Vinny is a great player and he will work out in LOUD, but...
he CANT, as a capitan, show the frustation and sadness after a loss in public
its not about not showing passion, its more like staying positive for the team, if u are angry and frustated after a loss and u see your capitain angry and frustated too u only got worst, have u ever seeing Zellsis or Saadhack, or Valyn, or any other IGL/Capitain looking very frustated and crying and just saying things like 'everything went wrong' and 'I dont know what happened' after a lost??? Thats the point
Maybe he knows the potential they have and they didn't even come close to as good as he thinks they can be. I agree you need to have some composure but just after a loss I think it's not as bad as through the rest of this next week. sometimes some negative anger helps you realize you need to preform better and to have everyone step up to the plate and improve. I agree if it's all the time, but having a loss like that should kind of make you angry. Loud should've won Split way before Kru had a chance to come back.
no id rather have someone who dosent perform that well but can get the team morale up rather than someone who performs really well but tanks the morale because 1 person not doing well can be compensated but a morale loss = team disband(in a lot of cases).
idk tbh since im clearly not an esports player but i personally wouldnt want a frustrated atmossphere in my team