may my most trusted friends put me down like a dog if I ever send something like that to an egirl
oh hell no
i mean as long as he’s not insisting this is just a lame pick up line lol nothing wrong with that
George Geddes was run off the internet for less
we both know that isn’t true
someone correct me if i'm wrong but i don't think this is worth exposing?
this is funny af hell yeah it's worth exposing
i mean he didn't nothing wrong? He just rizzing up egirls no harm though!
Zion Williamson?
what the fuck 💀💀💀
slayworldalbanias gf 😭
so random
you cant make this shit up
What the fook
Nothing crazy about ts, maybe a bit creepy. He shot his shot, understood he wasn't him and went back to his business without harassing her
a players gotta play
what makes a man do this kinda shit? is it the eternal thirst? or simply we men are just that horny
not everyone is that down bad DMing every girls, that's just weird.
holy airball 😭😭
Looks like some egirl want some attention over some cringe pickup line lmao
yh true ngl... bad tatic to fuck mental before game
its not just 1 there are at least 10-15