Flag: International
Registered: February 17, 2024
Last post: March 21, 2024 at 6:01 PM
Posts: 112
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posted 11 months ago

i love qck

posted 11 months ago

Less and Cauanawhatever when they do horrible: its ook my glorious kings 🥺🥺🥺🥺 we'll do better next game
QCK when he moves a muscle: FUCK YOU YOU SUCK DUMBFUCK BITCH GET OFF MY TEAM WHERE IS ASPAS THIS DONKEY CANT GET A KILL (he's playing for strats not frags) FUCK YOU can you get a little bit closer to the camera though im abt to bust

posted 11 months ago

image: https://imgur.com/a/c8amwEv

hint one: pro 1 is an active assistant coach playing in T1
hint two: pro 2 is a recently acquired player for a historic org


pho and seven

posted 11 months ago

yea and fifa career mode is awesome

posted 11 months ago

It's what having a team of rookies should look like

MiniBoo, paTiTek, RieNs, (basically besides one LCQ round) benjyfishy, Wo0t

posted 11 months ago

*vitality flair

posted 11 months ago

the what

posted 11 months ago

this is NOT a virus blud

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

if seulgi accepted if not taken

posted 11 months ago

Approved, feel free to make roster changes as you see fit now! Make sure to read the rulebook :D Also if you would like, join the discord!

posted 11 months ago

Approved, feel free to make roster changes as you see fit now! Make sure to read the rulebook :D Also if you would like, join the discord!

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

APPROVED FOR FNATIC, already in discord my goat

posted 11 months ago

you can make any team changes you want or just wait until the regular season starts

posted 11 months ago

Approved, feel free to make roster changes as you see fit now! Make sure to read the rulebook :D Also if you would like, join the discord!

posted 11 months ago

Approved, feel free to make roster changes as you see fit now! Make sure to read the rulebook :D Also if you would like, join the discord!

posted 11 months ago

do I let bro in

posted 11 months ago

Approved, feel free to make roster changes as you see fit now! Make sure to read the rulebook :D

posted 11 months ago

no I just don't have a job

posted 11 months ago

Approved, feel free to make roster changes as you see fit now! Make sure to read the rulebook :D

posted 11 months ago

Approved, feel free to make roster changes as you see fit now! Make sure to read the rulebook :D

posted 11 months ago


Let's face it. Your favorite team doesn't know how to run their org. I mean, if you were in charge? It would be so easy. Your team would be winning championships in their sleep. Well what if I told you that you could prove it? Welcome to VCT Manager! A game made by a VLR user FOR VLR USERS. Put your player knowledge and management skills to the test against other REAL users in simulated VCT seasons right here on this forum! TO JOIN, YOU NEED TO JOIN THE DISCORD

If you're interested, here's the rulebook. I have explained everything in much more detail here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O4R2VY0aTQlY9hT-84nhrbzKhDM6pMI7wl44NPYGDdI/edit?usp=sharing

The rules on how to join as well as the open teams are in the rulebook. Make sure to follow them as they are important to me knowing you can actually read. If you have any questions, you are completely free to ask away and I will answer + clear it up in the rulebook.

posted 11 months ago

finished basic rulebook, making post now poggies

posted 11 months ago

im having FM24 withdrawl so im gonna make a forum game thats just fm but VCT/Valorant, will post info soon (~1-2 hours). Hope you guys check it out :D

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago
  1. gets big bucks from massive esports company in asia bc young talent has to stay in t2
  2. gets to play with egoist (egoist has been noted as a big fan of yay from when he quit val, circa BLEED Unfiltered Episode 1)
  3. can't play in RIOT ONE, all good
  4. gets to kickoff
  5. play T1 where he and his "older brother" Deryeon do awful and get 2-0'd by T1
  6. get to play an awful GE
  7. yay tweaks the FUCK OUT during the game and plays incredibly similarly to crazyguy (see split [total assterclass] and icebox [he gets to play jett and still does abt as well as a crazyguy sova]
  8. Egoist puts up a 1.49 on the decider [split] but yay does AWFUL on viper so they lose 11-13

    ok bleed you have role issues and you put yay on initiator do you want to put him more towards and get rid of deryeon or just bite the bullet on the yay experience. i mean deryeon is yay's best friend but surely if you

