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Registered: March 5, 2021
Last post: February 28, 2025 at 1:00 AM
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he may have been really dickish and generalized two whole groups of people, but is he really wrong? You see that the majority of universities, professors, and people with PhDs tend to be left leaning. A lot of the stuff that is considered left-leaning nowadays, like feminism, gay rights, critical race theory, etc. have roots in higher education and a lot of the theory involved has a prerequisite knowledge and education in fields like sociology that you can't get outside of a classroom. Not to say that conservative ideology can't be rooted in educational systems as well, but a lot of higher-education systems lean leftist.

posted about a year ago

I'm 90% sure that working class Americans would side with far left ideology if they weren't fed complete lies by right wing media

posted about a year ago

I also hate sinatraa fans

posted about a year ago

I hate SEN but I love most of the players (except TenZ, dude gave us nightmares for years back when they were good), Zekken is chill, Marved is crazy and I like Loud so I thought Pancada and Sacy were cool

posted about a year ago

Breeze in comp was fun, but boring as hell in pro matches. No nuance for real strategy, it really just came down to "tap heads better=win"

posted about a year ago

he wasn't forgotten by many ppl is what I'm saying, a lot of casuals think he's still good bc he destroys ranked players

posted about a year ago

staying up till fucking 1 AM to watch DRX 26-0 Attacking Soul is not going to be good bro

posted about a year ago

sage is in such an awkward place. On ct side her solo anchor potential just isn't very good, as her wall and slows are so temporary and can be pushed through so easily, and on t side she has barely any lurk potential and no flank protection, it's impossible to get nearly as much information on lurks on sage as you can on cypher, and her wall is much stronger on the hit. They need to rework her or something bc as she is right now she is too weak to do much other than be an easy as fuck agent that players with small agent pools can flex on when they can't play their normal role (like cryo sometimes does when Asuna plays raze)

posted about a year ago

going from grinding valorant to poker is one of the most random career switches I've ever seen lol

posted about a year ago

LOUD 3-0 whoever comes out of the Lower Bracket, LLL sweeps whole tournament 9-0

posted about a year ago

will ppl show up for the non-JP teams? I heard that ppl weren't even showing up for the vcl stage 2 bc Crazy Racoons wasn't there, wouldn't it be even worse if a bunch of foreign teams show up??

posted about a year ago

goku solos

posted about a year ago

sinatraa has so many dickriders on tiktok who are convinced he can make a comeback

posted about a year ago

if they've been naturalized then I don't see why they can't play under the flag of their new country

posted about a year ago

you can't tell me that a team running a yoru in playoffs isn't trolling lmao

posted about a year ago

crazy that d3ffo went from champions contender to playing in Chinese T2

posted about a year ago

imagine the viewership if one of the chinese teams plays Loud or Fut

posted about a year ago

LOUD vs FNC rematch, 3-2 Loud

posted about a year ago

s0mple on his way to de_mcdonalds instead the playoffs stage, Zywoo clears

posted about a year ago

very easily the best sentinel in Americas, possibly the world

posted about a year ago

Aspas would never last in my plat 2 matches

posted about a year ago

feel like there's way too many people in ur S tier, imo S tier is only reserved for the GOAT conteders, like Aspas, Derke, etc.

posted about a year ago

clearly you need to call him sean "seangares" gares

posted about a year ago

all of this is prolly a publicity stunt for their new sixth man announcement

posted about a year ago

this has to be bait

posted about a year ago

redditors love circlejerking their "intelligence" when in reality they parrot stupid talking points that make no sense

posted about a year ago

bro's job is playing valorant ofc he has a better understanding of the game than us

posted about a year ago

Team Secret almost has an average age of 30 lmao they need to get some pinoy zoomers on their team

posted about a year ago

good joke man

posted about a year ago

he was at least decent when chamber was meta, he was a straight up chamber one trick, and now that chamber isn't abusable he's being exposed as a fraud

posted about a year ago

no group stage tho, and the skill level of this tournament is so far even from just Berlin it's insane

posted about a year ago

KRU are pretty good, either DFM or KOI maybe

posted about a year ago

back when Tacolilla was good

posted about a year ago

get off before you get pregnant lmfao

posted about a year ago

bruh I mixed up Derke and Boaster's name lmfaooo

posted about a year ago

unfortunately, it happened in a mickey mouse tournament with a shit format

posted about a year ago

good igls turn a good team into a world class team, literally look at any of the world class teams in valorant, FNC has Boaster, OPTC had FNS, DRX has stax, NaVi has Ange1, LOUD has Saadhak, they all have a world class igl. When teams were all aim no brain, they had either no sustained success or had flashy plays but no good tournament performances

posted about a year ago

I cheer against Fnatic because I'm a hater of all people's success and want them to fail

posted about a year ago

chamber meta basically became a battle of who has the better 1 trick and it was so boring to watch

posted about a year ago

is it the same way that pre-Reykjavik Brazil was hella puggy and got exposed in Masters 2 2021 for not having any real strats

posted about a year ago

who are these Chinese teams, I remember EDG but who is Attacking Soul? Are they any good? I remember I watched a bit of their vods and they ran a weird breach comp with no viper on lotus and it honestly looked like they're in their own fucking world in terms of team comp development

posted about a year ago

he didn't count any other language streamers, like Gaules

peak:1 444 670
average:432 597

Paris Major:
peak: 1 416 854
average: 504 919

Lock in had a higher peak vierwership, but more people were watching the other playoffs and Legends stage matches in Paris

posted about a year ago

EG actually look pretty good, but they have NRG first round lol they’re fucked

posted about a year ago

They picked him up for the clout Lil bro

posted about a year ago

I would kick Nitr0 off TL too after what happened this major, how tf do you lose 2-0 to Apeks

posted about a year ago

Replace one igl who can’t frag with another but this time it fucks with the roles even more lol

posted about a year ago

Pov: you don’t watch the matches

posted about a year ago

Role issues are a huge part of a team, and was a major contributor to why SEN was so bad this split, making valyn learn agents he may not be used to could be kind of a throw if it doesn’t work out, but Flyuh could be huge

posted about a year ago

I’m saying more short term fixes, but long term I think if they keep underperforming a retool is necessary

posted about a year ago

Sign a new head coach and put mikes back at assistant coach

Sign a new igl, Stellar is not a good fragger and isn’t a good enough caller to justify playing basically a 4 v 5 constantly

A lot of the problems with 100T has to do with strats and fundies, we see the player skill with Cryo, Bang, and Asuna (sometimes), and Derrek is a decent support player and isn’t the immediate problem. They need a coach right now who will hammer the fundies into them and an igl who can actually win a gunfight

posted about a year ago
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