win all the time instead of the teams who play in the regional leagues who play against the toughest opponents consistently

either get rid of the rankings or make it a subjective ranking or that garbage ranking system will never be taken seriously (if it ever was in the first place)

posted about a year ago

ig we see a weak link as different things, I understand the concept more as a person you would most want to see in a 1v1 against on that team, and it's probably boaster, since his aim just isn't like the other 4 on the team.

posted about a year ago

in terms of pure firepower, for FNC it has to be boaster, not to say he isn't cracked but everyone else is more cracked

posted about a year ago

based on Leaf's success with Neon, do y'all think other teams might hop on the neon badwagon or is this only a C9 thing nobody else is even going to try

posted about a year ago

americas: Loud (it's not even close bffr)
EMEA: Fnatic
Pacific: DRX

Picking first in the region is easy as fuck, everything else is kind of a clusterfuck but literally every region has a team that is clearly better than everyone else

posted about a year ago

"hiding behind makeup"

go outside and count to me how many hot girls you see not wearing makeup you cornball

posted about a year ago

TenZ is ab to do the opposite

posted about a year ago

the problem with that is if they buff the chamber trips, they'll just be better cypher trips so you can't really do much about that. I think they should put the TPs back to having two anchors but significantly lower the distance you can put them down for, so chamber can still go for aggressive peeks on defense without feeling the pressure of an immediate punish like how it is now,. Then after this, lower the range of cypher trips even more, but make do something like maybe slow the spot that it was in when it was destroyed so it doesn't go competely useless, and teams who like to default and go for late round execs might feel the need to feel the map out more and find and destroy the trip so their push doesn't get fucked by the trip on the hit. I feel like this is really the only way to make chamber good, because the way he locks sites down is by getting early picks and by controlling entire sightlines with his OPing potential. By leaning into this more, it'll be better for any teams that lean heavily into the AWP (cough cough old Optic cough cough) while also allowing teams that don't AWP as much to still be able to viably use KJ, as she has more potential in pure stoppage power, with all of her utility she can use. I'm not even going to talk about cypher, bro needs an entire rework to be useful. Basically everything he does, KJ does but better. The only thing he does better in is lurks with the universal range of his trips, but KJ can still be very effective on this.

posted about a year ago

this is why vlr users should never bee sought for balance changes

posted about a year ago

for all we know, the EG GM could have fucked potter over by being cheap as fuck and now she's doing what she can

posted about a year ago

she's doing decent considering how much less talented this roster is than everyone else, like wtf are you supposed to do when your duelist was a T2 player when ur playing against ppl who have made runs at actual international LANs

posted about a year ago

-goes to 3 maps against the worst NA team

“This match was undoubtedly very easy”

posted about a year ago

Thoughts on Cryo’s breakthrough this weekend? I’d this form sustainable? Thoughts on the fucking slaughterhouse we need to walk through for the remainder of the season?

Imo this inspired some hope in me, I doubt we’ll be favored (except the MIBR game) but I say a solid 30% chance to win against FUR and NRG if we play like we did. LLL will probably best us handily tho

posted about a year ago

In terms of recent performance, C9 have looked so much better than LEV/FUR/SEN. They competed pretty decently with Loud, even taking a map off them, dominated 100T and EG, and beat NRG, all with significantly less prac than everyone else.

In terms of common opponents, Furia got rocked by LLL, and EG stayed close with them, SEN played it close with 100T and lost to NRG (albeit this was before Marved), and LEV are the most comparable, with them beating NRG much more convincingly

posted about a year ago

zekken is literally a duelist player, the only reason SEN had him playing primarily initiator was bc he was flexible enough to play it decently while TenZ couldn't, and double duelist isn't viable except for like 1 map. When he played on XSET he was the primary duelist except for when cryo played jett, and only then he moved over to sova or something.