  9. initiator player [crazyguy] and sentinel player [egoist] put on inactive
  10. egoist retires because of this and focuses on studies, demotivated
  11. wtf
posted 11 months ago

if we lost we get edg even if redraw we get you or prime kc

posted 11 months ago

between fpx heretics and loud we get loud wtf

posted 11 months ago

this is how to bring 100T to VCT winner

Drop - Asuna
Sign - Sonofcar

gg for americas

posted 11 months ago

gen. g esports best in apac

posted 11 months ago

why tf am i downvoted

posted 11 months ago

we beat prx 13-5 btw

posted 11 months ago

A team is only as strong as its weakest player.

posted 11 months ago

so people don't get the wrong impression just incase

posted about a year ago

i might want to kms.

lose to the last second EG roster which was gutted
get to play-ins
get your first game against mibr who just got whooped by sentinels
lose game 1
win game 2 because mibr tilted knowing they were out
lose game 3 anyway because mibr goes for the win anyway
has to play sentinels
lose map 1 so your eliminated
players getting clowned
immediately after they lock in
beat sentinels
still eliminated


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

you do not speak for us Gen.G fans, hush little boy

posted about a year ago

I've seen a lot of black FN pros though but maybe its just that FN is super big especially at its peak

posted about a year ago

thank u guys for answering my question

posted about a year ago

has their been any black pros in valorant, at least T2 or maybe even T3?

posted about a year ago

The SEN and 100T things are subjective and I understand. However, I think EG has the most potential to be good because of the performance against G2 and how good the players have been. However, it's potential because they have only played one game and are relatively unproven.

posted about a year ago

Saw the America's ranking and decided to do my own.

  1. LOUD (Could go either way with NRG. Really good showing against the group of death however so this team takes the edge based on their proven results rather than theory.)
  2. NRG (Could go either way with LOUD. The best team on paper with Ethan and Demon1 but it's unknown if they can keep it up with the other top teams yet. The answer is probably yes, but I need that to be proven in playoffs.)
  3. SENTINELS (This team could be either really high or really low. When this team is in their prime they can beat almost any team. They probably won't stay this high unless they qualify for Madrid, however. Breeze against 100T and the entire set against G2 have me cautious but the games against MIBR and LOUD have me optimistic about 24' SEN.)
  4. EVIL GENIUSES (The team with the most potential on paper. The team has looked very promising against G2. Supamen and Derrek specifically have seemed like great pickups and Jawgemo has seemingly continued his VCT form. Also, Potter dif.)
  5. MIBR (Everything I am about to say for G2, MIBR are the antithesis are. This is also the most shocking rating here by far, so let me yap for a second and explain myself. MIBR have come back from seemingly horrible situations and made things competitive for themselves. Bringing a 1-10 match to 7-12 is very impressive. So was coming back from 6-2 against G2. Shutting down C9 after they got put on the OXY show in the rematch was awesome. This team is unfazed by fear and even when the cards are down they have found ways to make games more manageable. The problem is finishing these runs. They couldn't close out what seemed like an easy OT win against G2 on split. They failed to keep the momentum of a 4-1 start against SEN on map 2. They couldn't finish off C9 in a 11-7 lead which would definitely have let them face NRG. fRoD's boys will definitely put up good runs in America's should they fix their consistency problems.)
  6. Leviatan (This team SHOULD be good but fails exactly when you need them to come up. The set against LOUD was pretty competitive and is probably the only reason they are high here besides having Aspas. But they looked middle of the road against SEN and 100T. Letting SEN face them on Split when 100T whooped them 13-3 on the map is one of the most questionable decisions I have seen. Signing Tex hasn't gone well and bringing in C0m when nzr has put Leviatan on his back for ages and has chemistry with Aspas and Mazino AND was amazing at Superdome has to be studied at a university. This group is extremely prone to imploding and we just have to wait until they do.)
  7. G2 (This team can look promising! But the amount of times they have bottled easy opportunities given to them is the reason I can't put them any higher. Simple.)
  8. 100T (Definitely has the potential to do well with Boostio and Eeiu but the old core has to put in more work.)
  9. C9 (Only this high because they beat MIBR once, on paper KRU is better.)
  10. KRU (Shyy hasn't developed paint addiction yet so automatically better than FURIA.)
  11. FURIA (yeah.)
posted about a year ago

because they have already won the slot?

posted about a year ago

"The team coming from the Play-In stage will be placed on the opposite side of the bracket from the team from their original Group" just means that SEN can't play LOUD it doesn't mean they're going to play EG. SEN v. NRG is just as possible as SEN v. EG

posted about a year ago

offense my bad

posted about a year ago
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