so imagine that some F/A team won Ascension, would they be able to compete as the F/A team or do they have to get signed by an org
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Registered: | March 5, 2021 |
Last post: | February 28, 2025 at 1:00 AM |
Posts: | 2574 |
so imagine that some F/A team won Ascension, would they be able to compete as the F/A team or do they have to get signed by an org
First Strike Philippines: Bren Esports
DubsteP, BORKUM, JessieVash: Team Secret, doing decent, top 4 in Pacific
Ching: stuck in India T2
Dispenser: Coach for some Filipino T2 F/A team
maybe some team who has a League team but not a val team like Flyquest or GG
In Americas I think he’s a top 3 pure aimer among jett players behind D1 and Aspas
DSG one is uncanny, feels like I'm looking at a ss of the logo
makes the stakes of each of the playoff games higher and it really rewards teams that did well in the group stage. They had the time to do a double elim bracket but imo it was a good choice for the narrative to make ALL the games feel high pressure
he is a good raw aimer, but playing jett is a lot more complicated than just aiming, you have to be mindful of timings, positioning, utility, and a lot more game sense than people usually attribute to duelists. Those are the things he doesn't have, if you watch his matches it's clear that he is all aim no brain
EMEA players get poverty salaries, and FNC has stars at every spot so I doubt it's derke
maybe cryo or TenZ, they both had massive buyouts, pretty sure cryo's was a record in the scene
fs having ppl like Poki and Valkyrae promote the game probably made it much more appealing on launch
aesthetically more pleasing to the eye, as well as being much more beginner friendly than most other Tac FPS games
I'm also pretty sure OW has a pretty decently high female playerbase compared to other FPS games too
istg you can go like 50/4 in your placements and get put in Silver 3 lol
how can anyone take a conclusion drawn using data from a sample size of 10 seriously
After chamber buffs, they should really lean into maps where cryo can play chamber again. This opens up the primary duelist spot for Asuna to play raze and neon which he is much better on than skye, breach, and Kay/0. They could also play the EG double dive stuff on Split, which I think would work very well with how aggressive Asuna is and how passive cryo has been, it allows them to play in much more different ways, if they want someone to just run into site and wreak havoc then let Asuna double satchel on site, but if they want a more nuanced map control default, cryo can keep the team reigned in, bc you obviously wouldn’t rush into a site without ur duelist. Ik this is probably insane cope but I think mixing up the team comps to make Asuna play entry and let cryo focus entirely on awping is the best way to go for this team.
I feel sorry for anyone who bought tickets to that mid-off, that $10 could have been used better
they would be automatically relegated iirc
this is my own opinion here, but I think that there has to be some type of relegation playoff, make the winner of ascension play against the promoted team who's two years are up to play for the spot
every time I see these tiktok agent mains who use gimmicky setups all the time that are only used to bait their teammates instead of actually get helpful value, I get so mad. I understand there is value in setting up as a sentinel for kills rather than info, but that should only be like 2-3 times per half, not the entire game
problem is that 90% of valorant content creators don't know what the fuck they're talking about, you have mfs who peak immortal who have no actual idea about how to tactically play the game and farm clips using rat setups and killing ppl 3 ranks below them and giving shit advice like "aim higher", or "teaching" ppl how to play agents by teaching them specific setups instead of fundamental principles of the agents
he's benched I think for now, but he def is going to be gone, and should be tbh if it's true that he was arguing with bzka ab comps and strats
had trouble with the APAC one, but Americas and EMEA had a clear #1 imo
Americas: C9
derrek, tacolilla,maybe a couple ppl off of kru, heat
there's not much that really can be done about the lack of content in valorant, as the style of game doesn't really allow for much creativity in the type of videos a person can make about it, it's really limited to just ppl posting sick clips, analyzing pro matches and stuff like that. A part of the problem too is that the community is basically just a bunch of kids, and if there's one thing chronically online teenagers are, it's horny, and that type of stuff gets ppl followers and likes
I honestly don’t see a Masters 1 type run with the level of talent that would be at champions. Are they really a more talented team than teams like DRX, PRX, FNC, LOUD, EG, TL, or NAVI? Because those are the teams they would need to get through to be top 3 and I can’t see the vision unfortunately.
Sorry, I wasn’t talking about the players being fine with mediocrity, more like the org. Obviously players don’t want to lose, but it just seems like that the staff is fine with sticking with the thing that worked before instead of taking risks with up and coming talent that could elevate the team to greater heights. We’ve seen with other teams that taking players from T2 like Jake and Runi on C9 and Something on PRX could elevate a roster, and I am inclined to believe that there’s a high enough level of talent in Japan to warrant a move like that
I was talking more about prefranchising during the roster mania that happened
From the outside looking in, it seems like they are completely satisfied with mediocrity. They made no changes from a roster that did very little other than the Masters 1 3rd place run and was already looking mediocre before franchising, and still play with the same play style they’ve been using for years. I wouldn’t think that there isn’t enough Japanese talent to warrant a roster change considering how popular the game is over there, so why would they keep the same 5?
Still a 100T fan but EDG flair for rn bc they aren’t in masters
C9 major championship up there too, heavily doubted coming in as well and beat the best teams in the world in the highest stakes in CSGO
Bro doesn’t understand immigration
Ethnicity does not have anything to do with citizenship
the opportunity that was given to them to quali for Americas playoffs was purely luck but they made the most of that opportunity
tiktok for you page sees that I like valorant competitive and think's that I like these feral ass hardstuck bronze egirls
you failed 3rd grade bro we get it you don't have to tell us twice
idk how ppl stand these people, they're either a bunch of egotistical maniacs that think they're god's gift to mankind because they hit immortal, or a cringy fake voice edater who acts like he's "fighting his demons" because his little egirl broke up with him on discord. Every time I see these mfs on my tiktok feed I actually cringe because it's always the shittiest content of all time, where some dude tries way too hard to hit a clip for his little tiktok page, or some egirl does some weird horny ass shit and pretends like it's natural, or some dude who hit immortal one time in closed beta is trying to tell people how to play the game when they have never been good, never will be good, and will be hardstuck ascendant forever. And their twitch streams are so boring, it's literally just watching somebody queue ranked games, and mfs flock like pigeons to them as if it's better than playing the game for yourself.
you are being hacked, delete the game and burn your pc or risk having your identity stolen
can't believe I have to wait until this garbage is over before we get to the real games
FUT have overall looked so much better than DRX this series, better firepower, better ideas, only thing keeping DRX in is hero plays and some mistakes from FUT
EDG, it would be an incredible Cinderella run
I've ordered stuff from 100T and TL, and they both are very good with their customer service, and their apparel is very high quality.