posted about a year ago

that was just a seeding match, didn't matter

posted about a year ago

if SEN won against Loud with him on the roster then Rob Moore might have gotten pregnant with how much dickriding they would have done for him

posted about a year ago

this whole VCT thing is one big seeding match if you think about it

posted about a year ago

Dude is one of the least flexible players in NA, he is as close as you can get to being a jett one trick without technically being a jett one trick, and there are now people who can compete with him at the one thing he was good at, aiming. He's famous for being literally an all aim no brain player, but now he doesn't even have the aim part monopolized. He should go back to streaming bc he clearly can't handle T1 play anymore. This SEN roster works so much better than it did was TenZ, Sacy and Pancada are actually playing their roles, Zekken is a cracked duelist but he actually has a brain, Marved is one of the best smokes players in the world, and depph is decent at the game. Give them a couple more weeks of practice and they might just be legit.

posted about a year ago

bro was close except for the 3rd map

posted about a year ago

SEN as they are now look like so much better fits than the TenZ SEN team was. Looks like he might have to learn some Mandarin to get on a T1 team again.

posted about a year ago

I'm better than that fraud. Sacy could never survive in NA Plat 1 lobbies

posted about a year ago

C9 are the only team in NA , imo, that are actually going the right direction. All the other teams just kind of either stuck wit their same roster or a similar roster (EG/100T), or tried to bring in stars from outside NA be they have shit NA scouting (SEN/NRG). C9 are actually diving into the depths of NA T2/3 to find hidden gems to take the risk with instead of just going for established stars. As long as NA remains the clout region and orgs keep in going for star power rather than an actually good team then we will never live up he the potential we have.

posted about a year ago

Vlr is ambo69’s nuts’ father

posted about a year ago

On plat chat, MeL said that V1 beat a franchise team in scrims, who do y’all think it was and why is it EG?

posted about a year ago

IGL: scream
initiator: ethan
duelist: cryocells
smokes: monyet
sentinel: xms

posted about a year ago

When skrossi came out the whole thread just started creaming their pants lmao

posted about a year ago

I doubt there’s any T1 pro that hasn’t played a game before Val

posted about a year ago

I’m pretty sure Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central America are in LATAM-N, so we are literally only the US and Canada

Tbh I think it’s just that the talent scouting in NA is pretty awful, EG are basically putting a T2 team out there every week, SEN are basically relying on getting a bunch of superstars together to frag out without giving af about role issues, and 100T and NRG basically took the same team hey had last year with slight alterations. C9 are the only ones I have trust in for the future, MCE has shown he ability to take hidden gems and turn them into diamonds and while the org is a bit dodgy, if they can ge it together they could be actually good.

posted about a year ago

After huffing the NA hopium for years, I finally have to admit it, NA is not even the best region in Americas. Brazil has better all around teams and even LATAM can get a team together that is clear of any NA team. Maybe it’s because we have our talent spread out among to many teams, but something needs to change in the tier 1 NA orgs or we legitimately won’t have any reps in Tokyo

posted about a year ago

Marved probably hasn’t been seriously practicing with the main team

posted about a year ago

Sen wins pistol and bonus then LEV win out

posted about a year ago

T side is just the Glock and AK, CT is a galil and P250 with a butterfly knife they legit just ported the CS default skins and are putting a 70 price tag on it

posted about a year ago

we need 3 slots for SEN 100T and MIBR

posted about a year ago

EMEA crowd sounds like a fucking graveyard, BR LATAM and sometimes NA fans show up for their events bc they usually never are held in NA

posted about a year ago

If gekko has a timer longer than even 15s, I think he's actually unplayable. His utility is just not as good as other agent's, and the only thing that make's him interesting is that you can get his util back very quickly, but if you need to cancel a hit and the gekko already threw all their shit on site then they can't do anything for the rest of the round, and the drawback for the lil bro is that if you use him to plant the spike, then you basically need to commit to that spike, bc if you just throw him in blind then you're fucked if he gets killed, and without the spike he's just another boombot. I'd rather have a molly that does instantaneous damage to do better delay, the flash doesn't even flash the whole screen, and for info I'd rather have a skye flash bc it gives actual audial confirmation that someone was hit, and the ult is pretty good but underwhelming especially considering how much power other ults in the game have. Right now he's in a pretty good spot. Takes a lol of skill and teamplay to use, and encourages teams to play with brains and not just aim.

