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lmfao I got 32 pages with 1558 posts and replies

posted about 2 years ago

Trent so far hasn't left The Guard yet, it was reported that everyone except for Trent is LFT

posted about 2 years ago

damn this reminds me how many cracked duelists players there are in NA

posted about 2 years ago

just replied to their tweet, hopefully they want a G1 jett one trick

posted about 2 years ago

lets be honest here, 100T will absolutely not hesitate to completely restructure their team to fit the op if they can sign yay

posted about 2 years ago

Franchised rosters are going to pick them apart

posted about 2 years ago

Can’t believe GENG and T1 made it over DWG, bad message to all the homegrown KR orgs rn that riot would prioritize the rich ones rather than the ones who invested from the beginning

posted about 2 years ago

I’d hope they are able to work out their differences like mature adults

posted about 2 years ago

The only org I can see dropping their whole roster for Optic would maybe be EG, but idk if they have the financials to drop what’s needed for this roster

posted about 2 years ago

Yay- all 5 NA orgs in franchising will throw an open check at him, my hope is he replaces Will on 100T
Marved- once again, probably another open check situation, but SEN can really use a primary smoker right now to replace Shroud
FNS- joins Marved on SEN replace Shahzam, with Yay, TenZ and Marved they will have more than enough firepower to carry FNS
Crashies- NA is very stacked on initiator players at the moment, he’s probably not going to make it with BCJ and Nismo both on the market and the rest of the rosters having already very good initiators
Victor- whoever misses out on the Zekken sweepstakes will pick him up, I doubt SEN or C9 try for him with them having TenZ and leaf

posted about 2 years ago


bro legit said failed post after 4 minutes lmfao

posted about 2 years ago

Question, with the international leagues bringing together different regions (except EMEA lmfao) does that mean that for example, Optic can pick up like 2 BR players and the 2 LATAM players and 1 NA player? Or DRX can go full mixed and get 1 KR, 1 JP, 1 PH, 1 TH, and 1 SG/MY?

posted about 2 years ago

this was the most confusing format you could have possibly made to rank NA EMEA APAC and BR

posted about 2 years ago

he needs to get a larger agent pool, no matter how good raze is he can't just be a one trick

posted about 2 years ago

1,481,747 viewers for the grand finals, this is looking fantastic for the future of valorant esports, and the viewership wasn't only carried by costreams, the main stream on twitch and yt had over 300k viewers for English

posted about 2 years ago

I'm NA but ngl I was cheering for Loud

posted about 2 years ago

BR had the biggest redemption this year, from last year being considered one of the worst regions if not the worst, then they were doubted after Reykjavik and Copenhagen after going out in groups and getting 2nd, to now winning champs. The Americas League is going to be absolutely stacked, I can't wait for next year

posted about 2 years ago

Optic just sat in CT spawn lmfaoo

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

If only it wasn't a 6v4 then Optic would have won

posted about 2 years ago

aspas actually keeps a little phone with the valorant stream in it so he can see Optic's setups

posted about 2 years ago

For as long as yay is going to be popping off, FNS never will need to frag. Once yay starts to drop off, we'll start to see more of the effect of FNS anchoring the scoreboard and it'll be tough to justify keeping him on the roster, no matter how insane his IGLing is. Also, by that time I think we'd see an IGL that has more frag potential while also being a high tier IGL

posted about 2 years ago

NA vs BR makes more sense considering franchising and the history between Optic and Loud

posted about 2 years ago

Ange1 throws a lot for FPX, most of the time he's anchoring the scoreboard but sometimes he has his pop off games that reminds you why he plays valorant still

posted about 2 years ago

before FPX vs XSET, what else has even happened, riot just kinda force fed us an EMEA vs NA rivalry that nobody really asked for, meanwhile actual rivalries like LATAM vs BR were mostly ignored.

posted about 2 years ago

common hw0l L

posted about 2 years ago

Shahz doesn't play the same agents FNS does, you'd have to take Crashies off his role

posted about 2 years ago

I think I'd rather see valorant have an NA vs BR rivalry, NA vs EMEA is just legacy from old games that feels fake. With how much Loud and Optic play each other, I can sense a rivalry between the regions brewing. This would be less of a hate-filled rivalry like it is between BR and LATAM, and more of a mutual respect between two of the best in the world rivalry.

posted about 2 years ago

Imagine how insane the Sao Paulo crowd will be for the kickoff tournament if Loud win this right here, the hype will be at an all time high

posted about 2 years ago

Floptic Yayming was a good one ngl

posted about 2 years ago

Optic: Marved
I say Marved here and not Yay because you can ALWAYS depend on yay to frag. He'll drop 20 every map minimum, what's really going to need to show up is the support players, and the best among those is Marved. If Marved can cleanly anchor sites like he usually does, It's going to be a long day for Optic as they constantly need to retake at the man disadvantage.

