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Registered: March 5, 2021
Last post: February 28, 2025 at 1:00 AM
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they gotta reduce the amount of ult points imo, players are getting way too good at 1 taps for it to be worth 8

posted about a year ago

dude's saving Demon1 from the onliner accusations rn

posted about a year ago

Bald buff too crazy

posted about a year ago

I don't care how biased they are, Brasil was an incredible crowd. There are very few crowds that can challenge them in hype, and the dynamic when the Brasilian teams were playing between the roar of the crowd and its silence was incredible as a viewer, reminds me a bit of traditional sports when the away team completely silences the home crowd with a dagger.

I appreciate JPs attempt to be unbiased, but when there's equal cheering for both teams good moments its a bit boring imo

edit: also you misspelled the suffix -esque
you meant to say libraryesque, meaning, in the style or fashion of a library

posted about a year ago

thank you for reminding me to rewatch the greatest valorant match of all time, KRU vs Gambit

posted about a year ago

DRX should be favorites to 2-0 their group
T1 could lose tho, but I give them a decent like 20% chance against NRG/NAVI

posted about a year ago

Fut or EG over DRX

I don't have a real reason why but I just love seeing DRX fail

posted about a year ago

not to say they were a fluke team, but that UBSF could never be replicated.

MxM did well to get where they were, and at the beginning of the season I wouldn't have had them 3rd, but they landed exactly where they deserve to. They are just a tier below M80 and The Guard, which makes sense; M80 and The Guard were competing pretty well last season with teams who are in franchising right now, and MxM entered the year a damn F/A team

posted about a year ago

Aspas should have 10/10 gamesense, literally anybody who has played with or against him has talked about how deliberate he is with every peek and piece of utility he uses. Dude is the model for all Jett players on how to play around their utility

posted about a year ago

Fortnite players are the future of val

posted about a year ago

xeta was never on Vision Strikers

posted about a year ago

victor with the supreme sweater and balenci slides lmaoo

posted about a year ago

MXM M80 and TGRD would be upper half of the league in EMEA

posted about a year ago

tbf, on pearl only FUT has been seriously playing Astra, NAVI played their stupid solo Astra comps that they used to beat up on shitty teams, and TL and FNC don't even play it. I would think that harbor viper is purely better for the patch they're playing bc B long pushes can be stalled indefinitely with their wall cycling. There's a much larger window to play around with viper astra than there is with viper harbor, and astras need to use two stars to completely smoke the choke.

posted about a year ago

well that fucks my 50% pick, she's gonna be must pick on Pearl which the Americas teams love

posted about a year ago

90% - Loud win the tournament
50% - viper has the 2nd lowest pick rate among controllers (Harbor I think will have the lowest)
10% - DRX loses in the group stage

posted about a year ago

The Valorant Champions 2021 tournament featured many talented players, and determining the absolute best player can be subjective. However, there were a few standout performers during the tournament. Some notable players from Valorant Champions 2021 include:

TenZ (Sentinels): TenZ continued to showcase his exceptional skills and impact on the game throughout the tournament. His performances were crucial in Sentinels' success in winning the tournament.

nAts (KRÜ Esports): nAts, playing for KRÜ Esports, consistently displayed strong individual performances and played a significant role in his team's success.

ZETA (Vision Strikers): ZETA, a member of Vision Strikers, showcased his strategic playstyle and excellent mechanical skills during the tournament.

Derke (Fnatic): Derke, representing Fnatic, stood out with his consistent performances and clutch plays, contributing to his team's strong showing.

These players, among others, made significant contributions during the Valorant Champions 2021 tournament. It's important to note that Valorant is a team-based game, and success is achieved collectively. Different players can shine in different matches and situations, so individual performances may vary throughout the tournament.

( I couldn't do anything after 2021, it doesn't let me)

posted about a year ago

I'm making emotionally charged takes here not logical decisions ok

posted about a year ago

Americas = Premier League

There's a dominant team (Loud/Man City), but other teams in the league are very high level and can compete with that #1 team (NRG, EG, C9/Arsenal, Man United, Newcastle, Liverpool, etc.)