posted about a year ago

all this hype to get 2-0d by 100T

posted about a year ago

the entire point of ranked is for people to take the game seriously, it's literally what it fucking says in game. When the actual client implies the purpose of ranked is for people to at least try, and people don't try ofc ppl are getting upset

posted about a year ago

Feels like SEN only bought teams other than Fortnite and Valorant just to seem more legitimate as an org, they don't actually give a shit about apex or halo

posted about a year ago

pro players are an exception, but if you are doing that shit in ur ranked games ur a certified loser

posted about a year ago

I was a TL CSGO fan but am a 100T valorant fan

posted about a year ago

Best EMEA team is a stretch when FNATIC literally exists

posted about a year ago

it's childish to want gamechangers to have an actual audience and not just streamer dickriders watching one game? Or for women to get an opportunity in esports?

posted about a year ago

difficult situation imo. WIth those 4 being such big streamers, it's bound to get more eyes on the GC scene, but there is a fair point to make that this could just be a publicity stunt by DSG to get some good boy points and takes a spot from other possibly more talented individuals. She also brings up a good point about the potential viewers they get being just there for the streamers and not for the actual gameplay, we saw a lot of this with teams in the VRLs last year, where games with KOI or Karmine Corp getting hundreds of thousands of views, while other barely got 1k. Hopefully this gets some eyes on the NA GC scene, but tbh I doubt it's going to result in anything in the long term

posted about a year ago

There's not enough, and to be completely honest I don't think any, women in the valorant scene that can compete in the T1 scene yet, the closest we've gotten was bob and she was at best a T2 player on Soniqs

posted about a year ago

Equity exists because of the institutions that exist. Let's take you workers quota example, Traditionally for thousands of years it has been expected that men have the jobs and women stay in the home. It wasn't until around the 1800s when women were even allowed to work in the United States, and it wasn't until WW1 and WW2 that it was even considered normal for a woman to even work. Despite evening this divide out, there is still a large disparity between men and women. There are still conservative groups that encourage women to stay home and not work, and women have not had a long enough tradition of having high-skilled jobs to say they are equal yet. Equitable solutions like making employment quotas in the workforce and affirmative action in American universities allows these minority groups that were initially discriminated against encouraged to gain the skills to work in high skill labor and destroy the institutions that lead to the cycle of poverty that disproportionately affect minority groups.

posted about a year ago

Boaster absolutely ate that shit

posted about a year ago

bffr who actually cares

posted about a year ago

There are a large variety of reasons why a person would be obese, whether it be they have some type of disorder that makes it difficult to lose weight or they're just a lazy little fuck.

If they're lazy, then I completely agree with calling them out. There are so many resources available to people to lose weight that it is not necessarily easy to live a healthier lifestyle, but the path to becoming healthier is very clear and obvious.

There is a much grayer area if this is a disorder. Many obese people became obese because of some type of trauma, or they have some type of medical disorder where it is difficult to not gain weight, like leptin resistance. For the trauma part, many people have for example been abused as children or abused by a spouse, and eating is a very common way that these people deal with this trauma. These are much more difficult to deal with, and it is incredibly unfair to namecall these people because of their weight because it's largely out of their control. Someone with leptin resistance literally doesn't stop feeling hungry, and abuse victims need a long and difficult recovery process to not only get that PTSD of their abuse out of them, but also to develop a healthy relationship with food.

Being fat for no reason is bad, being fat for a reason is fine and reasonable and these people often are trying to not be fat anyway

posted about a year ago

I'm pretty sure the official reason given is that they had a limited budget, and they decided to use a smaller venue to instead focus more on the stream setup and getting more features and extra stuff on the broadcast other than the match

posted about a year ago
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