This could just be a honeymoon phase, but if MIBR is good in LCQ then it’s obvious
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Registered: | March 5, 2021 |
Last post: | February 28, 2025 at 1:00 AM |
Posts: | 2574 |
This could just be a honeymoon phase, but if MIBR is good in LCQ then it’s obvious
I would have had hope for SEN if they had Flyuh instead of that fraud dephh
Should pay for his kids preschool while he’s at it
There would be some role issues with Valyn and Flyuh but Johnqt could work
He has all the skill he just needs to learn some fucking discipline istg he does some stupid push that even if it does work would only result in a 1 for 1 trade and it just makes no sense. My theory is that he’s been enabled far too much by his coaches and teammates in 2020 and 21 to do those braindead pushes bc ppl weren’t skilled enough to punish him yet at that point, but now that he’s act playing against good players and not playing duelist as much he can’t do that same shit all the time
This split shows that for this team, being free flowing is not very good. They relied too much on hero plays by cryo, Asuna, and bang to win rounds, and when it came down to the fundamentals they just couldn’t compete. They need to go back to being the structured robots they were last year if they want to compete at a high level again. Mikes is a good assistant and that showed last year, but he’s really not fit for a head coach role like Sean was. I would say bring back Sean but he clearly left because he wants to care for his family and casting is far less stress, so idk where the solution is.
Taco is easily the worst jett in Americas, possibly even in all of tier 1 valorant
As a fellow mwzera believer I have to admit that he is a fraud
One of his big things was his flexibility, but in reality it should be expected for an initiator player, and players like Zekken and Asuna have shown either more flexibility or better play at the initiator/2nd entry role
This whole post is a whole lot of nothing
I read the whole thing and legitimately don’t understand the point you are trying to make, is it that companies shouldn’t invest in the potential in esports because it makes it too artificial? Your analogy about esports teams to Victorian era English football teams makes no sense, esports teams now have a far greater reach that can be utilized by advertisers than the man united of the 1800s did. There also are surely inspiring stories in the world of football or other sports that are similar to the stuff that the FNC players went. I’m not familiar with football very much, but in basketball players like Lebron or Damian Lilliard literally came from the trenches to the top of the world.
This just feels like romanticizing the idea of esports and making it some issue that it really isn’t. We WANT to be treated as seriously as traditional sports does, and with that comes the Silicon Valley venture capitalists, Saudi sheiks and Chinese businessmen that will come and invest in teams, that will eventually grow the game to new heights, and do we not want investment in esports?
Heat acts like he’s on the level of Aspas or Derke but is just a mid and washed one trick
Jamal Murray doesn’t even deserve to be anywhere near this comparison
Mwzera deserves a honorable mention
Why did NA have their matches start on Saturday and end on Monday? Why not start on Friday and end on Sunday, and have their best game on Sunday when their’s one match on, I feel like Friday match days would be much better than Monday match days
They did win and draw vs Barcelona, but their knockout stage run was an actual Mickey Mouse run, they had Porto Benfica then AC, while City had Leipzig and Bayern and Madrid had Liverpool (I’m not even gonna speak on Chelsea, as a fan myself it’s actually embarrassing)
Trap is a sub genre of hiphop, the same way drill is a type of rap
City win something like 2-0, but the 2nd goal comes in a 92nd minute dagger
lev has the skill to beat teams like 100T, Furia, and possibly NRG on their best day, they are just too inflexible
OCE has like 2 total players in franchising, at least LATAM has a competitive team made up of all LATAM players
I just realized the NA teams when 5-0 against SA lol
Asuna is one of the most important players to 100t bro
MIBR and KRU are about equally as bad
I'd put EG in the same tier as FUR and 100T and move NRG to C9 tier, NRG lost 2-1 to C9 when NRG was looking awful
EG is playing too good to be put in the same tier as the goobers on SEN and LEV, SEN is too disorganized and LEV are too readable to be a real threat rn
bro just needs to move to val at this point, maybe that'll save his career
anyone saying rossi is the problem don't watch the games, if he was korean and not indian I bet he wouldn't get nearly as much shit
this actually seems like such as good ranking system, except some bias can possibly come by ppl voting on their country's teams or their friends' teams far too high than deserved
I don't think that LEV would be able to beat C9 or Loud, they're an incredibly readable team, and c9 is one of the best at pregaming their opponents, and Loud are able to skill diff 90% of teams in franchising, it's not likely, stop the cope
brazilian fans couldn't even shout comms if they tried, the stadium was too big
it makes sense you can hear comms in this bc the stadium is way smaller and voices carry further
no way guys a crowd in the United States favors the teams from the United States instead of from LATAM or Brazil who would have thought
ah I'm stupid I thought they had 3 wins not 4 (it's not likely they win a single game left tho lets be fr)
what was that stuff they said on the desk about not having playoffs guaranteed even if they win both
They've lost the h2h to all the teams they played, so I think they need to beat both loud an c9 and have furia or eg lose all their games
what does 100T need to qualify? is it win against MIBR and hope EG loses one of theirs?
Furia is still better than half the NA teams and all the LATAM teams
you may have early onset parkinsons, please see you doctor to find the treatment that's right for you
the crowd is stupid but do you seriously think that players are going to be putting any attention on the crowd instead of the actual game?
one of the things that I really don't like about the gym community is how much it worships treating your body like shit. A lot of influencers talk about hopping on gear, doing dirty bulks, or in general eating like shit and then expecting results, while others shame people for being skinny or fat and mock their appearances to stroke their own egos. Good on you for recognizing a fault in your own life and trying to solve that because that's something people can't always accomplish
Rob Moore is the most incompetent douche of a CEO of an org I know, he was literally carried to fame because of Bugha and the only reason he is relevant now is bc of Reykjavik 2021. The org is riding off the coattails of FN World Cup and Masters 2 2021 and have no clout or success in any other game
god that dude needs to find a new team
I heckin love plat chat!
They have very entertaining but sometimes surface level analysis of the game, if they really don't care about a game they don't hesitate to show they don't care, like they sometimes do with APAC, but I respect it, they are basically half the Americas talent anyway and offer more insight into the game than most other valorant content creators (aka valorant tiktokers who think they're hot shit bc they peaked imm 1 once during closed beta)
DFM winning 2 maps total this year is crazy
MikesHD just isn't as good as a coach as SGares was, simple as that. 100T never was the most cracked team, and they got results with cool strats and solid fundies, and right now it seems like they have neither of those and need to rely on starpower, which is not as strong as Loud, NRG, or C9
I haven't been paying much attention to APAC, but how are they on path for playoffs when they were predicted to be one of the worst teams in the world at the beginning of the season
they tried too hard to make cryo something he wasn't over the offseason, and now they are significantly behind in practice vs all the other teams. Instead of innovating, for the beginning of the regular season they had to drill the basics while everyone else already did that stuff
it's actually insane how differently you play viper vs all the other controllers
He's cracked but top 3 controller in the world level is crazy
I'll believe it when he pops off at an international event other than Lock/In
Copenhagen–>LCQ–>Champions was the most exciting time
There were so many good teams all hitting their peak at the same time, and at champs every time played very good games, and even some of the worst teams in the tourney (Furia, Boom, Xerxia) had their maps and moments