I thought the orgs were given stipends from riot for the specific purpose of player contracts
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Registered: | March 5, 2021 |
Last post: | February 28, 2025 at 1:00 AM |
Posts: | 2574 |
I thought the orgs were given stipends from riot for the specific purpose of player contracts
I think they can just straight up remove them if it's clear they don't intend to be competitive, which is where the RRQ roster is looking to be going towards so far
I have watched a single-digit amount of GC matches and all of them were C9W vs SRGC
hey at least some APAC orgs are trying to build comp rosters
EG is getting hate for keeping their current roster (so far) instead of going for talent that has proven to be better than them. I can kinda understand the idea behind it, they want to develop the talent themselves to perfectly fit their system, but it doesn't really make sense to not go for some of the top players in the world when the go up in free agency
why take these unproven PH players when the players from Onic and BOOM were all LFT and are PROVEN to be better than them
Easily one of the teams in the franchised league system, no way anyone is going to pull them out of the #30 rank in the leagues.
the map most teams run a sage on, Icebox, doesn't really even need a duelist to entry, so with sage you get a very simple agent with decent entrying on the map and solid anchoring, and the possibility of pop-offs/self-sufficiency with her heal. Also, having ur best player farm resurrections is pretty busted since you can trade out a player and then res them to make a 4v4 a 5v4 and make a decent play into a bad trade
TenZ didn't do any shit talking, he only didn't practice for months until the SEN boot camp
XIA 13-8
if you're doing it to climb then no, just duo queue, but if you're doing it to fuck around then yes it's very fun
can any latam fans tell me who the hell Daveeys and Feniz are
Team Secret had a 6 man roster with jremy for APAC challengers stage 2
oh, good. If SEN let TenZ go they are actual so stupid, he has the biggest brand of all the pro players and is still cracked asf
not too surprised about Shahz, he didn't show much promise at still being a T1 igl, but TenZ? He may be overrated but that doesn't take away from the fact that he's a top 3 entry in NA rn
note that for a time they had players with Covid, so his performance at champs could have been impacted
I'm shit at the game, like G1, but that doesn't mean I can't criticize players. My mechanics are just shite
he has shown incredible talent and potential and it was a pretty decent decision to build a team around asuna. He's an elite level entry and elite level initiator, and he's decent on sage, but he has shown some inconsistencies this year at champs, but you can't really take that too much to heart, since he was incredibly solid at M3 2021 and domestically this year. If the cryo rumors are true, there should be a lot less fragging pressure on him, since now he has a player he can consistently depend on to drop about 20 per game instead of hope one of bang , derrek, stellar, or will can pop off that game so he doesn't have to completely carry. Also, his stats look very bad, since his game is built on playing aggressive, so he has a lot of deaths, and when those start to add it his K/D looks bad and brings his KAST down a bit
wow logos went from pure white to pure black, what a difference
there's too many pure white logos, just in the partnered teams, there's RRQ, Talon, TS, PRX, Zeta, Karmine, Giants, FUT, EG, Leviatan, MIBR, and NRG, and even more that use white predominantly in their logo color scheme. Give us some more unique colors like the purple with KOI, or the pink on KRU
If there was a Hurricane mwzera, trembo would fly straight to florida
Navi could buy FPX w/o ardiis was the rumor
they do it because it makes them money. I have never bought a single gun in valorant, but even I feel a strong urge to buy the reaver vandal when it comes up because I don't know when it comes up. It encourages people who are on the fence on buying a skin to impulse buy it because you don't know when it'll show up again, if ever.
biggest upset in NA valorant history
unstable financials (different owner for the CDL team every year)
so-so relationship (tried to get NA LCS spot, didn't get it)
neither talent nor clout was the issue
I mean, his agent pool should still be decent, it's not hard for sova players to also play fade and he was also an elite raze? Teams would kill to have such a flexible player, but idk if it's worth taking the pr hit when there's players like BCJ, crashies, victor and Zekken still on the market who have more recent success
Asuna is the best player for 100T, his worst matches were when he was on agents he's bad at like skye or sage. Assuming cryo is taking will's place, he's probably going to be playing more like Zekken's role, where he plays ultra flex, but defaults to entry roles like raze and neon, which he has shown he is one of the best at in NA
at that point you shouldn't care what other people think, unless you're doing something REALLY stupid, you're fine tho
the only thing I hope for is that the USMNT beats England, I don't care what happens in the rest of the tournament
he could be a Brazilian living in the US, it's not impossible
trembo unironically made me an mwzera superfan
mwzera is not only a player but an entity.
literally all the br good players were inspired by him, he teached them a new way of aiming, they looked at him as a god, as a superstar, a rolemodel.
just to imagine he was 18~19 years old in that time, so glad for the things he built
he influenced a generation of players become the best version of themselves
he is the most talented player in brazil, better than aspas or anyone u might think of
but he doesnt have sacy + saadhak
mwzera is constantly dropping amazing numbers with different class of agents, he have been to multiple teams with different people with different IGLs and his performance simply doesnt decrease, for an insane amount of rounds, for months, for more than 2 years
aspas play for the best br team atm, a team who have been stomping every other team in brazil, his job is basically to press mouse1 while most of his enemies are stunned/blind
remove saadhak+sacy from his team and then we can see how he performs and his real level of fragging power
here is what happened when they faced eachother with teams of same level
mwzera +19, 11-1 FK, 200 ADR, 335 ACS
One of the most iconic performances of all time
if you give it a chance, american football is literally the perfect sport. You have the hard hits and fast paced action for all the meatheads, and then you have the strategy, playcalling and roster building for the nerds, the technical aspect of football is one of the most difficult to master that I've ever seen, especially for quarterbacks and cornerbacks
If the United States wins the rest of the world needs to use customary units and call it soccer for the next 4 years
most intelligent valorant fan
I'm guessing nats and redgar would replace dima and soulcas? Damn that's an insane team
Nats on liquid? holy fuck what a superteam
I can't think of a single igl that I would take for 100T over stellar, he fits the roles perfectly and plays well enough and doesn't completely throw like some players do (FNS cough), 100T should at most move will for cryo or yay, but nothing else should change
I thought the rumor was that nats is going to Vitality too
100T possible roster
yay/cryo, asuna, bang, derrek, stellar
I don't think they will move away from the asuna bang derrek core, and stellar is a very solid IGL, so I don't think they will make signing one a priority. This would also probably move asuna back to the primary entry role. I doubt they would want to bring on FNS or dephh because they play on roles that overlap with bang, asuna and derrek, and you want to keep those guys on their best agents. There's no way that 100T completely rebuild after such a successful season they had, just a couple of retools and they'll be back.
mad because TenZ has more twitter followers than the whole BR T1 scene combined
Nivera is definitely good enough to make a franchise team, he just gets put on roles like viper and breach that are so support oriented that it's hard to fill out the statsheet