Loud: Aspas
Aspas gets the responsibility of OP dueling with Yay, easily one of the hardest things to do as a pro player. Aspas needs to be at the top of his game and make sure he doesn't get completely differ by yay so he can wreak havoc and allow the rest of his team to be at ease knowing they don't have to be in fear of el diablo at every turn.

posted about 2 years ago

fr, why wouldn't you want to watch the two best teams in the world play in a BO5 lmfaoo

posted about 2 years ago

rostermania is starting early

posted about 2 years ago

yay is the best awper in the world by far. It's not even close. close the thread already

posted about 2 years ago

He used to be a CSGO pro and he was T2 at best

posted about 2 years ago

I could see them picking up a player like bdog to replace Will, but I doubt Derrek Asuna and Bang are leaving, and igls are a rare commodity in val, and stellar is a pretty good one

posted about 2 years ago

That's the most immature copium response I've ever heard, he hasn't qualified for a VCT challengers main event in years, and the ONE thing he is known for in his OPing is getting diffed by other NA chambers like yay and cryo. Sad to see how far he's fallen off and still doesn't have the drive to get better

posted about 2 years ago

Optic do set him up perfectly but yay still aim diffs any chamber he goes up against

posted about 2 years ago

I swear I've seen so many videos of people spinbotting and walling on tiktok of valorant, considering how invasive vanguard is the amount of hackers is crazy

posted about 2 years ago

controller- all are viable on all maps, some may be better but it's not impossible to play with them
initiator- same with controllers, but fade and kay/0 are much more of a "must-pick" than sova and skye
duelist- raze is a top tier agent for multiple maps, jett is still very good for multiple maps, phoenix and yoru are niche picks for a specific map, reyna is reserved for when Jinggg is feeling it
sentinels- there is almost no reason to not pick chamber unless your awper is terrible, KJ is only good on one map and cypher needs to be played in such a specific way to be decently good

posted about 2 years ago

W mods, gotta poke fun at your own game when the dev does something stupid

posted about 2 years ago

10 teams are locked into contracts with riot to play in one of 3 regional circuits, the Americas (NA, SA), EMEA (EU, CIS, MENA), and APAC (SEA, CN, SA, JP, KR). Similar to League of Legends, each league plays 2 splits, with masters tournaments after each of them with the exception of the 2023 season, where there's a kick-off tournament in Sao Paulo, Brazil followed by 1 split, a masters tournament, then LCQs, then finally champions. Other than the international leagues, there are also regional challengers series, which are essentially the T2 scene. The top teams of the challengers series then play in a regional ascension tournament, where the top team is promoted to the international league for 2 years, with roster protections as well as all the benefits of being a partnered team. It is important to note that riot hold almost all the power in this system, orgs don't pay to play in the league, rather riot pays the teams to play, so orgs have to play by their rules to stay in.

posted about 2 years ago

I could see it, mwzera hasn't shown much diversity in his agent pool other than an elite world class raze, everything else is very mid and not up to par with his raze. If he could flex more then somebody will pick him up

posted about 2 years ago

Valorantle #50 2/8

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🟩 🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩 🟩


posted about 2 years ago

I can't wait for the valorant mobile game to release so I can mald at my ranked teammates on the go now

posted about 2 years ago

If G2 moves to America they are 100 replacing NRG, 100T has too many connections to riot and are already one of the biggest esports brands in the world barely behind orgs like G2 and TL

NIP also maybe as a possibility? I doubt they replace LOUD but maybe Furia?

Maybe BR has 3 spots LATAM has 1? Sad as it is, LATAM-S is basically the only region that gets rep for LATAM and BR has better viewership. Turn KRU into a LATAM superteam and add some team like NIP or MIBR in place of LEV

posted about 2 years ago

code gayass

posted about 2 years ago

I'm confident that Cryo, Zekken and BcJ will make it to franchising, but sadge for AYRIN and dephh, I don't see how they make it when there's more talented players out there

posted about 2 years ago

I already know every val hating CSGO dickrider is gonna milk the absolute fuck out of this XSET vs FPX drama as proof valorant sucks.

btw I'm also a CSGO fan so I'm not even a hater, it's just so weird that people can't appreciate two games at once

posted about 2 years ago
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