EMEA = La Liga

Small set of teams that are so clear of the rest that it's pretty sad, these teams are basically guaranteed to go to Europe/International comps (FNC, TL, FUT, NAVI/Barca, Real Madrid, Atleti)

APAC = Saudi Pro League

DRX/PRX = Al-Nassr, Al-Hilal, Al-Ittihad

posted about a year ago

FUT and EG both making it out of the group

posted about a year ago

Babybay lmfaooooo

posted about a year ago

Zeta have got to make a change, they've been sticking with the same roster for far too long and are carried by, let's face it y'all, a fluke run from a year ago.

posted about a year ago

he's not a must pick anymore, but I bet some more awpers are going to be more inclined to pick him now that he's actually viable

posted about a year ago

I'm tired of Stellar IGL too, but unless someone else on the team can IGL, I don't like the thought of flexing either valyn or bang off of their best agents, assuming ofc that valyn is best at controllers

posted about a year ago


who tf is getting FiNESSE for 5 bruhhhh

posted about a year ago

unless valyn can flex onto sentinel then idk about him

posted about a year ago

If you are being actively ignored by your "friends" it sounds like you actually need new friends. It's very difficult to leave a relationship you thought was good and change is scary, but dropping toxic friends is so insanely good for your mental. Trust me, I've had to drop one of my best friends bc he's a toxic little shithead and it's done wonders for my mental health and relationships.

posted about a year ago

viper and harbor play very differently

viper on defense is much more like a sentinel, while harbor can be played much more aggressively, and kind of has to for full value from his kit

on attack, viper can be much more flexible for lurks and flanks, but it is incredibly difficult to cancel a site hit if you run solo viper for controller, as her wall is static. Harbor on the other hand is much more flexible for execs, but his lurk potential is terrible, and by lurking you are actively wasting the best parts of your kit

posted about a year ago

RIP Twisten

If anyone is reading this, just know that you are loved. If you are in a dark time in your life, and are considering taking your life, you can push through. There's always light at the end of the tunnel. <3

posted about a year ago

same thing happened to me, I just picked the upper bracket decider first and then it worked out

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

mako surely

posted about a year ago

there's a lot larger player talent pool in NA tbf, VCL is full of former T1 pros who couldn't make it to franchising bc of limited roster slots, teams like TGRD and M80 are definitely good enough to play in franchising.

Doesn't excuse this pisspoor performance from DSG tho

posted about a year ago

putting him on jett at this point is a throw bc he's not an elite entry player, and to be a jett player you kind of have to be an insane rifler who CAN awp, and not the opposite way

posted about a year ago

what happened to yay is completely unprecedented and probably will never happen again. Dude wen't from concensus #1 in the world to being relegated from the T2 system playing on basically a F/A team.

posted about a year ago

Feel like TenZ wouldn't have lost every match in this split at least

posted about a year ago

d3ffo has to be pretty high up there, went from a world champion level player to the bench of a T2 chinese team, the fall off is insane

posted about a year ago

this whole split has just been complete garbage from DSG

posted about a year ago

Wallahi this man is finished

posted about a year ago

she's definitely not meta if she's only used on 2 of the 7 maps

posted about a year ago

yoru is the opposite of meta duelist, and neon is only really used on lotus

posted about a year ago

interesting. I don't really see how maintaining the status quo while at the same time redistributing the wealth is possible, because eventually the money is just going to make it's way back to the top but it's definitely better than the shit we have in America.

posted about a year ago

get him on a franchised team and he's gonna be back on his 2022 level

posted about a year ago

The history of America doesn't have to be indicative of the present. We had slaves in the past does that mean all Americans now support slavery? The goal for lefties should be to try and connect with people and educate them on the topics, not piss them off and call them subhuman

posted about a year ago

yay was carried by the system he had at optic so hard. His teammates job was entirely to set him up perfectly to get AWP kills, and now that he has to do it all on his own he can't do it at nearly the same level

posted about a year ago

can you give some examples of these progressive right wing takes? Just curious

posted about a year ago

And why do you think they didn't support gay rights, crt, and feminism bro? Do you seriously think they were just born with the hatred of women, black people, and gay people programmed into them?

posted about a year ago

from my own personal experience (probably not a very good source), a lot of right-wing talking points are based on anecdotes with dubious accuracy that are used to make edge cases look like the norm. I see Fox News on at the gym a lot, and 90% of the time they talk about shit like critical race theory and the LGBT community, and use one-off incidents that happened as a representation of the entire nation. It's probably just the media being shit as usual, but that's the majority of my interaction with super right-wing people so that's all I really know.

posted about a year ago

do you realize how terrible this mindset is for the cause? Labelling right-wingers as mind-controlled zombies who can't think for themselves is a massive reason why right-wingers won't listen to us. They are people too with their own desires and worries. They are doing what they think is best for themselves and the people they love, and because of Fox News and other stupid right-wing media, they think that the status quo is the best solution when in reality it is sucking them dry of all their worth, and when they are no longer valuable to the system they'll be fucking dropped off with no help. Empathy is how you get people to support you, not being a dick and trying to get in argument matches lil bro.

posted about a year ago
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